Girl Scouts were told to stop bracelet-making fundraiser for kids in Gaza. Now they can't keep up to – 328 points –
Girl Scouts were told to stop bracelet-making fundraiser for kids in Gaza. Now they can't keep up

Missouri Girl Scout leaders threatened legal action against a troop that made bracelets to raise funds for starving children in Gaza, provoking outrage and ridicule from the girls’ supporters and advocates for people trapped in the Palestinian territory by the latest humanitarian crisis.

Girl Scouts of the USA said its eastern Missouri chapter had only been following fundraising rules, but that it was “disappointed and disheartened by the tone” of the communication with the troop in St. Louis.

“What do you think a group of 10-year-old girls would want to do if they felt helpless?” Abuhamdeh asked during a Zoom meeting promoted by Ceasefire for Kids, which advocates for children in Gaza. “They would want to help. How do they want to help? They want to make bracelets. They’re 10 years old. That’s what they felt like they could do.”

Link to the bracelets **** Please note they are sold out at the moment, but will be making more soon.


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The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout

Caring for starving children is the most principled thing by the principles of the organization. Anybody who has targeted them for their activities shows that they are in direct contradiction to about everything the girl scouts stand for.

Hopefully, this will spread to other troops into a bracelet-making movement for Gaza.

respect authority


That one took me a lil off guard as well. Can't say it's always a rule that's 100% good to adhere to.

Especially when we’re talking about Israel. I don’t want the Girl Scouts to respect bidens authority on Israel. Or bidens authority about supporting Israel’s authority.

The cynic in me agrees, but in this case I'm certain this, in combination with the statement above to "respect yourself and others" means authority like parents, teachers, & troop leaders.

Respect also doesn't imply follow, and in either case as 10 year olds this is good advice.

I hope this is an obvious statement.