0 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

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You don't wanna fuck with the IRS.

Even the Joker is afraid of the IRS.

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I think most of us are less apathetic like Squidward and more just exhausted. We care about a lot of the things happening, but there's so much going on we physically can't keep track of, let alone care about, it all, so we don't. We just don't have the mental or emotional energy for it.

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English is not a language.

English is 6 drunk raccoons driving an M1 Abrams through a Wendy's drivethru.

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I work in retail.

I guarantee this is 100% necessary and also 100% ineffective.

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Saturn have

Wait, there are multiple Saturns?

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Okay, but the real crime here is the fact that the "Right Lane" sign is on the left & the "Left Lane" sign is on the right.

Fucking sadists...

I'm 32.


Get off my lawn.

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What's the context here?

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Nope, no pockets there. Fuck that.

Me whenever someone mentions anything vaguely resembling measurement

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Where is this image from, I wonder? Does anyone know?

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Not sure what happens on the wider scale, but if I don't find a new job by then, I'm probably going to start seriously going hungry, and suffer from malnutrition as well. I have a job, for sure, but it doesn't pay me a living wage. My spouse also works, and makes a good deal more than me. Problem is, their higher pay makes our gross household income (which is what is used to calculate income-based monthly payment amounts, not net income) high enough to where we cannot afford to make the payment without seriously starving ourselves.

This is why it's stupid that the government, or anyone really, should ever take into account gross income. Because who gives a shit if Bob and Jane make $50 000 a year if after taxes, food, rent, natural gas, gasoline, electricity, medical payments, etc. it's only really like $25 000 or whatever. (Don't correct me if that math doesn't add up. Lol. I just threw down some numbers to illustrate a point.)

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Teeeechnically they're giant fucking Pentahedrons, not triangles. :P

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I believe the calorie is a derived unit while the Joule is a base unit.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

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Not familiar with that show/movie/whatever, but they aren't wrong. The IRS just wants to be paid. You pay them, they leave you alone. Done.

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As a transwoman as well, I second this!

Don't let the fascist win!

If that pisses you off, you should come to the store I work at. I shit you not, they sell INDIVIDUALLY PLASTIC-WRAPPED potatoes.

Wasteful dicks.

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You guessed correctly?

– Source: A millennial American

I feel so sorry for her. She worked her butt off and tried her best and got so much hate for it.

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I would have almost no problem with paying for YouTube Premium if it wasn't so goddamned expensive (and was ad-free). Like, seriously, I don't need all this extra crap. All I want is the same old YouTube I'm currently using but with zero ads. And I can't afford it anyway, but even I could I wouldn't pay 15–20 USD for just no ads (the only feature I'd actually use).

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Obligatory xkcd comic:

No this post had 40 downvotes because it's not funny. It's just sensory overload in meme format.

“ B I D N E S S ”

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Add this to the list of reasons not to shop at Amazon.

Seriously, I only shop there unless I can't find something anywhere better, and even then I ask myself just how much I want or need this item. Very similar policy to the one I have regarding Walmart.

On a related note, I would say "Fuck Walmart with a rusty spoon", but I figure that would be a massive insult to the rusty spoon.

This is a modification of xkcd 610.

Please give proper credit where it's due; more importantly, show some respect to one of the OG webcomic makers, Randall Munroe. The dude's a fucking legend. Yಠ_ಠY

I refuse to tip on anything except things that are traditionally tipped, e.g. haircuts, non–fast food establishments, delivery, etc. I think it's ridiculous how seemingly everything is expecting a tip now.

But, that being said, when I do tip, I tip exceedingly well. Typically a minimum of 80–100%. I know how much they rely on tips, and I love seeing them smile when they see the tip quantity. :)

Downside is I can't afford to go those places or do those things very often. But what can you do? ¯\(•_•)

Found the ad platform shill.

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Yup. Don't know why they ask for that if not for shady stuff.

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I work at Kroger. This is 100% A C C U R A T E .

Distantly loud Texas noises

Fuck K-cups and all their equivalents.

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No, I believe that's the Zelda from A Link Between Worlds

wearing the necklace from A Link to the Past

This is the Zelda from Twilight Princess.

Thanks, I hate it.

Hehe you said "oral".


I feel for you. On behalf of my country, I would like to apologize for all the bullshit we put you all through. You deserve better neighbors. :(

"Assigned Cop at Birth"

Gods that is so fucking stupid...

Reading that made my brain hurt. It's times like this that I really wish America would go metric.

But what I can say? That's a 570-liter dream.