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Joined 1 years ago

You just need to pull the "it was in the best interest of the United States" card and it's an official act.

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This person clearly prefers pistachio ice cream.
I agree, they should be shunned!

You're so close to getting it.

I hope that you can connect the dots.


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So let's say, hypothetically.

The president thought that people shouldn't eat chocolate ice cream. It's anti-american.

And "for the good of the country" anyone who eats chocolate ice cream has to be isolated from the rest of society.

That's not an official act. It's not really on the periphery of official acts.

But because definitionally, anything that, at the president's sole discretion, is "in the best interest of the United States" is now argued as an official act.

Biden likes vanilla ice cream.
But he isn't going to detain you for unamerican activities if you prefer chocolate ice cream.

Choose freedom! Choose chocolate ice cream!

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So let's say, hypothetically.

The president thought that people shouldn't eat chocolate ice cream. It's anti-american.

And "for the good of the country" anyone who eats chocolate ice cream has to be isolated from the rest of society.

That's not an official act. It's not really on the periphery of official acts.

But because definitionally anything that, at the president's sole discretion, is "in the best interest of the United States" is now argued as an official act.

Biden likes vanilla ice cream.
But he isn't going to detain you for unamerican activities if you prefer chocolate ice cream.

Choose freedom! Choose chocolate ice cream!

You're not alone. I expect far too long focused on the hands and face....

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I mean I can think of a few ways to keep a text warm. A few ways involving a dumb blonde...

This ain't it chief!

Though considering I didn't notice the location of the fire until reading the comment, maybe I should the dumb blonde....

Reminds me of the Dad joke: Set a man a fire, he's warm for the night. Set a man on fire, he'll be warm the rest of his life!

That tent is about to get real hot.....

Have you heard of project 2025?

Here's a little corruption, as a treat!

Call it a tip.

I'm going to leave this bag of money on the floor, if it's gone when I come back I won't miss it.

Just be sure to declare it as found money on your taxes!

Idk if I believe that.

We're about to see a lot of "unlikely voters" turning out....

And to think, running the same guy who tried to cling to power with a self coup after losing the last election in a landslide to the guy you lost to 4 years ago who's supreme court justices "Roe is settled law" brought about headlines of suffering and skyrocketing teen pregnancy.....

Anyway remember that foreign policy is about power, not morality. And if "both sides are the same" no, one side is corporate shills and the other are fascist sycophants.

Not voting for Biden or Not Voting is a vote for the Christian Caliphate where white is right but only if you're a straight male. Everyone else can stay in the kitchen or go to the camps. History doesn't repeat but it rhymes

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Well, given that the vast majority of these folks are aligned to a particular political party.... And it's an election year during covid/flu/rsv season...

Carry on!

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Well, since nominating convicted felons is in vogue now, Hunter Biden 2028?

Awww poor Musk. Maybe stop helping Russia by giving them access while denying Ukraine. Also fuck you for ruining Twitter .

Edit - apparently coverage on the Crimean coast was never activated. Still dickish for helping Russia. They're sanctioned up the wazoo and this might come back to bite him. Starlink is a recipient of US Federal Assistance and that can easily be leveraged.

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I really hope that they do.

Because I am worried about the camps.

Ultimately these experiments are reserved for people who are ineligible for traditional heart transplants. This person was granted an extra six weeks with their family which is easy to overlook but the family likely cherished every moment.

Seriously. Everything causes cancer which has the unfortunate effect of dulling the fear response but it is good to know. If you want to sell your product in California, which is where silicon valley is, you need to observe their safety standards.

And thank the EU we might actually get right to repair.

Elon can block EU for Twitter if he wants to but it's probably going to cost him even more.

If he gets time in jail he could write a book about his struggle. "My Struggle"

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Has he tried publicly spouting fringe fascist conspiracy theories yet? No? Give it time.....

Never in the history of our country has a president been indicted so many times. Over so many many alleged crimes. Truly a rigged two tiered just system allowing an indicted former president, storing TS/SCI documents in his bathroom, who has a history of over sharing, and flushing government documents, could remain free, instead of immured in a black-site hole, in pre-trial detainment. Reality Winner was sentenced to five years and three months and she didn't even get to share how close our submarines could get to Russian Subs without being detected. For shame!

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Setting the stage for January 6th 2.0.

Don't worry fam. Spez has several moves left in the Elonshitification playbook.

He hasn't even begun to malign ethnic or religious groups, accept no blame, and blame said groups' advocacy organizations for the problem!

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I suspect that Trump will congratulate him on his win soon.

Carrier Pigeon with a 4TB m.2 strapped to it's back baby!

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Man I can't wait to get charged with adultery when the court finds out how much porn I watch.

There is a strong argument on constitutional grounds here, it's why it's almost never charged.

You can drink and buy a gun.

Do a little crack?

(Okay, a lot of crack)

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When his male lover is revealed, it will be a glorious day.

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I'm waiting for one of them to call for a protest of the 2024 election because it's rigged, convincing thousands of MAGA to not vote. We're nearly there....

Porn reduces the incident of rape. Combine that with the inability to access abortion. This is going to get worse. If vulnerable people have the ability to leave, they should.

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His voice is decent to listen to and I started watching him when he did infomercial reaction videos personally.

Licenced insurance agent. Not for long!

I hope that they keep doubling down. When unlikely voters show up.... They tend to vote down ballot.

Literally the dog that caught the car.

The Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund expects returns.

Mr. Bonesaw waits......

It all started when they outlawed bankruptcy discharging student loans. Cry and cry over "Lawyers will graduate from college then immediately declare bankruptcy on $5000 loans!". Then, when they captured the students in inescapable debt, convinced everyone that college was the answer, and then Sallie May being put in charge of defaulted loans.... being paid to collect.... Federally guaranteed money.... It's like getting paid to get paid, perfect racket!

Beau has a good breakdown here:

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I want to fight it.

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Welp so much for the woke pope. Literally blaming your problems on the minority of a minority.

Human suffering in Palestine?
Ukraine? Africa? Global warming? The rise of fascism?

Nah, better go after personal freedoms.

Oh yes because Trump would use our forces to do it instead.

Look, don't counter with 3rd party. That's literally throwing your vote away.

Biden is the only way to beat Trump. There are backwards racists in the Democrats too. You're not going to get support for anything than an old white guy until at least 2028....

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Can you imagine if Obama did January 6th? You people would burst into flames!

Remember, if Trump is immune, so is Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Hillary! Oh Hilary wasn't president? You sure about that? Lol.

Thank you. I actually wasn't aware.

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It won't be like in the movies. Brutal fighting house to house.

And then there's the whole did you see what we did to Iraq in a month?

Thanks to Bush II army can operate in the US during "times of crisis".

So vote.

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