1 Post – 677 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Nothing personnel kid.

Op this is such a wonderful troll lol. Half the comments are eating it right up.

Fwiw severe depression with ADHD is a shitty combo because if they give you Adderall without getting the depression taken care of you might just have enough energy to off yourself now.

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Wtf who doesn't mention Power stone 2. Arguably the best pickup brawler game ever made and still holds that title.

Record of Lodoss and Evolution are also top tier.

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That's what sleep is for, staggering your doses, or just taking something that also tends to have sleepy affects at night like Nortryptiline.

Blacks đź‘Ź 4 đź‘Ź Trump đź‘Ź

Not in my back yard! Think of all the poor and homeless. Crime rate always goes up around them! This is a nice neighborhood!

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And yet it's still relevant because HAM radio operators are weird like that.

Breaking: Man shot in house after repeatedly killing wife in game while naked.

Oprah is the Joe Rogan of her generation.

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When the list gets so long and tedious even the list maker gives up years ago.

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It's almost as if leaving things to social contracts vs regulating them is bad for the layperson... 🤔

Nah fuck it. The market will regulate itself! Tax is theft and I don't want that raise or I'll get in a higher tax bracket and make less!

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So where are all those fake democrats complaining that Biden's funding the IRS is just going to have them go after small businesses and the lower/middle classes?

How's that go? Gaslight, obstruct, project? lol

The IRS overwhelmingly go after poor people as they don’t have the means to defend themselves and end up settling out of desperation.

I’m sure after they get more money they’ll totally change though lol

Applejacks where you at buddy?

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For those unaware how Health Insurance works in the states.

You can have health insurance all you want. Especially if this bill is recent, they will cover a large part of the cost, but most people are still on the hook for Usually between $1000-1500 of all healthcare before insurance REALLY kicks in. This is called the Deductible (and Out of Pocket) expense. You also pay a 'Premium', essentially a subscription cost that normally comes directly out of your paycheck.

For single coverage, just yourself, it's about $1200. For family coverage, where your insurance covers everyone in your house, It's usually double that. So ~$2,500-3,000.

So this person probably hasn't had any bills yet this year. Once they pay about $1500 in costs, everything after that becomes (mostly) free. Depending on what you have, insurance will pay anywhere from only 80% - 100% of the cost from whatever the procedures and meds are.

Then funny part is that some places in America the cost is so high, this might be a situation where their insurance DID kick in already and their insurance is still making them pay that much. Or it's a case where you get a bill for that much but your insurance hasn't paid it yet... so it looks like you're supposed to... so you do... then two months later you get a check for that amount.

It's so. Damn. Silly. And I resent Republicans every day for it. That's not even the Fascist MAGA Theocracy republicans. Just your stock standard ones lmfao.

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They always have to have some ludicrously stupid and technical achievements in to just waste time for the 10 year old children with only one game to their name.

If your achievements have a less than 1% completion rate because of RNG, pointless grinding, or impossible feats, then it's not an achievement. It's Masochism.

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  • Yeet bullets

  • No cap

  • Doomer

  • Cursed War

  • KYS

  • Ok, boomer

  • No Rizz

  • I stan Ukraine

  • Fresh meat 2005

  • No respawn XD

  • P2W BS


  • @(handle)

  • 1v1 me IRL

  • Catch these hands

  • FOOL!

  • Ur waifu 🗑️

The calendar index page ftl:

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How I wish for the day English decides to upend everything and go phonetic with a truncated alphabet and word modernization.

We'd then go to World Standard Time. It's 13:00 everywhere, not just in specific time zones. We then go to a Year 12023 Human Era International Fixed calendar.

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The power of medication!!! Thank fucking God for amphetamines. It's like night and day and you're not perpetually tired no matter how great your sleep is.

Every day is like that one day two months ago when you woke up feeling normal and good despite a random amount of sleep you had prior lol.

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This sounds like some Ruth Bader Ginsberg shit.

You can't criticize someone now that they're dead despite wanting to cling to power over pride and legacy!

