
5 Post – 454 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I hear you. All you hear about is how incoherent Biden is... Bullshit. He comes across as articulate and knowledgeable here. Trump hasn't said anything at all yet. He just keeps spouting idiotic generalizations about how bad the state of the country is without any examples or proof.

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Yep. They’re starting already. This will not end well and Matt Gaetz should be impeached from office. A sitting member of government should not be calling for violence against said government. They’re getting more bold and dangerous with their statements. By the time Trump loses the next election they’ll be inciting them to war.

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Capitalism is such shit…

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In a rare move, Michael Haley fired back at the former president, posting a meme on Twitter reading, “The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack,” while mentioning Trump’s account in the caption.

Yooooooooo... lol I'll bet Trump is seething. XD

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I voted for Biden because he wasn’t Donald Trump.

In my defense, my 13 year old car died earlier this year and I needed a new car fast. I was completely unaware these systems had gotten as bad as they have until after I bought it.

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Oh yeah? Well he can go fuck himself. It's none of his business what married couples decide. Fuck him and his fascist religion. Edit: spelling

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Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

The fact that anyone thinks this is sane is legitimately sad...

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As much as I love technology, I hate the way it is being used. Car companies don’t make enough money selling cars so they need to collect and sell driver data? It’s dystopian.

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All of the unvaccinated children's parents should be charged with child endangerment.

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The GOP thinks poor = lazy. They are completely out of touch with reality.

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And Texas.

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Tuberville and his religion both need to fuck right off out of our government. This man is refusing to do his job unless the government bows to his religion. Fuck him and his imaginary friend.

Clown show.

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Flush every time. Piss stinks and leaving it in the toilet causes those nasty water-level rings of scum on the toilet bowl. Fucking disgusting.

Yeah, because growing up poor and being a slave are the same. WTF is wrong with these people?

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The fact that so many people support this man is sickening. If he is elected again, fairly, then this country deserves the doom that will follow.

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I said this in another thread, but a lot of the internet is unusable without uBlock Origin IMO.

He’s not arguing in good faith. He knows if he says that out loud the right wing media will run with it like it’s fact. Then when it’s actually proven false the MAGAs will refuse to believe it.

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I have an idea that could help these protesters. Surprising they never thought of this before, but they could always MIND THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS AND STOP TRYING TO TELL OTHER PEOPLE WHAT TO DO!

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This guy is a massive piece of shit.

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Ha! I love to see it. Fuck these bigots.

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Killing brown people so the oligarchy can exploit their natural resources is not fighting for your country.

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This is so fucked up. Republicans are the whiniest evil on the planet.

Wow. How horrible do you have to be to murder health premature babies?

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They don’t care. Their aim is to destroy the government, not do their jobs.

Republicans consider damage to the country a great thing.

This is not how the government should work. One person should not have enough power to obstruct anything. Whiners. That’s all Republicans are. They whine and cry and if they don’t get their way they just refuse to do their jobs. Pieces of shit all.

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Most likely fighting in a civil war against Christofascists.

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The protesters. Why would the people at the pride celebration need to mind their own business? They’re not hurting anyone.

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I have tinnitus, so absolute silence is never enjoyable for me. Music works extremely well; I fall asleep with the tv on.

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What the fuck…

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I hate that dude's beard. Lol

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Bash lol

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That’s how you know exactly what republicans are doing. Whatever it is they’re screaming loudest about at the time is exactly what they’re doing behind the scenes.

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Did everyone forget that Palestinians are semitic people?

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Capitalists are content to destroy the entire planet for money and they even use your tax money to help.

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