Jordan and France drop humanitarian aid into Gaza by air to World – 272 points –
Jordan and France drop humanitarian aid into Gaza by air - I24NEWS

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“their” airspace?

Recognizing it as their airspace isn't legitimizing their claim to any territory, it's just an acknowledgement that they hold it fully in their control.

That's like your opinion dude. In actual law national airspace (the only airspace a nation can actually own) extents over territory (whether land or territorial waters).

So in reality recognizing airspace over Gaza as being Israel's recognizes Gaza as Israeli territory.

That makes sense, actually. Thanks for the correction.

Ever hear the saying possession is 9/10 of the law? It doesn't matter who's the legal owner of the airspace when your primary concern is preventing a major diplomatic incident.

Ah yes. The old finders keepers clause. Definitely something we should be applying to rules on national airspace.

I'm not talking about the rules you walnut. I'm talking about avoiding a crisis.

Well France is possessing the fuck out of Gaza's air space right now, and haven't been shot down by the IDF. So by your logic I think it's clear who owns Gaza's air space.

"By my logic"? You sound like someone who's putting a lot of effort into misunderstand everything I say because want to be right about something I'm not even talking about.