Rob Bos

0 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.

Ahmad earl grey. We buy the loose tea, about ten 500g boxes per year. Also use it for kombucha.

It sounds like he wanted to deny them food as a negotiating tactic and got big mad when that was undermined? Sleazy.

Can you imagine having ... that... as a parent?

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Oh, are chocolate rations up to 60 grams now?

Honestly doesn't sound like a terrible idea on paper, but this spam outbreak could kill it before it gets off paper in a real way. Giving devs a bad taste will stay around a long while.

Edit: and of course the well-earned general attitude toward cryptocurrency as scammer playgrounds is automatically putting it way in the red too.

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You are talking to the survivors.

Seems like every generation has to learn the Old Lie again and again.

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Whiteness is arbitrary and can be withdrawn pretty fast. That's part of the problem, white isn't a race, it's an ingroup.

Ask a Catholic how quickly they can be exempted from white club.

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Yikes. Lesson to be learned there. :(

Canada has a long and arguably continuing history of genocide.

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I think by not having his ass thrown in jail. Very unfair.

Plugged a serial cable into a UPS that was not expecting RS232. Took down the entire server room. Beyoop.

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It does start at zero. 2000 people per hour

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"No YouTube I do not want to watch Jordon Fucking Peterson. I will NEVER want that. Fuck all the way off."

I stopped watching shorts because of the unwanted boosts of fascist content.

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Classic memes, so old some people still called em image macros.

What planet are you on that you've never heard of the Canadian extermination of indigenous peoples?

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You cannot make good pizza without a ferociously preheated oven. Few home ovens get properly hot, and the closer you can get the better.

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Almost like the idea of downtowns as "work zones" fed by commuter residential suburbs was a stupid idea, and making them unliveable by all but the chronic homeless is a problem.

They abandoned Linux support. Fuck them. It was one of the only games that did. Linux users were a bug part of their initial success, and they dumped us as soon as the money came in.

At work, when I did desktop support, the number of people who would just hit their power bar when they left every day...

That is quite the criteria. Windows doesn't have 100% parity with Windows. ;)

The April fools jokes are gonna be fire next year

Sure, but that's a backhoe used on a shovel problem.

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A vital part of preventing pooping for three days.

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I block those communities because low effort images spam up the feed super fast.

Sometimes you have to choose between what is convenient and what is right, and sometimes that means giving things up. But not everyone is willing or able to do that. It's fine, do what you feel you need to.

Does the metric system mean nothing to you?!

That is 5.15 gigawheats.

Instant permanent ban from me for that. I would salt the fucking earth where that seed grew. I'd go through logs to see if they had friends.

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That doesn't sound like Torvalds at all. The guy doesn't suffer fools, but he doesn't just pop off at people randomly. All accounts are that he's a pretty chill dude.

Manual save made sense when a disk write froze the program for seconds and engaged the disk drive with sounds (which I miss a little; very reassuring) but today autosave ought to be fully expected. LibreOffice really should've had it on by default.

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"The Long Dark". Knowing the maps by heart and being able to navigate by landmarks is key to survival.

I can't speak for the others but Dawkins has fallen into an anti-trans rabbithole lately and has said some pretty hateful stuff. :(

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Gender affirming surgery.

I might find that reassuring in 1923, if the world makes it a full 100 years with only one global scale war. It's a great run by historic standards.

It would be cool if the GNU project sponsored a new updated 'standard' set of tools though.

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Now listen here you little shit

Linux has had a long history of worms and viruses, fortunately (sorta) thanks to its server legacy. Dumb and lazy server admins have given it pretty good 'secure by default' behaviours and cultures.

Desktop users though: whole different set of challenges.

In Peru they're called 'quee' which is a great name.

Raw egg cracked in and beaten to temper and cook in piping hot rice. A little soy sauce. Maybe some sesame seeds.

Tamago kake gohan.

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It really does feel a lot like the old forums are back, but now they can talk to each other. This should have happened a decade ago!

Eeeeeevery sperm is saaaaacred...