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Joined 12 months ago

Yes, yes it can. In this situation, we have one normal guy just trying to live his life in peace. We have one nutjob harassing him for the lulz and giggles from like minded nutjobs. Finally, there's a second nutjob defending his behavior right here on this very forum.

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“Human animals must be treated as such. There will be no electricity and no water [in Gaza], there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

  • Major General Ghassan Alian, head of Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

How far the Israeli government has come, from being the oppressed to the oppressor, from the murdered to the murderer.

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Cook's lack of respect for people and his total disregard of the consequences of his actions is what caused this situation, not paranoia and heavy armament.

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Calling yourself a Nazi is fairly effective at getting you ignored, however.

Please do not make martyrs of the idiots.

Pastor is in Ohio.Hears reports of people dying in Milwaukee. Pastor offers shelter to people in Ohio. Pastor is charged.

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“I would expect that a goodly number of states will say whoever the Democratic candidate is, you’re off the ballot, and others, for the Republican candidate, you’re off the ballot. It will come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election. That’s a pretty daunting consequence,” the chief justice, John Roberts, said during oral argument. (

Damn inconsistent of them, being concerned about consequences after the current court's previous rulings.

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May Hamas, the Israeli gov't, and the IDF spend an eternity in Hell for the crimes they've committed against humanity and innocent civilians.

If the mods/admins want to ban me for saying that, feel free. I don't want to be part to any group that supports and advocates for murders and war crimes.

If your day consists of pranking unsuspecting people, knowingly causing anger and anxiety, then you belong in a psychiatric ward away from people because that mentality gets people killed.

Two groups of murderers: Hamas on one side, the IDF and the Israeli government on the other. The civilians (Palestinian and Israeli) are caught between them and suffer the most.

Each group cries about the horrors inflicted upon the citizens, while using them as excuses to continue commiting atrocities. I find it hard to be sympathetic to anyone but the poor folk caught in between.

To clarify, there are a set of rules in your head that you attribute to a religious figure, that you expect the rest of society to follow because doing otherwise hurts your snowflake feelings.

That's a rather psychopathic view of the world, and I pity you for it

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You're being disingenuous. It's not a normal situation, therefore there is no normal response.

The question you ought to be asking is what makes it normal to be approached from behind by two large men and repeatedly accosted by them shoving a loud phone in your ear?

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I gave a very clear answer. Perhaps you should spend some time working on your reading comprehension.

You're also building straw men. Nobody's mentioned age, nor transsexuals, nor paranoia, nor confusing, nor scary... except you.

Quit trolling.

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There you go again, building straw men. There's a significant difference between being assaulted by two large men versus having a boy standing behind a door on a porch.

If you can't see that, you need professional help. If you're trying to troll, you're doing a shitty job of it.

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As opposed to the current prosecutor. If the current prosecutor commented publicly in such a manner, it would be highly unprofessional. Rather like Trump publicly bashing the judge presiding over his trial...

Your projection is showing.

Why are you so concerned with what other people are choosing to do with their bodies?

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Gentoo. I'd tell you the version number, but I'm still compiling.

Please detail, cite, or otherwise reference these natural laws, morals, and/or rules that we're supposed to be abiding by.

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Russia's liberal interpretation of laws to suppress negative public opinion of the war has absolutely nothing to do with that, right? /s

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Please point out the word "only" in Section 5 to me. I must be blind: "The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."

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A random guy on the Internet says it's false. MSN says it's true.

Gee, who should I believe? /S

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Thank you for confirming you're just trolling. My days of not taking you seriously have certain come to a middle.

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I find your comment to be supportive of genocide, murder, and apartheid. As a result, your character is disgusting and repulsive. May you be judged accordingly.

I'm not okay with genocide against the Palestinians (or anyone else), hence the "pro-genocide" in my post above. I'm not okay with anti-Semitism either. I'm also firmly in the camp of "criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic".

Both Hamas and the IDF (by extension, the Israeli gov't) are murderers or complicit in murder. Simple as that.

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If they had just been born Jewish, they wouldn't be having this problem. /s

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My brother's wife. During the start of the pandemic (six months in?), she threw a Facebook hissy fit, declaring COVID to be nothing more than a bad cold. She declared the real killers as gluten and 5G. She was vehemently against mandatory vaccination (much freedom!), but would turn around and use her next breath to demand the gov't ban gluten from foods and the 5G rollout.

Called her crazy and haven't talked to her since.

Standing close to a window above the second floor, eh?

I did. To quote:" Most of the travelers were Dual European-Palestinian families fleeing out of Gaza," Younis Tirawi, a Palestinian reporter, posted on X, along with a video of the chaos shortly after the strike landed. "There were casualties." The video appeared to show people screaming and running away as smoke billowed near the crossing...

... After the strike, IDF officials said the Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt was not the specific target in the counter-attack against Hamas and that the bombs were intended to strike an underground smuggling tunnel nearby, per CNN."

Sure sounds like they targeted and hit the border crossing to me. "Nearby" is ambiguous. Could be a mile, could be five feet. "Wasn't a specific target" implies it was a general target. Otherwise, the statement should have read "was not a target."


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Who's judging the moral debasement? Why do you feel the need to save people from themselves?

What right do you have to interfere in some else's life and choices they make for themselves?

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Gotta cut off his internet access, too.

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Please cite, detail, or otherwise reference these natural laws to which you keep referring to.

Otherwise, I believe they're all in your head, and you're not arguing in good faith.

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It reveals their character. Kill a few hostages by mistake? That's a tragedy. Kill two civilians in Gaza per Hamas fighter? Regrettable, but "tremendously positive."

Hamas, the Israeli government, and the IDF are three sides of the same die: murderers with no respect for their fellow human.

No, it’s beyond the environment, it’s not in an environment. It has been towed beyond the environment.

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Both crimes involve permanent harm that cannot be repaired.

Just because you can't connect the two crimes in your head, doesn't mean someone else can't. Get out of your own head.

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It's not comical how many anti-Semitic and/or pro-genocide apologists are on Lemmy.

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I've seen nature at work, cruel and harsh. Predators eating prey alive, no mercy, no justice. Where might makes right, as there is no human law to intercede. Are those the natural laws you're referring to?

Your other posts imply you view the world colored through a religious lens... Which is not a natural view. Supernatural, possibly, but anything but natural.

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I don't know exactly when we stopped hanging traitors, but I'd like to return to that policy.

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Excellent example of a "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Well done! Bit of a shame you're trying to use it in an actual debate, but you do you.

Don't put words in my mouth.

Israeli says three deaths of their hostages is a tragedy, while thousands of Gaza civilians dying is "tremendously positive."

I'm pointing out their rampant hypocrisy and blatant disregard for their fellow man.. If you believe the same, you're just as morally and ethically bankrupt.