Yes, yes we can. And anyone who enabled that shit should take a good hard look into themselves and get the fuck out of politics.


his case at least all C levels of Aylo, should get a life sentence and all assets seized.

I get not reading the article but did you even finish the headline lol?

Aylo wasn't the one raping people. They're the parent company of YouTube for porn. A video hosting platform. If you've ever watched porn on it, that means you unwittingly helped in perpetuating these videos too.

Aylo is going to pay heavily no doubt. But there's a reason why this is a CIVIL lawsuit.

As usual, centrists and news orgs who don't want to call out the fascism Nazi parade for what it is don't want to ostracize the potential Republicans who don't think they're Nazis by voting in Nazis.

Nobody's paying attention!!! Well, they are and you hear it loud and clear everywhere.

Democrats are horrified and disgusted, ready to fight tooth and nail. While Republicans are goose stepping their way through the Capital smearing shit on the walls trying to overthrow elections.

Gotta pretend like there's still good people voting in Nazis that might change their mind though! Not that they're voting in greasy BO old man shit smelling fascist dictators because they want fascist dictators.

And right on time! MiGrAnT CaRaVaNs are being peddled again.

Me still waiting on Vasalgel after 2 decades.

And will still vote with them, which is the bigger issue that has real impacts on others.

The amount of Republicans that have no idea how strapped Democrats are is too damn high lol. While I'd love c/liberalgunowners to be as high as Republicans but, it's not THAT much of a numbers difference. 6/10 of Republicans live in a gun household vs 1/4 Democrats. Republicans usually sit at 40% of the pop vs Democrats at 50%.

Then they'll be fighting against the damn US Military with only the really full on bat shit Republicans. Jan 6th already showed us how many actually wanted to nut up. Hey, turns out not that many! There's a reason why there was a whopping 2, 3-star generals, RETIRED, that came out in favor of Trump. People think the military is filled with nothing but Republicans too, but Joe Biden beat Trump by 4 points in the military in 2020 lol.

The crazy fucks had their chance on January 6th already lol. Sorry people, it's not going to be a civil war. It's going to be increasing amounts of Republican extremism like it already has been for the last decade and more.

In the United States in 2022, 48 percent of Republicans reported that they owned at least one gun, and 66 percent said that they lived in a household with a gun. In comparison, only 20 percent of Democrats owned at least one gun, and 31 percent lived a gun household.

Pew Graph

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And their propaganda has been so good for the last 60 years that even half the left believes it but think they're immune to it. See motions to every thread in Lemmy

Welcome to Aftermath, a worker-owned, reader-supported news site covering video games, the internet, and the cultures that surround them.

We launch this week with four co-founders: Nathan Grayson, Gita Jackson, Riley MacLeod, and Luke Plunkett. You’ll also see buddies Chris Person and Alex Jaffe around the site. You might remember most of us from Kotaku, where we broke news, covered events, and brought you hard-hitting investigations. You might also have seen us at Motherboard by Vice, The Washington Post’s games vertical Launcher and The Verge. We got back together to start this site not just so we could all blog together again, but to try something new for ourselves and for games journalism.

These days it’s tough for journalism, especially about games. The past few years have seen mass layoffs and site closures, with remaining writers being asked to do more and more with less and less. The ad-supported model is crumbling, social media is a mess, and the businessmen and private equity firms buying up news outlets don't care about workers, readers, and quality writing, they only care about profits. The four of us saw our sites closed, ourselves and our colleagues laid off, and our workplaces turned hostile in management’s pursuit of growth at all costs.

This couldn’t be happening at a worse time for the games beat. There’s a lot going on: widespread labor organizing, industry-changing mergers and acquisitions, sweeping layoffs, and somehow through it all a ton of amazing new games from big studios and indies alike. We need a curious, independent press to hold power to account, to cut through the marketing hype, and to elevate the voices of those affected by the gaming industry’s upheaval.

We’re going to do all that--and more--here at Aftermath. We know a little group of bloggers with a website can’t save games journalism. But we think there’s a better way than the exhausting rounds of layoffs and barely-functioning sites we’ve got now.

