3 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm guessing has .ml blocked but not the other way around, OP likely can't see your comment

Honestly It's been way worse for me lol, the discussions here are actually meaningful so I can sink way too much time reading threads instead of getting bored after looking at 5 consecutive reposted memes on reddit

Edit: I'm not complaining though, this is definitely better

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How so? I usually find their content pretty interesting

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No, you can't, because that isn't a good analogy. Those two situations are not at all the same, but I'll humor you.

The analogy you're making is like saying only the company who makes doors is allowed to change the lock on your door, and they're allowed to just stop offering the lock-changing service whenever they want. They also conveniently put a mechanism in so that whenever a third-party locksmith comes, your door falls apart. Your only option is to buy a new door, doorknob, frame, and hinge because your lock is worn out.

A lot of people here seem to think that Java code is awful and disgusting and no projects should ever use it. The thing about popular languages is that more code existing in a language inevitably means a lot of it ends up being bad. The same thing will likely happen to rust as it gets popular, but that isn't exactly a problem. It's possible to have a well-maintained Java codebase.

Debate between functionality of the actual programming languages at this point is pretty meaningless, if they have good development standards then a Java program could end up just as well maintained as rust. Any time saved by compiler enforcement of specific standards (like no using null) would be lost by the fact that the devs don't know rust tooling. You could just have a requirement in PRs that null isn't used. Both Java and Rust have usable frameworks for REST API development, so using one or the other comes down to familiarity.

The idea that programming languages make code suddenly good or bad is pretty silly. Different languages have different language-level guarantees which can help produce good or working code. That being said, it's not like it's impossible to write good Java code, just like it's not impossible to write bad rust code. Most people seem to be conflating guaranteed functionality and safety with maintainability, stability, and readability. Rust is still a new language, so although it's great, Java will probably be the better choice for the latter 3 qualities.

That being said, something like Kotlin would probably have been a better starting point since it can interact with Java (and works like Java in most cases) but also has some nice improvements like stricter null checking (Kotlin nulls are treated similarly to rust's Option, it's just described as T? instead and the syntax is generally a lot more concise). There's also the benefit of being able to write some code in Kotlin and some in Java since they are mostly cross-compatible.

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Sorry for being unclear, I wasn't trying to say language doesn't make a difference (e.g. static vs. dynamic typing would make a big difference). I also personally like the error handling of rust a lot more, even if it does take a bit getting used to when my education has mostly been in languages with Java-style exception handling.

I mostly meant that the language-level performance and features aren't necessarily holding the codebase back in a debate between Java and Rust for a lemmy-like REST API. As long as the developers are aware of the pitfalls of Java (null, mutation, error-handling, etc.), it's possible to have good code.

I just think that from a maintainability standpoint, a Java-style codebase is much easier for most people to read, understand, and maintain because that's what most people are familiar with. Especially when many of the developers are volunteer contributors, that type of thing could make a big difference.

The main problem with Rust is that it's only starting to get adoption now, it isn't taught in most education curriculums, and it's industry use is pretty small at the moment. It's kind of a catch-22, because rust adoption won't increase unless large projects like lemmy exist. But that's also why I think having more options is also fine. Sublinks might get more developers short term because of its language, but that also doesn't mean it'll completely replace Lemmy. Both projects can exist at the same time, and hopefully benefit from each other's development.

Nuclear is probably the safest form of power when proper protocols are put in place but it's hard to do that when the largest country in Europe (Russia, both by size and population) is currently in a war

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Coal mining kills more people per year than nuclear does. Pollution kills more people by several magnitudes than nuclear ever could. When proper safety measures are put in place it's by far the safest form of energy. And regardless of whether people make nuclear power plants, the technology exists, so it will be used to make bombs regardless

I've been using EndeavourOS for about 1.5 years on my laptop and about a year on my desktop. I've been using it as arch but pre-configured. I believe EndeavourOS uses the same repositories as stock Arch, with an extra EndeavourOS repo added for theming and some convenience tools they use.

The UI might not be as easy as Manjaro (I don't think they pre-install a GUI for pacman/yay, but it isn't hard to install one like pamac). Other than that if you use a desktop like Gnome or KDE and install a pacman frontend you probably won't need to interact with the terminal more than you want. Honestly I think EndeavourOS is a great place to start if you want to learn more about Linux without having to spend the time configuring your system from scratch.


As a current computer science college student who was a TA for 2 semesters, can confirm... It's wild out here

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How long some company like Nintendo uses this to justify taking mods down?

A lot of android apps are built using Java/Kotlin, so you don't actually need to care about architecture since the JVM supports both x86_64 and arm64.

There are exceptions to this though, since some apps need to run native code. Those apps would need some sort of emulation/translation layer for the arm instructions.

I say this as a desktop Linux user for about 5 years at this point, but there is a big difference between typing "I understand I will uninstall half my OS with this" and typing "do as I say". One requires directly repeating what is going to happen, and one is a more verbose version of typing Y.

Yes, the user should still be allowed to break their system however they want, but the warning should definitely be more obvious so the user can actively know if something they are changing might completely break their system. is an instance dedicated to copying subs over from reddit just to have content. All of the communities on do this

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Not really sure how archinstall factors in since it wasn't around yet when I first installed, but I love EndeavourOS. I've installed arch before, but I really can't be bothered if I'm just going to end up installing all of the same packages the GUI could give me in less time anyway. Yeah, EndeavourOS is just arch with some small extra packages and a GUI installer, but that's exactly why I like it.

