3 Post – 390 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Also I have eaten the fucking egg MRE, McDonald's is certainly closer to food than that abomination.

Fucking this. I once went on a week long "survivalist" camping trip. Your options for dinner were catching something yourself, or an MRE. Between the 5 of us that went, we caught exactly one rabbit the whole week.

We got a mountain of McDoubles(this was back when they were $1) on the way home and it was heavenly in comparison to that shite.

Not really, no. Generational ships might make colonizing the nearest star systems possible, but even colonizing our own galaxy would require some kind of suspended animation. The milky way is between 100,000-200,000 light years in diameter so even at the speed of light, you're looking at a travel time that is ~33-66% of the time that humanity has even existed(homo sapiens are currently estimated to have become a distinct species 200,000-300,000 years ago)... just to go to ONE star system out of the hundreds of BILLIONS that exist in our galaxy. You're gonna need generational ships so self-sustaining and capable that the generation that actually arrives at the destination will have long forgotten the point of the trip and might not want to leave the comfort of the ship.

Still, colonizing our own galaxy is at least theoretically possible, given enough time. The real filter is just how unimaginably large the universe is. The vast, VAST majority of the observable universe is FOREVER out of our reach, as it is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. Then there's the unobservable universe, which could literally be infinitely bigger than the observable universe for all we actually know.

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There doesn't need to be more to it than that. The observable universe is over 93 billion light years in diameter. That means even at the speed of light, it would take over 6.5x longer than the universe has even existed for anything to cross that distance... except the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, so actually you need to go significantly faster than light to make it across. FTL is, sadly, still firmly in the realm of science fiction, so to the best of our current knowledge most of the universe is permanently inaccessible.

Sure, that's an option. It doesn't really change my overall point though that anything beyond galactic colonization is unrealistic on any time scale. Our next nearest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy, is over 2.5 MILLION light years away, over 10 times farther than my "crossing the milky way" example, with nothing in-between to make a pit stop if needed, you have to cross the true void of space to get there.

And that's just to get the next nearest galaxy. Current estimates suggest the observable universe contains 2 TRILLION galaxies.

They gonna call Bernard "I got into politics because my extended family literally died in the holocaust" Sanders antisemitic now?

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Can we please stop with all the posts about reddit? Jesus christ you guys it's a website, not your crazy ex. Lemmy is never going to surpass reddit in popularity when the only thing on the frontpage besides beans is "reddit this, reddit that".

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As someone who still semi-frequents reddit, it's mostly bots, more and more of which are clearly using some form of ChatGPT or another LLM. It's actually kinda absurd, I've seen many a comment chains where it's just different bots replying to each other, both pretending to be real people.

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Unironically: oh shit, for real? Like, actual MS.Paint, not that Paint 3D shit?

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The DA and Principal are likely related, same last name. I'd bet this isn't the only incident between these two, with the principal setting up the targets and the DA knocking them down.

Honestly. I was setup and subscribed to some initial communities within 2 hours of RIF going down. Literally my only complaint at this point is the relative lack of content.

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I mean, their letter wasn't written after he was accused though, it was written after he was convicted of it. They weren't merely expressing shock or disbelief, they were trying to provide a character witness to try to reduce his sentence on his RAPE CONVICTION.

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Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be picking domains based on stuff like "hehe it says queer as fuck lul"? What did they expect to happen picking Afghanistan of all places for the domain of an LGBT instance?

I mean, for it to be an equal trade, Texas has to remain at least a US territory. So Puerto Rico gets Statehood, and Texas keeps most of the downsides of Federal control while losing most of the benefits.

I see this as an absolute win.

Yep r/worldnews went from condemning Russia for their war crimes on Ukraine to damn near universally praising and supporting Israel's war crimes on Palestine.

Sadly, I don't think it's all bots and propagandists. A lot of them are real people that really do have that level of cognitive dissonance.

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I have... soooo many questions, but oddly not about the price. $500 actually seems pretty reasonable for a rock of that size.

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Calling it now, will be dead by the end of the year.

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I mean... the sink in the pic is visibly dirty.

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If the instance you are on doesn't defederate from this hypothetical Meta instance, then yes. I'd leave any instance that didn't immediately do so upon it becoming a thing, personally.

Living near a coal plant, on the other hand, is really, REALLY bad for you.

Bro forgot to add his uncertainty tho

HIS uncertainty? Your method results in uncertainty. This guy counted each piece individually, as one should.

Container tabs, bro.

Larian is relatively small compared to lots of developers. This is BS

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Most of the fun for the people breaking anti-cheat is the actual breaking of anti-cheat, not the cheating itself. It's the script kiddies who use the already completed work with little to no effort involved who are doing most of the actual cheating.

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Again, no intention to kill, though that would still be the outcome

No it wouldn't, you have to prove intention to kill for a murder charge. This is manslaughter, a lesser but still very serious charge. Killing someone on accident is still a crime, shocker, I know.

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It's not like the passenger knew they were non-critical. I certainly wouldn't have wanted him to stay silent only for it to turn out they were critical. They also wouldn't unboard and inspect a plane just on the insistence of one passenger, they'd deplane that one passenger if anything. The fact that they did do an additional inspection implies that safe or not, those missing bolts were not noticed in the initial inspection, which leads one to wondering if they missed anything else.

"9 hour work day" signed at 5:47 PM.

I feel you, dude.

Don't leave money in Paypal, people.

dndmemes is full of goblin porn now. That's about it

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Looking like a goddam pokemon type match-up chart

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What makes you think they own a home? A ton of seniors live in rent controlled places and still barely get by.

Uhhhh..... no? The immortal guy would be the outlier, and even then only if they've been around for a long time already. They could be in their 30's, in which case they won't become an outlier for like 80-90+ more years.

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Lmao no. Lennon was an abusive PoS but Yoko Ono is also pretty garbage. Fucking auctioned off letters sent between Lennon and his son, and his son had to win the auction to get them back.

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Piracy? The game is free?!

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As far as which companies "deserve" it, it would be quicker to list the ones that don't.

I've never seen that particular "error" before, but juddging by how it looks you there's probably a run anyway button hidden under "more info".

Why are you conflating this article with "liberals"? It's literally pagesix, you can't scrape the bottom of the tabloid barrel harder here. They'd put out an article on paint drying if it got clicks.

Oh, it's organic alright.

Yep. Also noticed that the principal that called the police and the DA refusing to drop the case have the same last name. Garza isn't that rare of a last name, but it's not exactly "Smith", either. I'd bet good money those fuckers are related to each other.

You're really gonna pass up quite possibly your whole future like that

I have tree fiddy in my bank account and gas is $4.50 a gallon. Yes the fuck I'm gonna pass that up.