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Joined 8 months ago

Google really overstepping worse than ever

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Jesus Christ fuck Elon, how terrible can he get.

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Hot damn, that’s terrible and national news worthy shit.

I was worried about acid rain; it sounded very concerning.

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Slavi Ukraini! I hope they can fly 100 of these through.

The best I ever received? Start saving and investing when you’re young to benefit from compound interest over time. I didn’t take the advice, but I received it!

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“their” airspace?

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I’m invigorated by this, bravo Pennsylvania.

You love to see it, Slavi Ukraini!

Meanwhile Jared Kushner gets $2 billion from the Saudis and nobody bats an eye.

I asked it a question about the ten countries with the most XYZ regulations, and got a great result. So then I thought hey, I need all the info so can I get the name of such regulation for every county?

ChatGPT 4: “That would be exhausting, but here are a few more…”

Like damn dude, long day? wtf :p

It’s news worthy enough for a technology sublemmy, I’d think.

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You love to see it.

I’m getting proud parent vibes from your creation.

Seems every month there’s a new sexual category for me to learn. For anyone else like me who didn’t know:

Autosexuality means people are more attracted to themselves than to others and may prefer masturbation to sex with a partner. It doesn’t mean that someone who is autosexual will never have sexual relationships with other people. It simply means people who are autosexual feel more sexually aroused by themselves rather than by others.

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You might have a point in here, but you’re bombastic tirade approach makes you look unhinged and people won’t parse it to find the truth beneath.

The loss of Hong Kong is a shame.

I hate to say it, but watch the David Goggins interview with Huberman recently. The overall point is - hard stuff is never easy, it always sucks, and there’s only one way through it and that’s by doing it, no matter what.

In your scenario, you’re always waiting for the moment when it “feels good or right” to do the work… but it never does feel ideal, right. That’s the key, accepting that it sucks and pushing on through that sucky part anyway.

The good news is, the sucky part gets less and less once you pass the first hump of starting. It’s like the hardest part of exercising is getting started, once you’re doing it you’re fine.

Good luck, I know the feeling.

Can he be any more unlikeable?

I think Nimarata sounds like a pretty cool name.

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Now I’m going to search it out and watch it, Streisand effect here we go.

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Great, Slavi Ukrainian! Godspeed guys, keep it up!

Doing the Lord’s work there matey, good on you.

On her deathbed my mother said “God loves you for who you are, not what you do.” , hoping for a little respite for generally not being a great person. I didn’t say it aloud, but thought to myself, “but mom what you do is who you are.”

I wonder if Myrna's actions at JoAnn’s really were out of character, I do choose to believe so.

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Aye these assholes.

There is a fax number in the info box you can try to send a message to it.

Dude I see you around here on the regular, so I’ll mention that this is ironic for me to read this, because we also named our daughter an old, obscure but “real” name that is also a plant (a flower, specifically).

It’s from France, so I asked a French friend before using it if it was ok to use and not a weird name, and they said “sure it’s ok, but it’s like an old grandma’s name no one uses anymore.” And that’s when I knew it was the one!

I used to be well into crypto and a proponent of it (years ago) but now I think it’s getting pretty idiotic; this is nonsensical.

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It’s a heartbreaking travesty

It is and it isn’t, “AI detection” is even crappier than AI is.

Now this is a shitpost!

You’re not wrong, but I’ll say some devil’s s advocate stuff: hunting is a lot harder to get a successful kill than you make it out, deer are experts in their environment, they aren’t just bumbling around, and hunters usually honor the animals they kill reasonably well.

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Somebody’s thirsty.

Sounds like my grandma’s recipe for cuck casserole.

Maybe adjusted for inflation, maybe…. but I seriously doubt it, 100 billion is an astronomically high amount.

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Why couldn’t they also transplant and save the old trees?

Edit: ok I believe you guys, was just hopeful and curious

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That’s photoshopped right?

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Fun fact about secrets, they can be sold twice!

Slavi Ukraini!

My relative was a stewardess, and she said the ups and downs of many flights a day (domestic, multiple small flights) combined with airline food would give them all gas.

They had a maneuver they called “crop dusting “ whereby they would release their gases during nonchalant walks up and down the aisle.

This helped disperse the fumes rather than leaving them concentrated.

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