Netanyahu won’t agree to hostage release deal unless it polls well for him, Israeli families say they were told to World – 303 points –
Netanyahu won’t agree to hostage deal unless it polls well for him, Israeli families say they were told

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not agree to end the war in Gaza in exchange for the release of hostages unless opinion polls show it is politically advantageous for him, a top Israeli security official told the families of those held captive, a person in the closed-door meeting and an advocacy group said Friday. (...) “The Israeli government made a conscious and deliberate decision to sacrifice the hostages,” the Hostage Family Forum said in a statement Friday. “The hostages, and the entire State of Israel, have been taken captive by those who chose political interests over their national and governmental duty.”


Jfc. Politicizing hostage releases. What an asshole he is.

Worked for Ronald Reagan.

He sure was a beacon of moral fortitude.

Reagan withheld all aid to Israel only to replace it with military aid on condition that they use it to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon. He was just telling them where to point their guns.

That was after he supplied the weapons to Iran that armed Hezbollah in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Reagan came along at the worst possible time for America. He was the instigator of many of the issues we face today.

It’s almost like actors and real estate con men with no experience holding office aren’t the best presidents.

More like there is a century old structure that promotes rich "donors" interests and a cohesive American political and economical elite that shares those interests.