
0 Post – 203 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You shouldn't share this, don't you know that 7 8 9?

One-hand news you mean

Sure that sounds like a lot, until you realize even a small firearm can deal 9 damage per second, suddenly 15 hp isn't all that much

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Every now and then a new hire comes along with a windows pc, every time they decide they want to try to get everything working on windows, after a week they give up.

On linux it's one pip install and you're done

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Great story! It’s clear that the old man knows his stuff and has some good advice for handling HAL. Confidence and clarity are key when dealing with these advanced systems. It’s a nice blend of humor and practical tips – can’t wait to see how the kid takes on the challenge! And yes, definitely time to grab a bite after all that important training.

No clue, all i know is that i never have to do more than that, and noone has managed to get it working on windows 🤷‍♂️

When i started learning programming, everything was always a pain to set up, needed to install weird IDEs from shady websites and they only worked half the time. Then a friend showed me linux where stuff just worked out of the box, just slap some code in a textfile and compile it, i never looked back (was working in c/c++ but from what i've seen it's not much better for python)

Yet another informative post, and a decision that takes some guts and you're willing to take on some extra work and risk in order to make the instance better

I didn't want to have to do this, but you've brought this upon yourself. You give me no choice but to... donate money to you which you so damn well deserve!

Let this be a reminder that actions have consequences!

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Unsubscribe from marketing, a message reminding you of an upcoming service isn't marketing? Nor is the message asking for feedback after a service?

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Now I do the same thing I've always done,

Lurk and never contribute any content!

I'll try to change i swear

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For the love of god OP don't start your Linux journey with Arch
Don't get me wrong, i use it and love it, but don't use it!

I use arch btw

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Plants make oxygen, animals make poop
If the vegans win then we'll no oxygen to breathe, only poop

This is the future vegans want

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Computers understand the content, but now how it's represented, so they can't solve it

Humans understand how it's represented, but not the content, so they can't solve it

Mathematicians understand how it's represented and the content

It's not to keep computers away, it's to keep non-mathematicians away!

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Try brushing something that just flops around, would be a pain

Maybe we'd start looking at pictures of food to get "in the mood" before brushing... food porn

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I'm so damaged that i read anti-polio vaccine as anti polio-vaccine, assuming the article to be about yet another wave of antivaxx stupidity

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Now now, maybe "accident" is just the dads nickname for his son, or legal name

My dad keeps calling me that at least

I got passed by a bus multiple times, called and complained but they said he probably didn't see me,

I waved a torch and stepped into the road to force him to stop, he then let me on but proceeded to yell at me that i shouldn't take the bus because he didn't want to stop at my stop, despite it being on his schedule

So yeah i guess not being at the stop leads to you missing the bus, but being at the stop doesn't necessarily help

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It's the thought that counts

He knew something was wrong with it's memory when the elevator didn't remember him

In runescape you can buy gf, in dating app you no can buy gf, do the maffs

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Well they can't be beached on the water now can they?

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Don't forget that sweet sweet asbestos

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[...] It's not like art, [...]

Like always it will make it so 1% can relax and live even more comfortably, while 99% is left in the dirt

I have the same issue, why can't all the sfw posts be in a single community so i can block that and browse porn in peace 😩

Jokes aside, couldn't there be like a nsfw-flag on each community, and then users could block/hide all communities based on that? 🤔

I have a friend who was told working past hours wasn't "mandatory", but if you didn't do it, then maybe you "weren't a good fit" because "we only want team players"

Maybe it was something like that

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I was helping someone with their programming homework, every time copilot suggested anything he just blindly added it, and every time i had to ask him "and why do you need those lines? What do they do?", and he could never answer...

Sometimes those lines made sense, other times they were completely irrelevant to the problem, but he just add the suggestions on reflex without even reading them

The moderation on any platform is inconsistent and arbitrary, it's done by humans after all

with lemmy it's at least driven by volunteers as you say, and we have the option to switch or create our own community/instance if we don't like the moderation 👍

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Skip forward 1000 years to people worshipping Harry Potter and praying for him to save them from the dark lord

A buddy was living with me for like two years or so, we had a lot of network issues, suddenly slowing down, not having nearly the speed we were supposed to,

Not long before he moved out i saw his torrent stats, while staying with me he had downloaded about 100GB, and seeded around 700TB!

This son of a gun had disabled any rate limit and been seeding at full capacity for two goddamn years, i haven't had any network issues since

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You're a jegend

Lol, "Tacos anonymous" is more likely a joking reference to "alcoholics anonymous" that to the hacker group

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A used heroin needle poll however, that's how you get the opinions of our greatest minds

Does being a software engineer who's also a furry count? Or does it work better the other way around perhaps

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To make fun of the double standard in a poorly thought out poster?

Who throws away perfectly good coffee just because its cold?

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Your social credit score went into the red as soon as you saw that picture, it doesn't matter anymore, it's already too late for you

They'll be knocking on your door any minute now

The playstation can produce mind-boggling effects

And where's the statistics for days between each core dump? A healthy instance should have at least three days between each one

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That implies that all your photos disappear the moment you die

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