Todd Bonzalez

11 Post – 1326 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

I'm just some guy, you know.

The oil execs thank you for giving them soup while punching climate protesters in the mouth.

Yeah, sure, if it was an adversary like the U.S. government and not a Russian ally like Elon Musk...

"We have a strap-on hallucination machine at home"

The strap-on hallucination machine at home:

Nazis aren't really known for being smart. The thought process goes like this:

  • America is shit
  • (Too cowardly to actually plan an assault against the institutions they hate)
  • A race war will solve things
  • Something has to start a race war
  • Attack unguarded substations and cause blackouts
  • ???
  • Race war.
  • ???
  • White, Christian monocultural ethnostate.

You know the couch-fucker jokes aren't compliments right?

$3,500 on a toy is not "pretty expensive", it's 3 months salary at minimum wage. It's 7 times as expensive as the Quest 3, which actually has a user base, and 11 times as expensive as the upcoming Quest 3S.

It certainly pays a couple of mortgage payments.

Just a heads up that that isn't something they quoted Trump as saying, that's just some hyperbole the author opened this piece up with. It's definitely not productive, especially in lieu of an actual quote from Trump...

Yeah, with that many users you need like $30/month on AWS...

The guy who set it up probably quit, and nobody knows how it works now.


and also


It was a false statement and you were using it as a cudgel against inclusive bathrooms.

Some Republican is suddenly going to be against self defense. Just you watch.

11 more...

Look, not defending colonialism, but the British Indian Ocean Territory doesn't have a native population anymore. 100% of those living on the island are UK and US military personnel. For the past 50 years it's been a military base.

The largest chunk of the revenue from .io domain sales go to, who owns the ccTLD, with only a small portion going to the UK government after ICANN et al takes their piece. There are only 270K registered .io domains, averaging $36/year in registration fees each, so the whole pie is less than $10M annually.

The circumstances leading to this arrangement are completely indefensible, and there is a movement to grant the right of return to the surviving Chagossians and their families, including a 2021 UN resolution rejecting the sovereignty of the UK over the islands.

If you actually want to support the surviving Chagossian people, get involved in international political activism and fight for their right to return to their homeland. If they should succeed, they will be entitled to their own ccTLD that they can profit from freely like other small countries, and the .io ccTLD could face termination as result of BIOT no longer being a legal territory - though, not strictly, the Soviet Union's .su ccTLD still exists today, and it could be beneficial to transfer ownership of the ccTLD to the Chagossians, but that can only happen after they are able to reclaim their territory.

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It is incredibly stupid that the Passport office thinks that this is a copyright issue, but the parents logic is also baffling...

“We understand that Loki’s middle name is copyrighted, but we have no intention of using it for personal gain."

So you gave a child a name that they themselves won't be able to use for "personal gain" when they grow up? Acknowledging the inherent limitations of a name like this just sounds like you willfully set your kid up for failure.

Sounds to me like a case of parents treating their child like an accessory. You're not raising a child, you're raising a future adult. Maybe don't give them a legal name that is also a corporate brand name?

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We know. He's a Republican who wants to criminalize pornography. He's a hypocrite.

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I have IPv6 at home, at work, on my phone, and my hotspot. I have them on my websites and servers. IPv6 is everywhere for me. I use it all the time. Most people do and don't even realize it.

IPv4 still reigns supreme on a LAN, because you're never going to run out of addresses, even if you're running an enterprise company. IPv6 subnets are usually handed out to routers, so DHCPv6 can manage that address space and you don't need to know anything unless you're forwarding ports on IPv6.

For the Internet, just use hostnames. There's literally zero reason to memorize a WAN address when it could be an A/AAAA record.

Look, if Excel is the last mile and everyone is properly plugged into a corporate database to pull numbers, then great.

But way too many companies manage everything from a network share full of xlsx files...

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I love this kind of delusional statement.

"Researchers spent tens of billions of dollars, and put decades into research, and now that there is breakthrough progress in applied machine learning, but we should bury all knowledge of it and abandon the entire sector because of vibes."

Scepticism of AI businesses and hype is perfectly understandable, but you're not putting this cat back in the bag...

It's still a rape joke. Your laughter has been noted.

You can't even threaten to murder everyone around you anymore...

Whatever brand of Socialism/Communism you advocate for that denies the sick and dying a dignified death, you can keep it.

Here are my walking distances in Seattle:

  • Convenience store: 150m
  • Chain supermarket: 30m
  • Big supermarket: 1.6km
  • Bus stop: 10m
  • Park: 100m
  • Library: 150m
  • Train station: 2km

Straight-line distance to Space Needle: 4.3km

For real, there's a picture of a little black box that says "HDMI KVM" on it. There's no confusion here.

