
3 Post – 244 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most beauty "influencers"

I watched them before they were "influencers", and then I couldn't trust the products they were using or recommending.

The hot wings first we feast channel

It's entertaining but I got tired of the premise

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Did... You just prove that god doesn't exist?

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They probably know they're in the running

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Let me Google that for you:

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Let me save you a click:

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You guys are seeing ads?

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Nothing. I keep walking.

I've matured enough to realize they were probably being abused at home. And while it wasn't fair they took it out on me, some people are dealt a really bad hand and aren't equipped with the tools or support to overcome it.

Also, they committed suicide recently so there's that.

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YouTube got better before it got to whatever it is now

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This might be a hot take but I'm okay with having some barriers to entry that demonstrate patience, understanding, and hope.

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Mall cops recording video in the washrooms. I knew it.

Their intended practical purpose was to protect shoes and socks from mud or rain, but they also served as a feature of stylish dress in accordance with the fashions of the period.


Increased informality may have been the primary reason for the decline in the wearing of spats.


A revival of high-top shoes with cloth uppers was forecast to replace them.

~ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spats_(footwear)

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Same. This summer will be one hell of a 1 year "cake day" celebration for a big lot of us.

Maybe we should call it something other than "cake day".

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Leave Britney alone aged.. well.

Everything is measured now. That has to add to the pressure.

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Sync for Lemmy: /c/syncforlemmy

Two people from Ontario, Canada...

...that was supposed to be a fun fact but I'm not enjoying myself.

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I would have recommended that Chris Rock wear this to the Oscars:

Every once and a while I'd just like to see 200 get some love, but no. It's all 404 this, 502 that.

I'm just "OK". It's like being the middle child of response codes.

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What are the consequences?

Thankfully, 13 year olds aren't allowed to vote

Do you think it will ever be possible to do that for all the Lemmy instances?

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I am a native English speaker and had to Google "peel an orange in his pocket". It does not mean what I assumed.

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Big TV being wheeled in!

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This one is the closest, IMO!

Is it common knowledge that programmers write code in different "languages" (e.g. Java and C++)?

Until "stepping over the basket" immediately becomes the new normal

Disney was a childhood fantasy. Maybe my Innocence is preserved by never having gone.

Now I'm old, don't like people, and have zero-tolerance for anything with a queue/poop.

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Additional hot take, merge near the end of the merge lane rather than slowly try to force yourself into traffic further back. Keep it moving and respect the zipper merge at the end.

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My 2ยข:

  1. If there is only one "pile":
  • then 4 grains makes a pile. 3 grains form a base and 1 grain on top, making it three dimensional.
  1. If there is more than one "pile":
  • then 2 separated grains makes a pile each. Because you can point to each singular grain and say "this pile..", for example.


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People tend to express care in the ways that they would like to receive it.

Do you notice your friend giving gifts to other people? Maybe instead, she does small acts of kindness, or maybe she compliments people freely? Sometimes it's as simple as quality time.

When someone is going through a tough time, they might feel very alone. Offering to listen without trying to solve the problem (trust me, they've already thought of all the options) is such a generous act.

I kinda rambled.. hopefully that makes sense and good luck. You're a good friend.

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Everyone knows the front legs are the arms

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We have evolved to quickly differentiate between a living body and dead body. That's why the uncanny valley exists.

Interesting. Any thoughts on what evolutionary advantage there is for being able to sense whether someone is alive or not?

I seem to recall that animals can sense whether other animals are dead (or rotten/contaminated)?

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MEOW meow meow meow,

MEOW meow meow meow,

meow meow meow meow MEOW meow meow meow.

I got into yoga. It's physically exhausting and I need to focus on not falling over so my mind is "busy", but not on a mental treadmill.

I read (on Reddit, to be fair) that upvotes/downvotes are public on some instances?

..and that users of those instances can even see votes on other instances where votes are private?

Can anyone confirm? I can't find any other source to corroborate.

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desert of outrage bait, 'ackshually' jerks

This is why I stopped engaging on Reddit.

I was covering my ass more there than at work. Everything needed a disclaimer.