0 Post – 257 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hate the Wayland logo; it's trash.

unfortunately I cannot find alternatives to the gore subreddits :(

"Journalist" -> "Hamas fighter"

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Leave Gaza? No, but they were instructed to go to the other side of Gaza, and civilian convoys doing just that were bombed. Don't worry though people who were able to flee to the camps were also bombed. As for the people who didn't flee, they were surprisingly bombed.

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Fedora 39
Manjaro 23
Ubuntu 23
Linux Mint 21
Debian 12

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More transparent about data collection, and less likely to reinforce biases. Mozilla vision for trustworthy AI

Because Firefox collects diagnostic data by default; which they used to achieve this improvement, but @possiblylinux127 doesn't like that.

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Plainclothes Chicago police officers fired nearly 100 gunshots over 41 seconds during a traffic stop that left one man dead and one officer injured

Five officers from a tactical unit who were in an unmarked police vehicle surrounded an SUV last month driven by Dexter Reed, allegedly for failing to wear a seatbelt.

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alias update='sudo pacman -Syu && flatpak update' or just use one of the trillion GUI app stores like pamac, discover, or gnome's thing whatever they call it.

KDE Plasma has a desktop effect called "Track Mouse" after you activate it you can use it by pressing Ctrl+Meta. It doesn't look like the MacOS variant, but it does the job.

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Hamas made me do it. The bloodstains on the walls are just ketchup and the children getting dragged from under the rubble are just paid actors. Please get your current president to condemn Hamas and give us a shout out, thanks.

Now he'll be having a few bad years.

This is not just about the strikes, read the fucking article.

minors in the Palestinian territories have endured systematic violence for decades. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 1,434 Palestinian children have been killed between 2008 and August 31 of this year, with most deaths attributed to Israeli forces. The UN Office for Children and Armed Conflicts (CAAC) documented 1,679 cases of maimed minors between 2019 and 2022. Defense for Children International, citing UNICEF data, reported that 3,000 Palestinian children have been detained, interrogated, tried and imprisoned since 2000. A significant number of these minors (1,598 in the past decade) needed medical attention while under arrest, suggesting possible mistreatment.

There are cases of this even in the West bank. Should I copy the whole article for you?

Not sure how you could even justify this as an accident.

You don't. What are they gonna do about it? The US will supply you with another carrier in a couple of days, and suck your dick shortly after.

Man, I wonder why Gazans haven't accepted peace with the occupation government. They could've got all the benefits that the West bank is currently enjoying.

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I don't even care about the API prices and I used to use the official Reddit mobile app before migrating.

I've been looking for an open source Reddit like platform since the Twitter drama started and people started migrating to Mastodon, but there wasn't much content on them, until now, so I jumped on the band wagon.

The intention is the same, the justification is different. You'd need to be blind to not see that.

It's not like they weren't murdering people on the ground before the raid took place. They are still doing it right now, but you'd rather not acknowledge that.

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If you don't know the direction of the Kaaba', then you try approximating. if you can't, then pray facing any direction. I don't know where the other ones come from, but this is not coming from the council, but a hadeeth.

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Flatpaks have the concept of runtimes; instead of downloading the entire qt tooling for a qt app the app could just use the KDE runtime same goes for GTK with the Gnome runtime. Flatpaks also have dependencies which can be shared between multiple apps even when they are not part of their runtimes, they are called "baseapps". Flatpak apps still use double the space my normal apps take on a fresh install, so I assume using appimages to replace them will leave no space on my SSD.

Before deciding to settle on using Flatpak I tried to search for appimage permissions and how to set them, but it seems there is no such thing? If that's true then there's another advantage for Flatpaks and Snaps.

Also with all due respect: Flatpak and Snap tooling are not maintained by Probonodb.

You can do this in Nemo by default, and for Dolphin you'll need to install the KDE "kio-admin" package.