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Using that feeling to get people to spend money on stuff they don't need (clothes, micro transactions, unnecessarily replacing electronics, etc.)

Linux gets viruses too (see recent xz-utils vulnerability that almost got into production environments) and its kind of a shame that corporate antivirus software like Norton and McAfee end up ruining the reputation of antiviruses. In theory the idea of having a software that can scan for common viruses is a great way to increase security, even if it shouldn't replace common sense. I'm not too sure if there are any good FOSS antiviruses, but if there aren't there should be.

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I agree with this mostly, but at the same time more powerful hardware lets the devs experiment with more advanced mechanics. For example, ToTK runs pretty hard into switch limitations with its impressive physics. If Nintendo wanted to take that engine even further, they'd likely need a hardware upgrade.

Additionally, more powerful hardware starts putting more demanding mechanics into the realm of possibility for an indie dev team that has neither the time nor the resources to optimize their games at the same level as a big studio.

I love not having downvotes federated 😎

I think they mentioned in another comment, but sublinks is developed in Java, so the .world team would be able to contribute more to the actual development/testing process (edit: since they aren't familiar with rust).

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This. Lemmy/Kbin will probably get a flood of PC users when old reddit shuts down, most people came here because of the API changes killing mobile apps

Note that a few of these are misleading...

AngularJS no longer exists because the library switched to TypeScript (which can be used with JavaScript code) and is now just called Angular. For the non-developers, TypeScript and JavaScript are mostly cross-compatible, and having a typing system makes way more sense for what Angular tries to accomplish. They didn't actually kill the project.

The Google Duo app also got more or less facelifted into Google Meet, so it's not like it's actually dead.

Those things being said, the amount of things on that list is pretty crazy. Especially the ones that were straight up canceled and not rebranded/replaced.

They won't come here... They'll go wherever they can to solve the problem, which won't be here because Lemmy doesn't really show up in search results yet

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That's fair, it seems like something that would be useful to have but probably shouldn't be showing up on "all" type feeds, though I'm not sure if there is any way to fix that past just blocking communities. Maybe allowing users to block entire instances in their profiles could help.

Pretty sure that's a joke, Mali's TLD is .ml

It's also worth noting I've recently been seeing a lot of Linux posts from people who just switched, this was somewhat of a trend on Reddit as well but imo the Linux posting has gotten noticeably less toxic toward newer users and a lot more understanding of the "using Linux without wanting to spend hours configuring everything" perspective.

Side point that's somewhat related to that: I wonder how the growth of other platforms FOSS platforms like Lemmy, Mastodon, Matrix, etc. has impacted Linux project development. Not sure if it's just me but it seems like it's helped a lot with making Linux communities more accessible.

Pretty sure the dev mentioned they were going to release the source code as well, so it won't really be proprietary anymore. Either way I still prefer melonDS but at least there are options

You're still giving them a platform by installing their code though?

If you use software coming from someone you inherently disagree with, especially a desktop environment/compositor, you depend on that person for your computer's day-to-day functionality. Isn't one of the key points of the FOSS community that we disagree with large controlling companies like Google and Microsoft? That, even when they make FOSS contributions, it should be taken with a huge grain of salt?

Imo, this is the exact same thing. Even if it's good software, not wanting to rely on code from someone you don't agree with or trust (even if those concerns are unrelated to the given codebase) is completely reasonable and valid

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Ok but when do we get to change the drag and drop behavior so it just moves the folder instead of opening a menu

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If anything to me gnome always seemed like some weird mix between macos, android, and chrome OS. That might be the material style theming though.

They're all tone indicators, since you can't communicate voice tone over text.

/s stands for sarcasm, sometimes /srs is used for serious, I'm not too sure what the others stand for but those are the most frequently used from what I've seen

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This sounds like a problem that would be covered in an algorithms class.

Something something knapsack problem, dynamic programming, something something

Suyu died though. Right now the only actively maintained Yuzu fork is Sudachi, which is only maintained by a single person.

Apparently there was some drama about the Yuzu devs using code which came from a switch SDK as a basis for emulator code, which kind of poisons the whole codebase.

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I always knew those candies as jawbreakers (should be self-explanatory based on the above description) so it might be also be a regional/generational thing

Most commands will have expanded arguments started with 2 dashes that usually look like '--verbose-name-of-option', they're usually listed in the man page/documentation along with the abbreviated letter version

But most of the comments on this post really aren't elitist. Most desktop tools are made by volunteers (with the exception of SUSE, Canonical, Red Hat, etc. who mostly deal with running on servers) and those volunteers only have so much time to work on projects. If they don't have time/knowledge to build GUIs when the terminal is "good enough" for their use cases, why should they?

If someone else needs the GUI, they can develop a frontend separately (which also gives people the choice of being able to cut down on software they don't need if they only use the terminal interface)

Personally, my take on this is that Linux isn't mainstream for a reason. Windows/macOS still exist and (privacy concerns aside) function well. It would be amazing if Linux could become more beginner friendly, but let's not try to act like desktop Linux developers who are already giving up their time owe it to us to do even more.

I think they're saying religious people believe that if it isn't an enforced rule by either the law or some religion, people won't follow it.

(I know it's the jesse meme text but internet sarcasm is hard so I'm putting my interpretation anyway)

Hi, it's me, the intern refactoring the spaghetti .NET core backend. I'm not in a basement though. AMA