It was in self-defence 🙃

المنطقة عكف عفريت to Lemmy – 1462 points –

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BRB, on my way to withdraw all funding for an UN agency with 30.000 employees because 12 of them have been denounced by Israel.

Have they provided any proof yet?

The israeli "evidence" has been leaked and confirmed fake

But journalists from Sky News reviewed the so-called dossier and reported “The Israeli intelligence documents make several claims that Sky News has not seen proof of and many of the claims, even if true, do not directly implicate UNRWA.”

Britain’s Channel 4 also obtained the document and determined it “provides no evidence to support its explosive new claim that UNRWA staff were involved with terror attacks on Israel.” The Financial Times, which also reviewed the materials, reported there were specific allegations of direct participation in the October 7 attacks against four Palestinians employed by UNRWA, not 12 as originally asserted.

This was a transparent attempt by Israel to distract from the rulings in the ICJ genocide case and to obliterate a U.N. agency that Israel has long viewed as an impediment to its goal of denying Palestinians the right to return to the homes and territory from which Israel expelled them

The israeli “evidence” has been leaked and confirmed fake

Are the quotes you provided supposed to support the "confirmed fake" part of your comment?

Because "has not seen proof" and "provides no evidence" do not equate to "confirmed fake".

The number of very online people who think countries share their intelligence with every Channel 4 news who asks is a little surprising.

No the evidence is fake. Evidence means that you can proof something happened which israel clearly can't.

That’s bold considering all the things people on this site were so sure about only to be proven wrong weeks later.

For me, I’ll wait for the investigation to finish.

The "evidence" was already leaked and contained no proof whatsoever. Waiting must be convenient. Are we going to see the Hamas base under the hospital soon?

And it turned out israel lied almost every single time about almost everything.

Let's not forget

But there is a problem with the gut-wrenching narratives that have bolstered the underlying justification for the slaughter of Gaza: They are either complete fabrications or have not been substantiated with a shred of evidence. Many have been thoroughly disproven by major Israeli media outlets.

Hamas had command tunnel under U.N. Gaza headquarters, Israeli military says

Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said.

So, yeah. I think I’ll wait for the investigation to conclude.

No need there is proof the IDF lies about all tunnels and where they go.

I guess we’ll ignore the fact that the story I linked has journalists being walked through one. Y’know, everything CNN was asking for there and more.

If you watch the video I linked, which you didn't, they told CNN that they walked underneath the graveyard which was a proven lie.

The IDF lies. If they can't even show their evidence on video after securing the area it's extremely obvious there was zero truth to their claim.

The evidence provided by Israel alleging that roughly a dozen UNRWA staffers participated in Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught is “highly credible,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday, as media outlets published additional details on the implicated employees, including photos from an Israeli dossier. “We haven’t had the ability to investigate [the allegations] ourselves. But they are highly, highly credible,” Blinken said during a press conference

Until the information is verified by neutral third parties, this gives me some WMDs in Iraq vibes.

Both Israel and the US have a history of lying to justify war crimes and crimes against humanity.

I used to have faith that bad people will eventually pay for their crimes. That the weight of their sins will crush them eventually. But these past decades have taught me that the new response to crushing weight of sin is to simply get a stronger spine.

Otoh, Blinken and Biden have parroted everything the IDF feeds them until independent journalists debunk it.

So we've cut funding without conducting any investigation. Great.

“We haven’t had the ability to investigate [the allegations] ourselves. But they are highly, highly credible,” Blinken said during a press conference

This sounds like something The Onion would have written.

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