645 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I want more predatory websites to do this so that I can avoid them.

Is "Crushed" a new term for driving away the most active and interesting users away?

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From the same company that is going to ditch android auto and apple car play

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RIP to those running a 4090 on their rig.

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They should be fined for generating a lot of unnecessary e-waste as well.

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Today's pegging is sponsored by Nestle.

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Me reading this from lemmy

This is the way

Haha, nice try developer from Netflix HQ

I worked with people from many indian IT companies who just outright clone github repos and tell clients they developed the entire thing from scratch.

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Why do people even participate after all this mess

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Can't these companies not be greedy for 5 seconds?

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Not every "smart" software solution is smart nor is every "AI powered" software having AI.

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Maybe don't drink coolants? But yeah I get your point.

What's the point of Zoom as a product then?

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Honestly I like Lemmy more and more everyday. It's quality vs quantity when it comes to posts and the users.

If somebody can scrap that annoying song from the internet it would be win for humanity

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Google Playstore is also in the shittification phase. The amount of ads and sponsored apps is an eye sore. I use F-Droid as an alternative but most mainstream apps are not there.

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Who asked for this

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If it takes reddit data to train a model, instead of Artificial Intelligence we will end up with Artificial Idiocy and a horny one that too.

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Ah yes, the Snake oil merchants tried to sell snake oil....again

So if your subscription expires, will it go fully transparent?

This is the same as "HR cares about the company, not the employees"

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It's illegal for the poor, not the rich.

Pro tip : Any apple product without a 3 digit price tag is fake.

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Don't the govt have better things to take care off rather than what watches people are wearing?

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The words " big tech " and " well being " shouldn't be in the same sentence.

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And when it leaks, you'll end up buying a new system.

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Lemmy is getting a lot of content these days. So I'm happy with it.

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It's simple actually. Don't buy HP products. Even their laptops have huge quality issues and flawed motherboard designs. Their firmware updates are known to brick motherboards. Even if you are under warranty, they won't give you a new board, instead they'll give you a refurbished board. FUCK YOU HP.

Why are all these companies hell bent on making more e-waste

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2 girls 1 router

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That's exactly the point. It's just how companies market their products nowadays.

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stfu pichai

It's not exactly fault of AI. It's a human problem. People have been doing this for years now but AI does make it easier.

I had to lookup what ACAB meant. Here's a summary: The Wikipedia article on "ACAB" discusses the acronym's usage in various contexts, primarily as an anti-police slogan. It explains that "ACAB" stands for "All Cops Are Bastards" and has been associated with criticism of law enforcement, especially in cases of police brutality and misconduct. The article also delves into its origins, history, and controversies surrounding its use, highlighting the differing opinions on its message. Additionally, it covers related topics such as "1312," an alternative numerical representation of ACAB.

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Git fork your-parents

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Soon data entry jobs will become almost fully automated and many people will be left jobless. After even data annotations might as well become automated to a point and those people will lose their jobs as well.

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Oh that's nice

What a joke