
160 Post – 1393 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

this explains certain aspects of the skibidi canon

Thank you for this. Lot of knee jerk voting going on that’s ignoring huge moves going on out there. Please ya’ll don’t bury these in my feed just because you don’t like it.

the f in babylon bee stands for funny

this should hilight to us the outsized effect transphobia has on discourse.

if we were to believe the line that “we’re just concerned about people getting mutilated” we must naturally expect to see that 97% margin of outrage at breast implants, hair implants, weight management surgery etc. for cis folk.

and we don’t. here and there you might hear an evangelical getting upsetti spaghetti avout Ozempic et al but transphobic talking points dominate, in vast disproportion to actual individual cases.

As a side note it always bugs me that the original text of the meme is kind of just weirdly defending racism?

Like clearly in this universe sea lions and maybe even all sea animals are sentient and can speak. The “victim” does a hate crime by saying they could do without that entire race. So yes, sealion bro should not be intruding into this couple’s personal life, but besides that I respect him for trying to do something to change this clearly bigoted man’s behavior and perspective, and it’s noble sealion lad didn’t just punch (slap?) the probably nazi mf in the face the moment he heard his entire community get dissed and told it would be better not existing.

And then in the last panel the man uses the sea lion trying to defend his ethnic community to justify further bigotry!

Anyway. I realize I have invested myself in the race relations of a fictional world. Just be kind on the internet yall.

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and if you happen to be one of the true sealions/jaq ppl who made everything online such a miserable mess you can kick rocks 💞💞💞

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FWIW here is a study, including its methodology in detail.

Everybody loves hanging out with the weirdos until they actually start acting weird.

So perfectly worded and I feel this so hard. I was nervous to post this as I was sure I was just gonna get hate for it but glad others are finding catharsis in the sentiment getting out there :)

this person explained it https://lemmy.cafe/post/5932507/6475215 :)

fuck yeah bestie 🥰💖

your handwriting is attractive /flirt

i certainly didn’t the first time i got hit with it! and i felt so bad that they felt i was trying to mess with them :( and then they read each apology as further disingenuous snark and it’s all too late to recover

This is one of the first comments I have seen on lemmy that truly feels like old school reddit. You applied your professional knowledge to that fairly unkind commenter not only to correct them but also to express something many might not know!

Very cool of you keep it up champ :)


where do you cite this five grade model?

the world health organization is not quite in line with you here (CW, hopefully obvious explicit discussion of mutilation) thanks !

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absolutely true but Dolly Parton did not have to face transphobic harassment and violence

very very very important distinction

way too political

more like based methodist church

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the closest my situational awareness ever gets anywhere close to sherlock holmes’

i be sussing out the joint with ultra stealth

some russians are naked and are taking a shower out of a pipe

rest of russians wear adidas track suits and light a cigarette

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i can’t see their faces so i can’t tell for sure

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Your experience is certainly valid but for those interested there are at least 13 Methodist denominations in the North America alone, several of which exist because they participate in more progressive leadership :)

it’s best not to to read too much into things when it comes to images of people wearing tees i find

future perfect perfect, say

just animate it in your head

me i do i think it’s cool that these leaders are fighting for human rights across the gamut and i appreciate reporters that identify and celebrate this action


in the fight for a free Palestine the “your identity would get you killed in Gaza” has been used as a pro-Israel pro-genocide weapon and erasure of of queer Palestinians. it is objectively good for queer leadership to align itself with other instances of human rights activism.

who made u meme police

stay winning 💪💪💪

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yes twas a /joke :)

thats how my brain subconsciously interpreted the two guys before the background registered consciously

this joke is funny here but it gets really sad when twitter and everyone repeats the same “original” knee slapper when this stat continues to be true, month after month after month 😒

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some of these movements you deride are as old as or older than you, and all of them have been mutually beneficial.

the “disingenuous and sickening” position is yours, unfortunately. i don’t have the resources to help you through this but i hope you can start to learn from this conversation.

and idk if i can do it 🤷‍♀️

to place them under the same umbrella of gay rights

This might be your key misunderstanding! 🙂 With emphasis, this is not what the article is saying nor what is happening.

When pride leadership associated itself with the Civil Rights Movement, it was not an adoption or enrollment of the Civil Rights Movement into LGBT rights. It was an alignment and an extension of mutual support and solidarity, recognizing that both communities had individuals and resources in common and faced a common enemy in the form of white supremacy.

When pride leadership associated itself with the feminist movement, it was not an adoption or enrollment of feminism into LGBT rights. It was an alignment and an extension of mutual support and solidarity, seeing that both communities had individuals and resources in common and a common enemy in the form of gender-based discrimination. Historically, many early feminist activists, such as those in the 1970s, also championed LGBT rights, recognizing the interconnectedness of their struggles.

When pride leadership associated itself with the labor movement, it was not an adoption or enrollment of the labor movement into LGBT rights. It was an alignment and an extension of mutual support and solidarity, understanding that both communities had individuals and resources in common and a common enemy in the form of economic injustice. For instance, the 1980s saw significant collaborations between LGBT activists and labor unions, particularly in advocating for workplace protections against discrimination.

When pride leadership associated itself with the indigenous rights movement, it was not an adoption or enrollment of the indigenous movement into LGBT rights. It was an alignment and an extension of mutual support and solidarity, acknowledging that both communities had individuals and resources in common and a common enemy in the form of colonialism and cultural erasure. During events such as the 2016 Standing Rock protests, many LGBT activists stood in solidarity with indigenous peoples, highlighting the shared struggles against marginalization.

When pride leadership associated itself with the Black Lives Matter movement, it was not an adoption or enrollment of BLM into LGBT rights. It was an alignment and an extension of mutual support and solidarity, recognizing that both communities had individuals and resources in common and faced a common enemy in the form of systemic racism. For example, during the 2020 protests, many LGBT organizations showed solidarity with BLM, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by black LGBT individuals.

When pride leadership associates itself with the pro-Palestine movement, it is not an adoption or enrollment of the pro-Palestine movement into LGBT rights. It is an alignment and an extension of mutual support and solidarity, seeing that both communities have individuals and resources in common and a common enemy in the form of occupation and human rights violations.

In all cases, this alignment of communities served to amplify the voices of all parties. “Dilution of political power” by doing solidarity is just not a thing that happens.

you discovered the importance of multiple non-associated fact checking institutions holding one another accountable :)

usually the items in an image macro are just symbols with memetic value only; i’m trying not to assume things :)

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me if you even care