24 Post – 562 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A "trickle down" setting

As a software dev, any code library named SimpleWhatever or whose documentation contains the word "simply" anywhere makes me afraid.

Because they never are. They are a sign that whoever makes them thinks the subject is too hard to understand.

The end result is a code library that doesn't make the inherent important hard parts organized and clear to work with, but obfuscates them.

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Keep in mind that you, along with everyone else, know very little all in all.

The things you do know will be important to you, naturally. Their understanding and their importance will also feel obvious, also naturally.

So anyone not knowing these obvious important things will instinctively feel like an absolute idiot to you.

This is a mental trap. Try to avoid it. The less respect you have for others, the less able you will be to really listen to other standpoints and learn from them, leading to a vicious cycle of alienation.

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The same board of directors who put him there are in charge. The same corporate culture that let him push these decisions is still in place. The same critical mass of people in leadership who would care enough to block such crap still don't work there.

While we were very reasonable, we understand that you just didn't get it, which made you sad. We understand it feels bad to be sad. To remedy this, we will try again using different words.

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We need more like her who take the threat as a threat and act like it's a threat.

Being "serious" or calm about it is not working, and catastrophically so.

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Sabine Hossenfelder, used to love her takes on physics until she fell in the usual expert's trap of believing she can talk equally usefully about things OUTSIDE her expertise.

First trans care, which missed a few important nuances. Then autism, which had a decades-old perspective and was at best "not informative".

Then hoo boy Capitalism where she made a huge tangled MESS confusing and conflating markets with monetary systems and credit, all apparently based off half-remembered textbooks from 1950 using long-disproven historical claims.

A lot of criticism was sent her way. None was acknowledged, or apparently taken to heart. Repeatedly.

From skillfully presenting physics with a "explain it like I'm 5" style, she's now spouting any trending topic in a "explained by a 5 year old" style.

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Note: Delisted from storefront. It remains in people's libraries for play and (re)download if they have bought it already.

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Please let it have a cute little McDonald's antenna, instead of there being a McDonald's sign in the background.

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Where's the harm in taking violent criminals, giving them a year of practice doing war crimes, traumatize them up a bit, and then releasing them into civilized society?

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Zero notice, zero rights, immediate lockout, zero dignity. The kind of firing that breaks at least 8 laws in most European countries.

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Let's see if they can outcompete The Escapist's new series: Zero Employees

He refused to sign an NDA, so he explains briefly in the Twitter thread, and we'll probably hear more later.

In short: Sudden firing (as in, locked out of Slack and email while at work while being informed of being fired) for not "meeting goals", where goals were not clearly defined.

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Kojima, the driving force of Metal Gear is gone. What is left is a corporate committee who through focus testing and guesswork try to keep the franchise on the road roughly in the same direction it has been going and avoid crashing into stuff.

They will make any new version look and feel as much as possible as the previous games, only deviating for committee-approved reasons of monetization, trend chasing, or marketing appeal.

What they will not and can not do is to strap a rocket to the roof of Metal Gear Solid, take a hard right and drive the car off the road and into the hills and launch it over Mount Everest. They don't have the will, the auteur ability, or the trust of the fanbase.

Kojima could do that, which is what made the franchise what it is today.

MGS is dead, but Konami owns the pelt. What comes out next is just taxidermy with animatronics.

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Add the entire population of Denmark. Country is dead flat yet you can't see one city from another one. Nor can you see the mountains of neighboring countries.

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A lot of the time, people hear about Burning Man in the context of which privileged asshole grifter attended it. Elizabeth Holmes, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, etc other billionaires or influencers... And it is described as "tech bros' favorite party" in the media.

So, given that impression of it, I can see how the default reaction to it failing is unsympathetic.

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Northern Europe perspective: This was a minor but ongoing part of public discourse until well into the 90s, to my recollection.

It didn't take real root, and my theory of that is that our racists are generally fascists who consider physical strength and fitness to be high values. Intellect and arts are for weaklings. Going into detail on how the Africans had an advantage on speed, strength and agility but were still somehow inferior required too much mental gymnastics.

Do not assume that most people in a corporate management structure work towards company profit. Having people under you makes you powerful and helps your career.

As a career-hunter, I convince corporate leadership that I can re-architect their dying and mismanaged software if I get a team of 20 cheap outsourced devs and four years. It will be everything the old system was plus several new and innovative ways to capture the market. This is not remotely possible, but I manage to convince corpo that it is.

Everyone under me are doing bullshit work that will accomplish nothing, but we have SCRUM and promotions and time tracking and all the toys in the box to distract everyone.

After four years, I have lead a department of 20 people successfully for four years, which gives me momentum to move up the ladder.

Or maybe the thing is killed in mere two years, and I can fail upwards. I dared to dream and I managed a deparment for two years and am the right person to do New Thing X.

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Suleman, the teenage student, was terrified of the dive but ended up going with his dad because he trusted him and it was the Father's Day weekend.

