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Joined 7 months ago

Well, the first time they e really gotten away from that dynasty has been Acolyte. Haven't seen it yet, but judging by the discourse online this might be the last time they ever explore outside the skywalkers

Yeah, but here in the US, if you can work even the simplest job you shouldn't qualify for disability! That just encourages people to enjoy communism! These literally half blind mfers need to get off their ass and get to work, the lazy sons of bitches! Don't they love freedom?

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Nah man, freedom.

There's likely zero bugs, but Firefox has more ways to block ads and trackers from affecting you, which is likely to real reason they don't want it being used.

Still more accurate than bing maps

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Whoever signed off on hiring literal children should be held accountable. Actually holding these people to accountability is the only way this is getting solved

Their main argument for not donating to Wikipedia is because it's improperly monetized?

Good. I'm sick of everything good having to have every single aspect of it monetized. Fuck the modern corporate internet


Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They're a child administration of the Department of Transportation

Streaming video to millions of people isn't just something anyone could whip up and run. It requires an ungodly amount of infrastructure and the only reason twitch and YouTube can keep going is because Amazon and Google own millions of servers world wide

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Honestly, save yourself the brain rot.

If you must know, right wing nut jobs have started saying this is the second coming or some such other insane shit

Cause they're going to show a pop-up that advertises some "cool new feature", and the 99% of users who aren't tech literate will say yes and never think about it again.

People on this site severely overestimate how much the average person cares and their overall level of tech.

Government doing things ≠ socialism.

Government regulating things ≠ socialism

Roads and parks ≠ socialism

Socialism is based in the collective ownership of companies by the workers who make everything happen, rather than execs and managers. Socialism isn't when government does stuff or when healthcare.

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I agree with the other guy... Context would be great cause I'm not googling "twitch beastiality"

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Honestly I'd be substantially more surprised if Trump and Clinton weren't named.

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That's Standards, isn't it?

Edit: yup

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On the teenage mod thing, I have a bit of insight-

So basically modding on Reddit sucks. You feel like you have zero support for a volunteer position and it genuinely becomes taxing. I moderated a large subreddit (4 mill+ subs) for a few years alongside 2 smaller (still 100k+) ones. Both of these were exhausting and I ended up letting auto mod do half the work.

I got invited by a friend to moderate a default subreddit. I lasted less than a week. The types of things people post on there that the users never see is horrifying and whenever I can afford therapy it will be getting brought up. I'm talking early 2000s gore sites level shit in addition to the buckets of CSAM.

I started moderating one of the smaller communities back in high school. Let me tell you, my time was worthless back then and I was on top of everything. Once college started, that slowed down a lot and setting up auto mod for the common stuff became entirely necessary. Once I graduated, I suddenly had zero want to moderate. I barely touched anything and automated 99% of my tasks.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that moderating defaults is damn near a full time job, and most of us adults just don't want to do it. I know I sure as hell didn't.

And let me tell you, some of the mods on there get just an awful break. Almost all of them are just people trying to build communities, many of whom have no idea how, especially once they get big. The real people to watch out for are the mods no one knows the name of. I know for a fact that many power mods were completely unknown. They used dozens of sock puppets to moderate hundreds of communities, all of them aggregated in private discords. I managed to find a wild invite to one once, but I got booted before I could start taking screenshots

Something within me just really hates the word lerf

Spoiler: they can't

You can still run Fallout 1 and 2 on modern hardware. Maybe not the original disks, but a remake wouldn't fix that anyways.

A remake would involve redoing nearly everything in the base game in a new engine. You're likely thinking of a remaster, which brings it up to modern hardware without rebuilding the whole thing.

A remake isn't needed for fallout 1 or 2

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ULA is 50% owned by Boeing. Therefore there's only a 50% chance you'll die!

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Because they don't want to be held accountable, they just want to keep getting away with murder and assault

Sifu does since it just got released on steam this year.

RDR2 and Starfield though are just idiotic

Mandalore reviews mostly older games.

Give his Mystery of the Druids or Limbo of the Lost videos if you want to experience some of the most absurd games ever made.

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Can someone help me find this out -

Is selling an entire state something that literally anyone can do? Like, can the president do it? Congress? Secretary of State? Library of Congress?

Is this something that's even possible?

I assume the answer is a hard no, but the only source I could find online is quora and I have a negative amount of trust in that site

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Yeah, not a penny of the extra $10 is being passed along

My local council is all "small" business owners and religious leaders. They tried to fight a biking course that would have ended up costing the city $0 cause a local rich guy was willing to cover everything cause biking is "liberal propaganda" (and because one of them owns a bunch of dealerships)

We're fucked dude. There's no way in hell someone like me is ever getting elected in this town where the median age is in the 60s. And it's not like I can afford to leave. I can't even afford the fee to apply to run right now.

I shouldn't be surprised anymore, but are there actually people that think this?

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As an atheist, the thought of the "atheist fandom" is extremely funny to me

Not consumers, that's for sure

I don't give a rats ass about their market share, epics never going to pass steam, but they still have to pay devs to give away those games, and with a lot of the games being indie titles, I'm perfectly happy for some free money to go into a devs pocket

To add on to this: steam was dog shit before epic came along. A lot of people are either unaware or have forgotten how bad steam actually was until it got some real competition

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Even with right to repair I wouldn't want to work on HP printers

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As a formal retail worker, fuck you. The workers have nothing to do with this crap and they hate it more than you could even know.


0/10 instance

It's supposed to be in the style of those "socialism is when government does stuff" memes. That's pretty much how all of them end

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Would it be a Horizon game if it didn't release at the same time as a another major release!

I swear it's purposeful at this point

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W.E.B. Du Bois is a famous black sociologist

Just at me next time damn

Aaaahhh that's why there's so many of those weird garbage books there! You'd think those wouldn't even be worth buying as rejects. There's several at mine that I think have been there since they opened

Check with your local laws. Some of them will have it setup so you don't have to pay rent if the basic amenities aren't in service, and for a desert that should include AC