Guterres reveals new details of UNRWA probe: of 12 suspects 9 terminated, one dead to World – 46 points –
Guterres reveals new details of UNRWA probe: of 12 suspects 9 terminated, one dead

My guess is that by the way the unfunding quickly played out that the proof is substantial. It's going to be more than a dozen before they see countries tax dollars again.

Does anyone know what this proof is? Seems odd that you have to guess

You can go back through the years and see Israel complain that the UNRWA was fostering hate. Madaris in that part of the world have been known to do that. The proof that they're actively involved in terrorism is above our pay grade, but we do know various hostages were being held by teachers and doctors.

Madaris? Just call them schools like a normal person. Anyone seeking English in Gaza would call that a "school". Kinda weird, why would you choose a different word for this? Flaunting your Arabic, or what?

How many Gazians speak English as a fist language? Why do you have a problem with a word?

Most people here speak English as a first language and you're making the choice to switch to the foreign word here for a reason.

Lots of foreign words in the English language. No reason to be afraid of them.

I think you are doing it to make it sound more like the Taliban for whom the word "madrasa" (and not "madaris", but somehow you wanted the plural form) specifically means religious schools that indoctrinate children into political Islam. No one else tends to use the word to mean otherwise. Hamas doesn't do that kind of stuff. Basically, education in Gaza is on par with the rest of the world. They have had excellent universities, they have had excellent medical centers that had to specialize in very specific types of injuries (thanks Israel!). The UNRWA school offer a normal education like any other in the Middle East (Arabic, English, Math, Science, and so on). There is nothing "madrasa" about it. And yet you chose to use that word.

Now, I don't want to go around accusing, I just can't help but think, why did this person choose to use a Arabic variety of the word "school" to describe Gazan schools and education? Is it just, *"omg look at me I speak Arabic, yalla bro!" or is it something else?

You are very much not off target with your suspicions about this account's motivations. And it's not to show off their familiarity with Arabic.

This both isn't one and I don't for a moment believe you're using it in the name of multiculturalism. You're a reliable apologist for Israel and want to make "schools" sound like something scary.

As their first language? You just need to speak it. I think English education is compulsory in schools in Gaza so I'd safely bet almost everyone speaks a medium to advanced level of English.

Wait really? Unrelated to the wider topic, I'm finding it hard to believe the majority of any Arab nation's people speak a medium, let alone advanced, level of English.

It's all thanks to the English for colonizing us. Usually, the second language spoken is either English or French, depending on who this country celebrates its independence from.

I even was an English teacher in the Middle East at some point lol

Yes, English is taught in most Arab countries starting in Grade 1 all the way up to highschool. Almost every upper educational organization will offer students English 101 if they fail a placement test or need extra help.

I know about English education in the Middle East since I'm from there; what I meant is: Does it actually stick in Gaza? At least where I'm from it goes like this: You just memorize the words and grammar, somehow pass the exam and then forget all of it, after high school you go from kinda sorta having intermediate level English back to only knowing the basics unless you study a field where you learn in English. I doubt the average person in the street from my country would be able to have a functional conversation with a, say, foreign tourist, so I'm wondering if it's different in Gaza.

There are certainly problems with teaching it as a second language, but it's still taught by UNRWA teachers (to at least one third of the kids there) from an early age.

I grew up in Jordan and the average young person will in most cases speak good English. It fades with older generations given how much their education sucked, but a large portion of people speak it. I've even been told that it was taught better in the 80's than now.

Don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't speak enough English to communicate with someone on the street except for my Grandma and she was basically illiterate.

What country are you from?

Ps: to answer the question specifically about Gaza, I don't have any stats for that, but I know the UNRWA schools teach English

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Why do you have a problem with a word?

^^^ look guys, a prime case of definitely not bait or trolling ^^^

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The proof that they're actively involved in terrorism is above our pay grade

How convenient. So we're just supposed to take it on trust.

Of course I have seen the Israeli claims and read the UN Watch report where they quote some social media posts. Probably not enough to stop aid to a humanitarian organization but maybe it's because my "pay grade" is too low to find out the really juicy facts they have which definitely totally exist and aren't just made up ad hoc justifications for cruelty.

During the 2023 Israel-Hamas war one of the hostages said after having been freed that he had been held in a house of a UNRWA teacher. UNRWA said that it is aware of the claims and is investigating it.[144] Additionally, teachers and other educational staff of UNRWA have been reported praising Hamas's terrorism on social media, referring to it as an "unforgettable glorious morning" and a "splendid sight."[145][146][147] The IDF uncovered assault rifles, ammunition, grenades and missiles with varying capacities of Hamas, hidden in and underneath UNRWA institutions.[148][149][150][151]

This reminds me of the constant denials by haters of Israel regarding the rocket attack on the hospital.

Lots more evidence of the connection between UNRWA and Hamas in that Wikipedia article.

Dude. If you think you should be able to walk into intelligence agencies and get their information on a particular topic, that's truly sad.

Source: bro trust me

Lol what a joke

I don't think anyone really cares who you trust.

The fact remains that the source for this claim is bro trust me. Nobody should care who I trust. But I'm sure most people can see that "bro trust me" is completely useless. I will believe it when I see evidence

You are not asked to believe it.

Nobody should believe anything because of a "bro trust me" and if you do you have a serious problem. I know nobody cares if I believe it, I am not stupid

Denual is a refuge for weak arguments. Obviously the the countries that control fund8ng are not in denial.

Bruh, "above our paygrade" is a prime example of denial, deflection, and appeal to authority.

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Scepticism in the face of a lack of evidence, especially for a claim from one side involved in a war, is not only a good idea but necessary. Would you just believe a Russian claim about Ukranian schools, no questions asked?

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Like that time there was a Hamas base underneath the hospitalsand the IDF definitely didn't lie about it?

If the IDF has such amazing proof why aren't they just showing it? Nobody trusts these people on their word.

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What’s the ‘terminated’ language mean if not ‘dead’?

Good question. Fired maybe?

So 9 people got fired and one murdered. Sounds like there’s a bit of inequity with how they handle these issues