tryptaminev πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

@tryptaminev πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί
5 Post – 690 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

10 more years and we are at "contraception is murder"

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When i first killed someone in DayZ back in the day, when it was just the ArmA 2 mod and all the hype.

I finally found a gun and started to learn my way around the zombies, when i heard a player in a bush nearby the hospital in Elektrozavodsk. I thought he was probably out to get me, so i emptied my Makarov clip at the bush and shortly after heard the fly noise they had put to mark dead players.

As i searched his body with my heart pumping like crazy i found him to have nothing but a can of beans. I felt profoundly shitty in that moment because he was just like me at the time. Some new guy playing a tough sandbox multiplayer-game, where everything and everyone can kill you. He probably didnt even hear or see, where he got killed from, just like it happened half a dozen times to me before.

I showed cruelty to someone in whose shoes i'd had demanded mercy.

Fuck everyone pitching people to fight each other

I think you are more on the clinical bullshit side.

First of all murder requires intend, planning, using the victims helplessness or particular cruelity.

Second of all, if the guy actually wanted to kill the other one, he wouldn't have given off a single shot. He would have continued shooting.

Now whether it was appropriate as self defense, or whether people should be rolling around with guns in public in general can be up for debate. But clearly getting robbed and murdered is much more common in the US than in most developed countries, so the driver had more reason to fear for his life if two dudes just jump him. If he had probable reason to fear for his life then using the firearm seems to be an appropriate tool of self defense. And i say that as someone who is against people just casually running around with guns like it is normal in many US states.

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There is a very efficient way to beam solar power from space. It is called light.

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The Israeli government is really happy to rope you and all other Jewish people outside of Israel along though. And too many unfortunately play that role happily.

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I wonder how many of these are defederated from each other too.

Is it all unity among the nazi-pedos or are they fighting amongst each other?

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Judge a man by his actions, not by his words.

I hope the ICJ takes the US, UK, Germany and other genocide enablers to the trial too.

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If the allegations hold up in court i hope aside from the victims to be properly compensated that multiple heads go to prison. Being the head of an organized crime ring that is trafficking and rapeing people for profit, in this case at least all C levels of Aylo, should get a life sentence and all assets seized.

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You cannot not communicate, the societal notion as to which is "good looks" for women is strongly sexualized and children are exposed to these notions from an early age. Also the subtle or less subtle social pressure plays a big role in it. A friend of mine moved from a "posh" city to mine. She said she didn't dare going out without putting on makeup for two hours because she would get bad looks in the street otherwise and it took her a long time to unlearn that.

So while it isn't women wearing make up because they want to fuck, the social construction that makes them feel less confident and less comfortable without make up is revolving around that and it is part of the problem. It is not that women just feel more confident with make up. It is that they feel less confident without it, because they are pressured to feel so.

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Because some of these actions might qualify as criminal offenses and if Discord had knowledge about it or even supported it, they'd be complicit.

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I'd further add personally liability of all supervisors, managers and executives. You run such an operation and cannot prove without a doubt that you instructed for safety, provided the necessary tools and materials and did regulary inspections yourself? You pay for everyones treatment and damages.

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If gambling is real money gaming, then internet piracy is just life action roleplay.

That is bullshit. If they want to lower the price by renting it out, they could perfectly well licencese local dealers to rent it out, who can go after the customer in the same way, like they could for people who rented vehicles and didnt pay/return them.

The subscription based model instead proves that the production costs cannot be that high, that in case of a run out subscription, they'd rather lose the product.

Also the development costs of the subscription and the technical equipment to validate subscriptions, including running the servers etc. are a significant cost factor, without which they could lower the price of the product.

Urrespective of all the other BS, why was the CEO also president of the board?

The role of the board is to supervise the executives.

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This is not the engineers fault though.

It is highly political projects, politicians offloaded their old friends and competitiors onto the boeards and other functions and in the case of the airport major planning was undertaken by a guy who is a technical drawer and not an engineer.

Most of these fuck ups could have been prevent, if the project management was done by project managers with an engineering background and if the owners side would have been represented by peoplewith a technical backgrounds.

Source: i have worked in civil engineering for public projects. We wasted 50% of the time explaining Politicians and MBA bros C-levels why they can't start by building the roof and why replanning half the stuff is a bad idea, when we are already on the market with bids for contractors.

Counter thought: food banks shouldnt be necessary because society should protect its weakest from starvation in an orderly manner and not by volunteer work and donations.

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Finding replacement is one thing. Finding good replacement an entirely different one.

Which is fascinating, that they themselves thought there was any doubt about it, or they could argue such a doubt.

This is the same like arguing "It wasn't me who shot the mailmen dead. It was my automated home self defense system"

They can only perform under pressure.

