Friday Facts #381 - Space Platforms to – 30 points –
Friday Facts #381 - Space Platforms | Factorio

I really wanted to go, to the planets with the character and not just build in the remote view. But maybe that is a good reason why you would want space exploration mod.

Maybe I missed it, but did they say you could travel to other planets with the character, or is everything outside of Navius only accessible via the remote view. If that's the case, I think that is a bummer

Second sentence of the update, and it's in bold. Yes, it sounds like players will be able to travel

Ah yeah, I just reread it. I guess I forgot about that part when I read all the rest of it

I assume it is only the platforms, for gameplay sense reasons. Platforms are small and not possible to go to without starting with spacesuit and such, plus the trickiness of being "trapped" in transit, so I would think that is why.

Planets are bigger and will have combat, so would be natural to have the player go there.

Yeah that is good to know. Also the other comment just mentioned the first paragraph, so the player is definitely going to the other planets.