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Joined 11 months ago

It's bigotry. Whether it be racism, or classism, or political, or religious, or whatever. People have endless reasons for wanting to consider others as outsiders or lesser or different.

Plus most sales are the same deal as past sales, and they happen often.

To be honest though, if the price of games kept up with inflation over the decades, then they'd cost like $120-200 today.

One bad debate and suddenly there's endless talk of replacement? It ain't happening. This is media fantasizing. Pointless.

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Please, when were the last respectable election options?

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The good news is programming everywhere is garbage.

Teacher: "Lesson 1: have more money."

Even with native support, some games have idiotic controls and no remapping. Steams custom controller profiles give me a chance to remedy this.

Steams custom controller profiles alone used on Steam Deck are killers for me. Nothing else amounts.

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Any kind of overt and heavily pushed version of their stereotyped personality is the joke.

For Elder Scrolls, I'd recommend giving either Oblivion or Skyrim a whirl, and then after you feel done with one, try the other. In my opinion they are both great for different reasons, and they are different enough to feel like very different games in some ways.

If it helps you make a decision in terms of RPG story feel, Skyrim is more about you as the hero, and Oblivion you're more like a person that happens to be there.

There's great modding resources too if you're into that. Especially on Nexus. Even light modding like some QoL upgrades or bug fixes. I'm not talking crazy mods.

Oh, the endgame for Skyrim (the original DLCs) really do give you some rewarding post-game fun in like a god mode.

I grow tired of how all the Pixar style movies use the same facial visual gags. They're all kinda samey.

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A dude had heard about some other kind of god, and so he randomly looked up at the sky and basically said "if you let me win this battle, I will convert my entire country"....

...and he won, and so Roman Catholicism was born cause he said so.

Later, some dude was like "screw your catholicism, I don't like my wife any more, I'll go make my own church with hookers and blow and divorce my wife," and so the Church of England was made cause he said so.

I may have oversimplified these stories but pretty sure that's about it.

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This is bullshit analysis. People can buy their steam keys from endless sources and sales. Some games that would have been $20+ some people can get for as little as $0.50 depending on circumstances.

It'd be impossible to calculate how much has been spent. They also just straight multiplied the amount of public ones instead of better estimating that using data they had.

All you can do is say how much they are currently or were worth. Considering how steep the price drops can be for many games, it's a pretty wide range of possibilities and makes estimating this fairly worthless.

Just a deliberately bullshit headline made by idiots wielding "data science" hype.

My work gave everyone digital desk phones. The calls come through the computer.

I still barely ever get calls, and the Voicemail go to my email.

Get ready for the Huge Re-Release of Dead Risings Remaster, or HuRRDRR

I'm tired of [Insert game] Re-garbage

It's all the same crap to me.

My parents ripped me out of public school and sent me to one of these private religious schools midway through my childhood.

It is pure indoctrination, shame, confusion, and later on in college I also learned how appalling the education was and how far behind everyone else I was.

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"More supply will increase demand"


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Anything to avoid Reno.

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Sony screws up everything.

Soooo many landlords just eager for those 3-5 month rental contracts.


West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin called today’s vote to oust McCarthy a “sad day for our country” that sends a negative message to the rest of the world about American democracy.

-Said a douchebag who spent years obstructing progress.

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Every so often, girls need to release evil demons within them or else they'll be consumed by hellfire. Everybody knows this.

Leak a billionaires tax records: 5 years.

Literally rape while a billionaire: 0 years.

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The #wap makes it funnier.

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RAPE! She helped him RAPE!


A 12 year old did not "get pregnant by grown man." She was FUCKING RAPED!

Holy shit, it implies the issue here was the getting pregnant. There's a little something that occurred before that and it was called RAPE!

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Trick question. Police officers aren't trained.

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So they pay those taxes with the gains from the sale? What's the fucking problem?

But unless this is a 2nd home, I don't think they'll pay anything unless it's over some high amount.

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But while he was alive, Lee stressed his belief that the country should move past the war. He swore allegiance to the Union and publicly decried southern separatism, whether militant or symbolic. “It's often forgotten that Lee himself, after the Civil War, opposed monuments, specifically Confederate war monuments.”

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They are too stupid to actually review your work. No, they need to SEE you doing your work.

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Tipping was always stupid from day 1. I've spent most of my life being told I'm a moron for being against tipping culture and instead wanting fair wages and clear prices. Suddenly in recent years people realize how stupid tipping is simply cause it went to its logical extreme. People are morons.

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If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) will also be banned in that game.

This is going to be hilarious. Can't wait to see the whining online.

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Asking for or even suggesting tips of any kind anywhere. Also gratuities, service fees, and any other kind of made up fee. Show a price, end of story.

Also outlaw not including taxes. Show full complete prices.

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Ah well, soldiers haven't fought for their country for decades. Instead they've been fighting for the interest of industrialized military, and the whims of politicians.

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The least productive Congress since the Great Depression? The same Congress who couldn't pass a budget for the government until 6 months into the very fiscal year it's for? That Congress? Priorities.

The most important part of becoming a cop is apparently lacking empathy.

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Long-running jokes about tiny hands.

Most of my career is showing how we could solve problems, being told not to because the morons above me don't comprehend abstract, being thrown under the bus, finding ways to do what is needed anyways, and only after the fact, after proof is shown that it was the correct thing to do, getting some meager acknowledgement that perhaps I was right amd know what I'm doing.

But it still never causes these idiots to actually trust me the next time. It doesn't seem to matter who is above me. If they are even slightly older than me, they don't ever trust people like me.

I see this same thing happen to a lot of my peers my age and younger as well. The high quality individuals suffer because the world is full of idiotic managers.