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The DNC replied that you are just a secret Trump fan. The party knows what is best and you should not expect primaries and having a say. Also we have always been at war with East-Asia.

I mean all the concerned people could take to the streets right now.

The DNC wants you to believe that all you can do is cast your vote for something every other year and just take the options presented. In that sense they are worse than the Reps who encourage their base to be active for more than just the ballots and it is working.

Especially now the Dems give me huge 1984 vibes in how the individual should handle politics relative to the party.

In a two party system the only way to "crush" the extreme right is by establishing another party to take the spot in the two party system. And you know what will happen then? The Dems will move from being the far right party with gay rights to being the extreme right party. Because they already are far right by any sensible measure.

"hate-network" with offering bounties for identification of people to target this sounds more like a intelligence funded terrorist organization.

And here we go again. Once someone from a marginalized group exposes the lack of backbone and the insincerity of you, you attack him personally and suggest him to be part of "the enemy". It is funny in a sad way because this reads exactly like /r/conservative over on reddit, when people challenged the current Trump narrative.

And you are happily imprisoning yourself into believing that the system is right to only offer you these two as candidates. If everyone that was progressive and unhappy with Biden would vote for Stein, then she could win. It is the mere talk about her having no chance of winning and the vote being wasted that keeps people in line to take the system as is.

I see the same arguments made against voting for smaller parties in my country where there is a minimum % they need to achieve before getting parliament seats. It is a system designed to preserve the current political elites with their network to the economic and cultural elites against ideas and movements taking a foothold.

Everyone sees what Biden is and what he stands for. If everyone who disagrees with that would take to the streets and demand the DNC to hold a real primary, or better yet demand fundamental changes to the political system, you would be surprised what is possible.

It is an enemy of the world. With all its imperfections the UN with the ICJ and ICC were the best development we had towards a rule based international order, where diplomacy and cooperation could be a counterbalance to barbarism and the rule of the jungle.

Now Israel is making it abundantly clear, that all of this is worthless, while dragging the West down morally and ethically and on top of all of this actively attacking those institutions.

Israel wants the world to devolve into barbarism and the US, Germany, UK and other supporters are actively cheering it on with their actions, while providing transparent words of "hmm. we need peace and stuff." while delivering even more weapons and preventing yet another diplomatic solution.

And how much time is that? Rape of a minor is something that can easily go into 5-10 years range in a civillian court in many countries.

If only there was some way for the largest military power in the world to make a country of 7 million not interfer with its humanitarian operations. Well i guess the only thing they can do is send the small nation even more weapons to genocide evne more innocent civillians.

How unfortunate. Whenever the Israelis want to go on a field trip the weather forecast predicts storms of bullets and pilars of smoke blocking the sun out. Those guys are really unlucky.

USA only started selling weapons to Israel in the 1960’s, and initially only defensive weapons.

Leaving aside the fact that the 1960s are 60 years ago, the patriot system is there to shoot down missiles, drones and maybe approaching fighter jets. It is a "defensive weapon".

Despite his efforts, Dolan’s message did not gain enough traction. His campaign, funded largely by personal loans, couldn’t match Ocasio-Cortez’s $8 million war chest.

You people are living in an oligarchy and "who has more money for this season" being a perfectly normal news bit outside of popular sports is completely insane.

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I do not life in the US. However because of US hegemony and my country being a suck up to the US i have to follow what is going on there.

But in case there is any doubt. The country i live in, which is Germany is corrupt and authoritarian with a complicit public and private media as well as the "center" parties moving further to the right and helping fascism rise faster than ever before. The "liberal" middle class are to a large extent just self delusional racists and the country will become a fascist hellhole in the next ten years.

So if you have the opportunity, please help spread awareness about all the shit happening here too.

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They managed to procreate successfully. Can you say the same about yourself?

The skin looks less "flat"/"clean" the face is more pale, the dark rings under the eyes are more noticeable, the lips are less red and the eyebrows are weaker.

However this is going to be extremely flawed, as it has to make assumptions about which parts of the face are made up and which aren't, probably exaggerating what it has to "correct" for. Also i wouldn't be surprised if this will struggle immensely with non white faces.

Stop spreading propaganda lies. Netanyahu said he will not stop until "Hamas is destroyed" aka the genocide is finished.

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Ahh yeah? Like the international pressure against the ethnic cleansing and annexation of the Westbank before October 7? Like the international pressure after the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh? Like the international pressure when Israeli soldiers were openly praising their counts of murdered children during the peaceful march of return protests?

You think the countries that were fine with all of this and continued to be fine with the destruction of all of Gaza, the deliberate starvation and displacement of two million people and the genocidial murder of over 40.000 of which more than 17.000 are children would somehow start having a problem with that, when Israel got back the remaining 100 hostages?

You know this is bullshit and you are lying in order to justify more of the things described by distracting from them with bullshit tropes.

Note that there is two separate streams in there. There is the orthodox Jews that use religion as a shield like you say and are avid fans of Israeli fascism but dont want to get their hands dirty.

And there is orthodox Jews that are very outspoken against Israeli fascism, sometimes going as far as rejecting Israeli statehood as a whole and demanding a Palestinian state where people have equal rights regardless of religion or ethnicity and were land has to be bought and cannot be stolen by murdering the rightful owners.

Netanyahu yelled at the German foreign minister in a meeting how she dares compare them to the Nazis after she said the pictures of full fruit stands that Netanyahu claimed to be from Nothern Gaza were not reflecting the reality there. So Netanyahu and his crownies know exactly whose historical example they are following.