Israel claims that Hamas is using Al-Shifa to store weapons - Video suggests IDF might have rearranged weaponry at Al-Shifa prior to news crew visits

Israel claims a tunnel ran through a cemetry - Israeli commanders failed to prove their claim during a three-hour visit to the Bani Suheila cemetery and the surrounding area.

Israel claims the UNRWA is involved directly with Hamas in Gaza - ???

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The people who will leave Gaza are never gonna be let back in. The neighboring Arabic countries already have lots of Palestinian refugees.

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it still is true this was written before today.

I didn't even imply that it wasn't. Doesn't change the fact that they lied before and will lie again.

If " " wasn't equal to 0, it wouldn't make sense, but since a string containing a space equals 0, you'd expect the same to apply to a string containing a tab or a newline. (or at least I'd expect that)

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There's no way they're not gonna do that, they're already annexing territories where people reside. People will move to the side that's not getting bombed and when it's all done, 2 million people will be living in half the small area they had at best.

This is intentional, the occupation government did the same thing with settlements in Gaza until people started supporting and joining Hamas. This ended up destroying the democratic PLO and Fatah government, giving them an excuse to blockade the stripe and make it unlivable.

Even though the Fatah government which is peaceful and recognizes "Israel" is still in power in the West bank, the occupation army, police, and their settlers continue to target Palestinians in the West bank killing them, and destroying their property. Isn'trael is not going to dismantle those settlements until a violent government takes power in the West bank, giving them an excuse to turn it into Gaza and from that into rubble.

This is what their government wants, and what their flag stands and has always stood for.

LOL, OK, let's say that a camera could be mistaken for a gun/rifle/nuke. Would the same apply to a phone? Because I cannot read something placed 10 meters away from me, and I still would distinguish a phone from a weapon.

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I know, right? How are they expected to dethrone Hamas without destroying Gaza; starving, and humiliating it's people. Imagine having to report every war crime you committed, I wouldn't have any time for myself.

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I used to use Librewolf too, but I opted to just customize FFs settings and keep diagnostic data collection and "installing and running studies" on.

When I first discovered that Google gives FF a large sum of money to keep their search engine the default one, I immediately got paranoid and started researching Mozilla. I ended up using Librewolf for about a month and then decided to switch back because collecting anonymous diagnostic data wasn't such a big deal, and Google doesn't seem to influence Mozilla as much as I expected.

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that's not "t", it's "\t" which is just a tab. There's also "\n" for newline.

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My Casio calculators get this wrong, even the newer ones. BTW the correct answer is 16, right?

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== but for JavaScript. What you don't understand is the == of JavaScript.

It's currently 34 - 1 for the occupation government. Hamas sucks at this, even the one they scored may have been an accident.

PDF link or it didn't happen.

This isn't a replacement for cut & past. It's for creating a new folder and moving the files into it, not to an existing folder.

In the real one it's "jumps", but "jumped" sounds more right.

Some boycotted products have plummeted in price here, and alternatives have taken their place on the shelves. Some stores and people did use this to buy them in bulk, but if this boycott isn't forgotten like the past ones, then supporting Israel may become a taboo. We may also get more statements like the McDonald's CEO statement clarifying that the middle east franchise is separate from the US one. And maybe more pathetic sights like this one:

Many McDonald’s operators in the region quickly distanced themselves from the Israeli operator’s actions. Franchise groups in Kuwait, Pakistan and other countries issued statements saying they did not share ownership with the Israeli franchise, and some of those franchises noted they have made financial donations to aid those in Gaza.

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There is a collection of open source apps that aim to just do their job with no fancy additions, they were called "Simple mobile tools". They are no longer maintained, this is a fork of them.

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Good luck. I hope that Linux doesn't let you down.

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That's insane, what's next? Not killing the dogs, not destroying property, and maybe even getting tried for crimes they committed!

Usually when I see hexbear users around, they are just holding a normal conversation. But there's this one thread I found where a guy with three obvious alt accounts is trolling, and a dozen hexbear users are licking a certain dictator's boots. So I would say it ranges from Normal to Tankies.