Thanks to science, men can now locate the clitoris with micrometer accuracy.

Todd to Lemmy – 369 points –

The clitoris is fake propaganda spread by radical feminists to confuse and terrify good Christian men.

Oh the clit's real, the clit's real alright. It's the female orgasm, that's the myth.

All three of those things are myths,
the clitoris, the female orgasm and females,
all made up

Wrong. There is only one person on the internet: me. Everyone else is AI.

Do not let this boy fool you.

I have, in fact, never seen him stalk a chicken.

Women do not exist on the Internet.

(Stay anonymous ladies I was being sarcastic)

Amen. If flopping onto her doesn't her there then god didn't want her to cum.

This joke has always confused the hell out of me. My very first time I had no trouble finding it. It's very easy to find. It's literally the part that sticks out and is the first thing you get to usually.

Partly the joke is that men are selfish and don't care about the woman's satisfaction during sex. They can't find it cause they aren't looking for it and/or don't want to.

We teenage boys debated the mythical clitoris and it's location, and we all had differing opinions. (This was long before the internet, OK?)

I actually found the G-spot before the clitoris. Didn't know it was a thing back then, but damn, it's an obvious hot spot.

You ever open your camera with the front facing camera by accident?

What is that a picture of?

That looks like vocal chords. The white part, it's what vibrates and changes shape to make sound and pitch when you speak.

i understand that there's not enough education about the clitoris and the importance of it in sex but the way people talk about it like it's the g-spot has always made me question what they mean by "finding" it. like, it's right there. how are you even looking for it

Honestly same, it's not like you have to go digging for it, or like it's different for every woman. It's right there.

Like so many things in life, actually giving a shit and genuinely trying gets you like 80% of the way there.

And assuming you do actually care, you can’t see communication as a weakness.

I had a vch piercing and men still couldn't find my clit

i honestly think it might be the result of all this talk about finding it. maybe people don't find it because they think it's hard to find. idk. still, public sex education is a must. if someone had said "this is the vulva, and here's the clitoris" even once in school, i don't think anyone would have a hard time finding it.

How anyone has trouble finding it in the age of the internet is beyond me

Forget the Internet, just communicate lol

Speaking as someone who's Christian fundamentalist parents did not ensure a proper education about this, whose community enforced it, it takes time to figure out, even with the Internet. I was sexually active years before I ever orgasmed, and even after that, the shame for enjoying sex at all was still engrained. I was aware of my anatomy, but with limited, supervised access to the Internet until 18, it set me up to be metaphorically fucked in my ability to communicate about it. But hey, I'm in my 30s and survived.

I didn't consider that at all.
Glad you've managed to work things out in the end.

This needs to be NSFW.

Are you thinking the clit has a white ring around it?! Get your face in there soldier and get to work!

I...don't understand what you're asking me. Could you please rephrase?

The point they're making is that what you're looking at in the picture isn't NSFW. The title is deliberately misrepresenting an advert to make it seem NSFW, a classic shitposting tradition.

1 more...

Context for people unfamiliar: this is a video-assisted intubation. The white bit on the screen is the larynx (vocal cords), and the fold below it is the opening of the esophagus.

(Edit: I was just looking at this and that is the fanciest portable defib/resus pack I have ever seen. The ones I've used were jank as heck and only had a screen for the EKG readout and vitals.)