But as she is a zionist and american suckup she continues to humiliate herself and Germany by continuing aiding those fascists.

Since you have the Ukrainian flag in your picture. You know that Israeli drones are used by Russia for surveillance and target acquisition? Ukrainians are being murdered by Putin thanks to Israeli tech. And of course Israel did not join the sanctions against Russia.

Why are you sucking up to a fascist country helping another fascist country invade a country you want not to be invaded?

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Because most of the military powers of the world are aligned with Israel and actively enabling and supporting this genocide.

It would all be over tomorrow if the US, UK, Germany and other fascist friends would stop sending any weapons, threaten sanctions and if necessary impose a no fly zone over Gaza. Instead Israel gets more F16s to be able to bomb even faster.

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So why are you having the flag of a country in your profile picture if you are fine with that country being invaded and destroyed so another country can commit genocide?

Shouldn't you be honest and just replace it with a Zionist flag?

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Anyone with a Jewish mother is considered a Jew and can choose to life the religion to that extent. However i am quite sure you will need to have made the decision and devoted your time to the necessary studies years before military service for the exemption to be granted.

Think of it this way. Any christian can decide to move to a monastery as a priest or nun. But if he wants to do that not to get drafted he should do that a bit earlier than the draft date.

No no you see this is antisemitic. Israel is the most moral country with the most moral army. Hamas is always targeting civillians, Israel is just killing them without targeting them. And if they did it were actually Hamas fighters, and if they werent it was their fault. And if it wasnt then it was a mistake and if it wasnt that either then a single soldier stepped out of line and got like two weeks of community service for it, so Israel remains the most moral entity in the world.

So we have multiple murders or attempted murders of Palestinian children in the US since October 7.

But pro-zionist students on college campuses claimed they feel somehow threatened there. Clearly that should be more important than actual attacks.

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Fascist 101:

Blame minorities

Get to Power

Make things worse for everyone

Blame minorities harder

Manifest more power


There is a very systematic and deliberate propaganda effort by many US media, infamously the New York times at the forefront to downplay antimuslim and general racist attacks and overexaggerate feelings of insecurity that do not represent actual danger. As a result of this peaceful campus protests including anti-zionist Jews have been brutally beaten down by the police and fascist mobs. So under the pretense of fighting antisemitism Jews are getting beaten up on campus. But according to the Zionists those are the "wrong kind of Jews" or "self hating Jews" so attacking them is justified in their eyes.

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I hate this so much. I save as a new file for a new version. I expect it to go into the same folder by default like the file i currently opened and worked on. Nope, onedrive it is if you aren't careful.

The ADL was just decided to be a biased source by Wikipedia as its definition of antisemitism is equating antizionism with antisemitism and they are a pro Israeli lobby group. That is not to say that Antisemitism is not a problem. But it is a problem where the perpetrators like in the Synagogue shooting are primarily white nazis. The same groups that then attacked campus protests speaking up for Palestine. So there is not only a trend to shift the blame to muslims and invent "imported antisemitism" like they call it in Germany, but even an unholy alliance between the classic antisemitic nazis and zionist groups

In civilized countries there is an understanding that noone is reading dozens of pages of terms of agreement, so any clause in there that is unexpected is automatically void. Expecting a software agreement to include rules not to distribute it further, break copy protection mechanisms etc. is normal so those terms are valid. But having all your data stolen is not something to be expected, hence invalid.

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For someone who has no physical experience with guns. Would the problem be the recoil kicking the gun into your face or would you break your hand? What kind of injury would you expect from this?

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Which is kind of the point he is making. Instead of engaging in a honest talk and understanding the reasoning behind social norms, they are just pushed as normative and understandably confusing to people who struggle with "just behave like everyone else, lol".

Ironically this is exposing us neurotypicals to be socialy underdeveloped instead of non neurotypical people.

Thank you. Now i learned why Revolver handles are curved as opposed to straight like pistol or rifle handles.

During off years? So the invasion of Crimea and the "civil war" in Donetzk and Luhansk are "off years" for you?

It is clear now that you don't give a shit about Ukraine.

Use of stimulants like amphetamine or methamphetamine, which are both drugs prescribed for ADHD comes with many side effects. When abused they deteriorate the brain and body quite strongly and they have many psychological problems associated with them like delusions, developing a lack of empathy, disorientation...

80 years old should definitely not do speed, even if it is doctor prescribed.

Given how prevalent make up is, especially with how many stories i heard of women struggling in the office when they did not put on makeup that specific day, how the behavior of random strangers changed etc. that is not true. There are some men, but definitely no the majority.

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Who could have thought the dozenth claim to be working together to improve something about the situation was just another smokescreen to continue the genocide with the aid of the US?

But as the popular saying goes, fool me a hundred times, shame on you, fool me a thousand times, maybe shame on me.

What are you talking about?

The intensity of dairy and beef farming is magnitudes beyond what any natural population of cattle would look like. Also natural populations are in balance with each other. So if there would be more baby cows more predatory animal babys follow and eat them.

Your argumentation is started on a completely false premise and absurd.

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Note that they are not following the Torah. There is many orthodox Jews who strongly reject the zionist project as the fascism that it is and see it as a grave sin. Those people are merely abusing the religion for their own material gain while showing no understanding of the Torah.

In a world were the US, UK, Germany and others who still stand by the fascists in Israel weren't mass murdering fascists themselves it would be a reason for them to cut ties and sanction the hell out of Israel.