Biden Sharpens Criticism of Israel, Calling Gaza Response ‘Over the Top’ to – 482 points –
Biden Sharpens Criticism of Israel, Calling Gaza Response ‘Over the Top’

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Judge a man by his actions, not by his words.

I hope the ICJ takes the US, UK, Germany and other genocide enablers to the trial too.

Don't forget Canada.

Hmm, is it me who's wrong about the facts on the ground and the application of international law?

No, it is Canada who is has gone genocidal!

Canada has a long and arguably continuing history of genocide.

Do any multilateral bodies call it genocide or just edgelords on the internet?

What planet are you on that you've never heard of the Canadian extermination of indigenous peoples?

I have heard of it. Have I heard anyone call it genocide though? I don't think I have. Other than, now this is the second person, whom I consider to be edgelords on the internet until proven otherwise.

You're willfully being ignorant, then. "Canadian indigenous genocide" is the third result down on the autocomplete list on google after typing in "Canadian Indig", and if you click that result you get a ton of sources including a bunch of news articles talking about the genocide using the word genocide, the website for the Canadian human rights museum which calls it a genocide, and even a scientific paper on the trauma effects caused by it.

It was a genocide.

Sorry, I said multilateral bodies. Such as NATO or the UN.

Don't throw out your back moving those goalposts.

Moving them to the thing I originally said? Okay. You moved the goalpost far short of the line when you named a Museum and not some multilateral org and thought you scored a goal. And that's fine, I'm sure that museum has some very smart experts but on the matter of international law on genocide, to me anyway, it matters very much who is making the claim and what nations or groups of nations affirm the claim. I don't think it should be thrown around.

Sounds like someone needs to be doing the Googling they keep preaching about.

stares blatantly

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