The compatibility list is all perfectly true so long as the output is HDMI I guess. You could use TempleOS for all this thing cares.

You can sue people for choosing not to do business with you?

Musk is such a fucking baby. He has no basis for this. He made major changes to the site, including a complete rebrand, and advertisers left. That's the fucking free market, and he's gonna sue?

10 more...

“My father is running out of lives here,” son Eric Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “How many more rifles are going to come within assassination distance of my father?”


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Look, fuck Alex Jones, but the title of the Twitter Space was "Will the Deep State Assassinate Biden If He Refuses To Leave?"

Which is some crazy conspiratorial nonsense, but it is pretty far from a call to assassinate Biden. It does technically have the words "assassinate Biden" in it, so the headline is correct on a literal level, but this is some serious click bait...

You could just as easily say "Rawstory posts article with 'Assassinate Biden' in the title", and be just as correct.

10 more...

Hey Microsoft: Windows is yours, GRUB is mine. I don't give a shit if GRUB is vulnerable, I'll fix that myself if I choose to.

Mind your own fucking business. The most you should ever do is let me know about it, not try to patch things you aren't responsible for...

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The current Republican platform is largely based on stupid easily disproven lies. I'm convinced our fall to fascism is caused by stupidity as much as it is hatred.

"Doctors are cutting little boys dicks off because they like the color pink!"

"They're performing abortions after birth!"

"Haitians are eating all the cats and dogs!"

"They're putting litter boxes in the school bathrooms!"

There's really only two kinds of Republican: The evil ones who spread these lies intentionally, and the stupid ones who believe this dumb shit.

11 more...

My brother in Christ, Batman is a billionaire CEO.

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The article tries to say that this is ridiculous, but I don't see it.

Sure, he's a cheater, and he got caught. Not particularly sympathetic.

But, Apple markets their products as privacy-respecting, he deleted something he wanted to keep secret, and his Apple products betrayed him and revealed his secret to someone else, resulting in real-world consequences.

Apple should be held to account for the privacy violation at the very least.

22 more...

"I will impregnate her" -Elon Musk

"She will be raped by Venezuelans" -David Rubin

"Children's Genitals!" -Megyn Kelly


"Linux File Systems"

*List of root directories*

Uh, where are the file systems? EXT4... BTRFS... FAT32...

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Watch closely as the right wing, which is typically obsessed with child sex abuse, ignores this and continues backing universal immunity for all cops.

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He prefers rally-goers that don't get shot and killed.

That rally-goer knew what he signed up for anyway.

You heard it straight from Trump: you don't have to vote anymore.

If you're a trump supporter, take a break on election day. He's got it covered.

I can't believe someone would be so stupid and careless as to develop Web3 software.

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I'm honestly worried about tonight. Saturday night, plenty of places where people gather, and a lot of extremists are just waiting for a moment for escalation that they can exploit.

Attempting to take the life of the party leader during an election is going to push some people over the edge.

I honestly give it a 50% chance that there's some sort of mass casualty event in the next 12 hours related to this. I fucking hope I'm wrong, or that the odds are somehow in our favor, but I've run out of optimism.

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Fun fact: Horses can't vomit.

27 more...

Crying is a moment of human vulnerability. Are we really going to kick this man while he is down? We've already won, his assets are getting liquidated, there's no shame in acknowledging that he is experiencing the loss... I'm just fucking with you, this horrible troll of a man could cry a river every day, and he'll still never experience the pain any of his victims have experienced. I hope he never gets over it.

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I was an early Lemmy user, and joined back when .ml was basically the only choice.

It was weird, but the thing that really got me considering a different instance was just how many words they added to their censor list.

I messaged the admins and told them that it wasn't a great system, because it censors posts with "removed" whenever a forbidden word is used, and because of that I can't tell the difference between someone saying "bitch" and someone saying the n-word. How am I supposed to know whether or not to report such a comment if the offense part is obscured. "What a stupid removed" could be slightly sexist, or indefensibly racist.

They told me "All slurs are bad, you should report those comments just the same".

Ay, fuck you guys, the words I gave you as examples are absolutely not equally bad, or at least, anyone with a functioning brain wouldn't make that argument...

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Crooks appeared to have featured in a TV advert for the BlackRock finance company filmed at Bethel Park High School and broadcast in 2023.

I just found a breadcrumb of what will undoubtedly be my favorite conspiracy theory to come out of this.

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