
2 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I miss the older marathons. Everything was in person, which I feel had better energy. And the runs were simpler. I don't really like 4-way races, or controller passing whatever. It's all a gimmick as far as I'm concerned. I like paying attention to the games and how skilled the runners are.

I tagged you as a Constiposter, cause you can't shitpost.

Not really, but our supreme Court is alright. Rest of it government is worthless.

I hope the Coast Guard didn't respond. Would've thrown everyone into the water.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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A lot of the deals on Black Friday are actually cheaper quality products. A TV specially made to be cheaper than the regular model. Less HDMI ports, lower quality parts. And the item/model number is slightly different.

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This is one of the shitposts of all time.

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Maybe I'm alone, but this seems fine to me. I think evangelicals should take a page out of his book. Spend less time being horrible, and crucify themselves instead.

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I hate Amazon for a variety of reasons, but I can't you seriously after you said scamazon slime.

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Democrats have been playing by the rules and norms for far too long. Norms only matter if both teams follow them. Same thing with the rules. If Republicans will change the rules so that they win Democrats have to follow suit or make it illegal. When one side plays dirty, the other can either play dirty or lose. Moral high ground gains us nothing.

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Imagine assaulting someone and whole family comes in and beats your ass.

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Tell girls and short girls are both great. My wife is medium, and medium girls are great too.

This is a dumb take. Her only job was to make sure the weapons are safe, and she had live ammo on set. The producers may share some of the blame with her, but she's no fall guy.

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Yes. Next question.

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I don't have bad memory at all. I have no control over what I remember, though. Sometimes I will see something and know that I will remember this useless information.

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I miss S10 sized trucks.

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Aren't they more successful than ever? Sure anyone with half a brain avoids them, but everyone's Grandma has an account now. Still a net positive.

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Everyone that made 538 worth reading was laid off. Even Nate Silver is gone, and he took his model with him. We'll see how they do this election, but I'm not paying attention to them this election.

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This might be the dumbest take I've heard in a while.

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Never mix anemoia with bleach.

From the before times. 🥲

I think that it almost all looks and sounds so fake that I couldn't find it sexy if I tried. I mostly find amateur performers that I like and follow them. Sometimes if they gain a following it starts getting fake, too. :/

Is it jeans? Is jeans a shitpost?

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Known carcinogens are used for a ton of things. The problem with asbestos is how hard it is to handle properly, and the consequences of getting it wrong.

Don't mess with Texas. Don't mess with anything Texas produces. Don't mess with things that have messed with Texas. Avoid Texas at all costs.

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I deal with it by not rocking a hog like that. When it's hard it points up, and it's soft it retracts safely away from toilet water.

Not if it's magical dementia.

Just spit it all out three or four times, wipe your mouth off and go about your day. You won't even notice.

If they did this on April 1st t would be a hilarious prank.

Some vegans make the argument that it's not more expensive, and fresh ingredients are pretty cheap. This ignores the time it takes to actually make dishes with fresh ingredients. A lot of people that are less well off don't have the time to spare.

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That's just... Wow.

All of them. This person knows every Mexican.

The rest of it was stupid, too.

Santos was overqualified. I heard he had a Ph.D. and was working on a second.

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I assumed that's why he apologized. Hopefully he gets some help.

Hard tacos disgust me. If I want my taco hard, I'll get it hard myself.

Wouldn't it be Lord Googoo?

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I just tagged you as Chode in my app.

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The creature or something, I dunno.

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