3 Post – 744 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I have no idea who this guy is, but he's always getting posted. His smugness could probably be detected from Andromeda.

I loved the dreamcast!

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Thats fine. Give us all your source code then, asshole.

That's my secret cap, all my memories are cringe

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Yeah I'm never playing an amazon game

Firefox is... fine. Everything else sucks.

How's the doc gonna get out of this one?


My nightmares always involve public shitting or masturbating. I heard that dreams are for preparing you for something in the future. 💀

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I'm so glad the industry spit me out like a fishbone

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And I will have my sandwich

I heard fuckin nasa does TDD

My shoes were already off.

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You both stop that shit right now

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I hate the lisa template so fucking much

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I'm so conflcted right now.

3-4 weeks tops boss

Riptide Rush is best. Fight me.

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That is important

Name checks out

Portland. Yeah that tracks.

I feel ya homie. I went from takeout everyday to diving in my freezer for whatever shit I got.

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I bet they wash the poop knife in there too

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My sister is a compulive lemon thief. Its the only thing I've ever seen her steal but if she sees a lemon tree she's fuckin stealing a lemon. Its so funny watching this grown ass woman creep up on some fancy house and steal a lemon like some kind of citrus goblin.

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