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There’s no way to know how this experiment of ours will go. The past few years have felt like so many endings. But we’re building something new in the aftermath, and we’re excited to build it together with you.


Starting Aftermath has been months of work, but we didn’t do it alone. We’ve been lucky to have the counsel of so many colleagues who paved the way, including Jack Mirkinson and Aleks Chan, Matt Hardigree, Max Rivlin-Nadler and Nadia Tykulsker, Jasper Wang, Jason Koebler, and Patrick Klepek and Rob Zacny.

Our amazing logos were created by Andrew Elmore, and the staff portraits were illustrated by Doubleleaf.

Our partners at Lede created the site you’re browsing on and provided vital tech support.

As bloggers who’ve had to turn into businesspeople, we received invaluable advice from Anna Flewelling, Parag Rajendra Khandhar of Gilmore Khandhar, Bruce Mayer of Wegner CPAs, Jessie Rose Lee, and Courtney Waid of First Turn Operations.

And finally, we couldn’t do any of this if not for all of our friends and peers in games journalism and beyond, who put up with so much to make great work in ever more trying circumstances. If there’s a future for this industry–and clearly we think there is!--it’s because all of you are fighting for it every day, and lifting each other up in the process.

Yep, and it will continue to be since it's China's and Russia's territory. Most of the underdeveloped African nations are these days. The west gave up a while ago and often weren't wanted anyway.

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It's a good thing Lemmy isn't popular enough to have bots and propagandists posting here with less moderation than Reddit...


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The guy didn't say or post much directly about it. Sometimes people do crazy shit for very little reason. You couple that with the ability to get guns easily, mass quantities of ammo, and bump stocks, you have yourself a bloody stew.

People love patterns, but sometimes there just isn't one. There is no single profile for a mass shooter. The closest you get is male and either 15-24 or 35-44.

Most people shoot others for grievances and having a shitty life. Sometimes not though. Many shooters don't even take their own life. Plenty of them are still on the run.

The easiest answer is that the vast majority of how our society runs is through the fear or threat of death. The moment someone starts wanting it, they're capable of nearly anything.

Most people see the greener pasture of nothingness between the loop of a noose at home. Some decide to kill and maim before they go out.

Unfortunately because of the 2nd amendment, it lets people rampage easily with high body counts before dying

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Women are Bees. Men are Birds. Arrhenotoky OP.

Of the 60,000 bees in a hive, almost 99% of them are female! Female honey bees, or worker bees, make all of the decisions in the hive and do all of the work. There are a couple hundred male bees in a hive, but they don't do much but sit around and eat food.

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ETA, but not the estimated time of arrival that everyone knows.

The ETA that Tumblr and XX chromosomes made popular that actually means Edited to add...

Rather than just Edit: or E:.

But it means I added something!... Right... That's literally the definition of edit... Blood is thicker than the water of the womb too right? Lmfao.

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It's not dead. You can crawl around on a single live wire as much as you want with proper grounding when getting to it. As in, you don't touch the live and ground wire at the same time.

Slip, and your foot touches the other wire though? Yeah, you cooked or in for a drop.

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I used to be a never poop without having my shirt off person. I always felt like my shirts were long enough to get shit on. So I think it was mostly paranoia.

I never shat in public spaces including school. I don't know when I stopped both but I can proudly say I'm a shirt pooper now.

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Berkeley wants to turn the park where homeless people are staying into housing for homeless and undergraduates... While refreshing 60% of the park.

Why are people upset about housing homeless and undergrads? Is this some NIMBY shit but people dont think it's NIMBY because it's their park this time?

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they are a toxic community,

Yeah. Being mostly comprised of Incel, conspiracy, Q / Trump shills who think they can predict the future better than their peers will do that to a community.

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Fuck this is so mired in reality it's depressing.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.


Seriously though, if you own a Toyota answer that recall. You will die from your airbag and it gets worse with time. You've ignored it for the past three years. Stop ignoring it. You WILL die.

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