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you see, they are companys and they make monzees that they dont pay taxes on, so its fine. But that guy was a terroristic web activist, subverting the order of the free world by providing free tools to a community of which some used it for illegal purposes.

Until the information is verified by neutral third parties, this gives me some WMDs in Iraq vibes.

Both Israel and the US have a history of lying to justify war crimes and crimes against humanity.

i dont know. We had members of parliament in Germany sell themselves out as political prostitutes to the regime in Azerbaidschan for as little as 8000 € (also around 8000 $ at the time). That was about a month and a half salary for them.

Some people in general are just easy sellouts.

I guess Terry Davis is one of the most daring examples of genius and madness being close together, which is a stereotype that doesn't hold truth as much. Usually madness is strongly detrimental to genius.

The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout

Caring for starving children is the most principled thing by the principles of the organization. Anybody who has targeted them for their activities shows that they are in direct contradiction to about everything the girl scouts stand for.

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Yes of course.

If a nation states justification for violating such laws is that a terrorist organization is doing too, then they fucked up completely.

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hat COL and earnings have grown exponentially since the time his father was 12, yet wages haven’t. Does he not see that very few students would be able to go to private...

He sees and he knows. It is crocodile tears of a men that has a "fuck you i got mine" attitude.

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AC doesnt help construction or farm workers, doesnt help against wildfires and also not against drought.

The economy and society asba whole arent prepared for these temperatures. We would need a cultural shift even in northern Europe, where siestas need to become normal. Too bad if you would need to commute 2h back and forth for your siesta break.

That seems a bit unlikely. The solvents quickly evaporate off. Unless you are soaking it in solvents, there won't be enough to cause any relevant effect. Meanwhile the helmet is exposed to UV light on a daily basis, which will also degrade it over time.

You are also not going to burn from briefly touching laundry detergent, but keeping lots of it on your skin would be a problem.

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I totally agree. The anti LGBT activists from the board need to be fired immediately.

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Israel is not fighting against Hamas. Israel is fighting against all Palestinians, of which only a tiny fraction is Hamas. Well or rather they are fightinf against Hamas, but they are slaughtering the other Palestinians.

Israel is past the need to defend itself. Now they are taking the opportunity to commit genocide and displace the Palestinians from Gaza.

i am not afraid of the cashier. I just want to continue listening to my music and be left the fuck alone while paying too much of my income on basic necessities.

Blaming him for the authorities cancelling the festival is absurd.

That is like blaming someone who calls the police on the neighbour beating his wive, when he beats her again for that.

In this case probably a stolen credit or debit card.

1 . A person commits criminal possession of a financial device if the person has in his or her possession or under his or her control any financial device that the person knows, or reasonably should know, to be lost, stolen, or delivered under mistake as to the identity or address of the account holder.

All of the charges look like CC fraud

Again you claim that he wanted to kill him, when his actions proved otherwise. That he accepted the death of the guy as a possibility of his actions is not the same as directly wanting to kill him. But thena gain he made it reasonably believable that he feard for his life in that moment, so calculating every possible outcome was not on his brains agenda.

as if these lunatics care for the constitution and its rights, unless it benefits them.

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I dont think that this complex thought can be argued with someone who thinks one minute is too long.

Also in the US police has shown many times that they neither care, nor face repercussions for failing to take responsibility for the life of their fellow citizens including children.

Interstellar is a bad movie. The story takes too long, the supposedly smart characters are acting obviously dumb, and the whole "we solved it all along because we figured out timetravel" trope is the most lazy way to wrap up a story.

Oh and of course the small artifically built space colony near Jupiter does not care for fitting many humans, but instead is a shitty american suburb with lavish lawns. Because who needs to safe people from other cultures amirite?

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He's talking about all the people working at the label and concert agency. Do you think the technicians and riggers whot take care of all the audio, light and show effects get more money at her concerts? What about the people doing the security, check-in, cleaning and so on?

Try having a concert without any of these. There is hundreds of people working to make stadion concerts happen.

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I like a further way to put it into perspective and to show how far as global society we haven fallen since:

The WHO launched its vaccination campaign against smallpox in 1958 and it lastet until 1977. So during the height of the cold war the West, the Sovjets, China and all of the Third world came together, to get everyone vaccinated. While pointing nuclear weapons at each other they all still understood what a shitty disease that is and worked together on this issue, because they all saw it as a responsibilty to rid the world of that disease.

And they fucking did it. They vaccinated almost everyone in the world so the disease is considered extinct. Today we get Karen instead who'd rather have half the elderly in her community die, than wear a mask while shopping.

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the american liberals are mostly conservatives by european standards and the centrists are right wing populists. Then you got the fascists, that are the republican party nowadays.

Noone of them will see a risk in the rise of fascist violence, until it will be their family that will be murdered.

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