rulegularly check their modlog to remind myself how burnt and sickly the grass is on the other side of the fence to – 383 points –


Honestly... yeah.

Hexbear is a no brainer to block but ml was very much "fine" with a high tolerance for tankie idiots. But it feels like the hexbears figure out they are all blocked and are now just moving to ml en masse.

Sucks because there are actually some good users on there. But I just can't with the swarm of righteous stupidity.

But did you ever CONSIDER that Stalin was a GENUS and those people DESERVED to die for disagreeing with him?! Did you!? HMMM!?!?!

Also America is a genocidal privacy hating country of scum!!

What? No, China is perfect. Nothing to see here.

My favorite are the couple openly trans people who consistently simp for regimes that would gladly disappear them.

I know how easy it is to both be trans and also be put into a cult-like mindset at the same time (guilty of this myself), but come on! These consiquences are deadly.

Assuming they actually are and aren't just playing an openly trans character.

Don’t forget Putin bravely defending himself against western imperialism by invading neighboring nations, and how he must secretly be a communist no matter how much of the country he has privatized and sold off to his cronies.

I'll never understand why tankies defend a colonial imperialist oligarchy like Russia when it has nothing to do with socialism/communism.

Because the vast majority are just as stupid as the libertarians. They don't actually know what socialism or even communism is. They just know they were told that capitalism is bad (and... it mostly is) and that if they support this revolution they'll get everything they want.

Its why so many are hellbent on accelerationism. They think that they'll become warlords during the civil war and get exactly what they want.

Yeah, America AND China are genocidal privacy hating countries!

Indeed, but only one of them can you openly criticize while living within its borders without fear, and it ain't China.

The Holodomor was a myth. As if a socialist regime would intentionally starve millions of people!

Disclaimer: famines can and do happen under capitalism, even intentionally (e.g. Ireland) but at least there's no widespread denialism like you see when they occur under ostensibly socialist regimes. And if they are acknowledged, then the debate switches to whether or not the country is truly socialist, or somehow this is still capitalism's fault.

I am very new to the fediverse, and .ml was the second instance I tried as I was feeling things out. I was not having a good experience at all. I saw so much content that didn't sit well with me, and the discourse made me never want to comment. It's validating to hear it's not just me.

Dude, I hung out in hexbear when I first came here cuz I thought they were fun scamps. Lol. That didn't last long at all.

Yeah, I got banned from lemmy grad and hexbear awfully quick here and almost gave up on the whole fediverse before someone pointed out you can block instances.

I actually got permabanned from both without ever commenting on either. I think I argued with a few users from both under a post at .ml and that did it.

I was an early Lemmy user, and joined back when .ml was basically the only choice.

It was weird, but the thing that really got me considering a different instance was just how many words they added to their censor list.

I messaged the admins and told them that it wasn't a great system, because it censors posts with "removed" whenever a forbidden word is used, and because of that I can't tell the difference between someone saying "bitch" and someone saying the n-word. How am I supposed to know whether or not to report such a comment if the offense part is obscured. "What a stupid removed" could be slightly sexist, or indefensibly racist.

They told me "All slurs are bad, you should report those comments just the same".

Ay, fuck you guys, the words I gave you as examples are absolutely not equally bad, or at least, anyone with a functioning brain wouldn't make that argument...

.ml mods are so socialist that they even see all the swear words as equal

What's the point in even involving a report, then? Why not just auto flag any post with a bad word or just block it from being posted in the first place?

Not saying any of that is a good idea, just following that logic a bit. Censoring words is fucking useless IMO.

Looking at the blocked instance list makes me pretty happy. Probably going to make an alt over there as well for when I need a breath of fresh air.

Definitely happy to see Hexbear on that list.

Like its crazy, if I see an insane comment, I always say "of course a .ml would say this shit" without even reading the username and I was never wrong

Odd. I see this without issue.

I'm guessing has .ml blocked but not the other way around, OP likely can't see your comment

You mean lemmygrad? I can still see this, fortunately

.ml has gotten more obviously tankie as lemmygrad and hexabear became more defederated. Asshole imperialists don't simply want to have their own spaces, but the have the biggest spaces be their spaces. They want to convert normies and suppress those that disagree.

Well... That's what imperialism is, after all.

That's exactly why imperialists should never be welcomed, no matter how benign they pretend to be. Concessions won't stop an enemy that seeks absolute victory.

The hexbear admin is on the record saying they primarily care about information warfare in their interactions with the broader fediverse

Maybe because it’s posted to a community on an instance different than OP’s? I wonder if they can see your comment

Looking at the federated/defederated instances on linked higher up in this thread, it looks like is defederated from, but I imagine it is not the other way around.

You can see OP's content but they can't see your comment, basically.