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Like you love crackers, but love them even more with Nutella.

It's when two adults love each other very much, but they love each other even more with poop.

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This is not intended to be snide. It is a genuine question:

How do you know your idea is valid if you have no skills with which to evaluate it?

Italy literally invented fascism.

Hitler used to jerk off to pictures of Mussolini while building his movement.

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Meta-answer: He really shouldn't. Using clever ideas to escape punishment was what caused him eternal punishment in the first place.

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It's not even getting it across. It just associates FOSS engines with assholes.

Nemo Mettler, proud nonbinary from Switzerland, won the Eurovision.

Antichamber - clever first person puzzle game. I played it exactly once and I loved it.

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It's so funny to be reminded of that period in the 90s where any first person game was described as a "DOOM clone", because DOOM itself was the first FPS that hugely took off.

Meanwhile, over on Reddit, several members of the Xbox community have labelled this marketing stunt "vomit inducing" and "unacceptable".

People still on Reddit want someone to take their complaints seriously? Empirically speaking, they will accept this.

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My best An effort:

Day 1:

  • Game Decaffinatea
  • Origin
  • Fallujarf, Hezent Passage
  • Cortarl, Aethere
  • Joesol Staveger, Eupaf Peslpbent
  • Cemclern Rapor, Stage of Decomposition
  • Model Fompm, Purification By Fire
  • Tmalel Otlerine, Pomilddac K
  • Aldidsorth, Septraema

Day 2:

  • Psychroyl7
  • Ofsenpme
  • No Offense Herbert
  • Concerned, Christ Cactula
  • Arkatk, Cand Annie
  • The Kenneth Well, Olpere
  • PARTY CANNON, Unlit23
  • Strosthe Srevegeng, No Altars
  • Ovid's Withering, Wolf King
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Human genes only really "work as intended" when they are combined from very different sets.

So-called "recessive" genes are overruled by your partner's different pile of genes. They are usually shit traits like soggy bones or hair growing backwards, but since they never dominate, they haven't been naturally selected away. They're just harmless baggage.

You can still get them because it's all random, but the likelihood is generally low.

If you don't have that difference in mating genes, more of these recessive genes get to have a say in building the human. This severely increases the likelihood of birth defects.

Fun fact: This is one of the reasons why - when we start colonies on the Moon or Mars or wherever - it's important that we send a fuck ton of people.

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"You can now get multiple pets (after getting max hearts with your starter pet)."

"You can now place hats on cats and dogs."

I have a goal for my next playthrough

Coding web-based erotic visual novels starring anthropomorphized music genres

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Statues (game) has been around since the eighties at least, and was one of the inspirations for the weeping angels.

Also, cats

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Astrophysicists are generally annoyed at the standard model. It's got too many fudges in it. Maybe this will make a new and more explanatory model be discovered and accepted.

Practically, nothing much will change except for astrophysicists being really excited for a while because this kind of thing is what science is all about.

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It's embarrassing that huge and ongoing successful games can't shell out to host official wikis, but instead leave it to the community to either pay out or pocket (not happening) or pick whichever crappy provider they can find willing to host it for ads.

A good wiki needs to have mosly text, a modest amount of pictures, no self-hosted video, and low computing needs. While an unpleasant expense for a private individual, it doesn't cost a company much to host.

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Apart from feeling temporarily (ha!) weird at changing a habit, no. I prefer 02:00 no more or less than any other arbitrary number, really.

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Yeah, draft dodging means maybe losing your freedom and the ability to provide for your children, which is a shit situation to be put in.

But the choice is between poverty and fucking murder. Your choice sucks, but you choose to be a monster. I spare my sympathy for those who choose to be not-murderers.

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Yes, it's just more advanced compression as more and more techniques are discovered and fine-tuned.

To give a feeling of how they work, some of the simpler tricks they use are:

Find a polynomial function that closely matches a sound curve - storing 3183x^3 - 1/13847x^2 + 11x - 9 takes less space than one hundred consecutive frequency numbers.

Cut out sounds that humans don't hear. After a sharp clap, we don't hear certain frequencies for a few tens of milliseconds.

There are tons more, most too advanced to explain in a lemmy comment. :)

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Whatabout acknowledging how utterly inhuman that attack was, and that it happened, without worrying about it overshadowing other war crimes you want to bring to light?

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A set of small neodymium magnets. Didn't have a plan, only they looked "super cool and strong wow".

Used for:

  • Locating needles in the carpet.
  • Fishing keychains out from behind sofas, gap between garden deck and house, and so many other places.
  • Makeshift fix for an old cabinet door that tended to glide open.
  • Holding nails and screws while fixin' stuff.
  • Attaching a soda bottle to the office lamp in a way that is easy to undo while still pissing off HR.
  • Slapping it on a screwdriver to make it magnetic.
  • Fidget toy.
  • Regular ol' fridge magnet.
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