
2 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, that line I gave him about logic was one of the last things I said as I finished picking up my stuff to walk out the door. I followed up with "it's been fun - good luck." He had just kept digging in and I told him I'm not taking it upon myself to educate him. He can read a book or two about it

Thank you for sharing your experience, though it fucking sucks. You're right that I do feel empowered for recognizing my worth. Just hate that it's coming from mistreatment, you know? Here's to finding empowerment through healthy means and healthy partners 💜

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Oh, that was one of the yellow flags! I mentioned that I'd been following the case with Tate, and he's a sex trafficker. Homeboy said "well it's not proven in court" like...sir lol. Fucking yikes. Definitely not ignoring that in the future

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Don't wanna be an American idiot

Friends, family, therapy.

Yes, the sentencing ranges from probation to 4 years in prison. Given this is his first conviction and he's a former president, I assume probation will be given. Though, he's still under a gag order afaik...so if he violates that or probation somehow, maybe brief house arrest?

I definitely want pictures of him picking up trash with the secret service hanging around, at the very least

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I'm still voting for Biden in a red state. We used to be more purple and really still are if looking just at the popular vote. He lost here by 500k votes in 2020 but it's very possible these narratives being pushed about swing states affect turnout more than we give credit for. We're lucky to get 50% turnout of registered voters in presidential elections. Local elections are more like 25% if we're being generous, and those are more important.

Internet. I've lived in rural areas most of my life and only in the last five years was able to start gaming with friends and watching unlimited video. I feel much less resentment that people don't want to visit me and am happier getting my social needs met in person by physically going out less often (I still get out once a week ish)

It's not a replacement for intimate relationships but any means, but I do think it can enhance them with healthy boundaries n whatnot. I went through a rough break up recently that's had me realizing I'd like a partner that's ok with me having space to chill with friends day to day but still making time for each other.

Hey, haaaaave ya ever heard of personal autonomy?

Yes, that's actually why I didn't reply to them. The first part of the comment comes across like they didn't read what I wrote directly after, and I'm not interested in repeating myself or getting defensive over having a brief reactionary response to emotional abuse. Thank you 💜

He said he'd veto a bill for universal healthcare. That sucks. It just sucks less than trump saying he wants to be a fucking dictator

I love the joke, thank you. I'm feeling excited to move on:)

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Not voting for Biden when the only other viable option is a fascist seems a bit like edge lord bullshit to me, but idk, maybe I'm out of touch with slang

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Only the best covfefe

Sucks you're being down voted, I mean maybe saying "idiot-proof" isn't nice but comprehensive sex ed should cover helping those with a noodle understand how to find ones that fit comfortably and what main causes there are for breakage n whatnot. I'm currently having that discussion with my sex buddy, and I can't tell you the amount of times I've had people try to coerce me into letting them go raw dog in the past. Like keep in mind I'm in a state that has not only criminalized abortion but is defunding all planned parenthoods now.

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Inconceivable 💀

Should be noted vasectomies aren't reliably reversible after a certain point, but if you know you don't want kids, by all means. I'd rather my partner take that leap than me have to have more invasive surgery

I had a friend killed last year, another friend with him survived with 8 bullet wounds. It's fucking infuriating. We don't even know who did it. Just a couple assholes walking up to a couple guys playing DND at the park and unloading on them.

🎶you really gonna make me vote for Joe Biden?🎶

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I remember paying $5/gal during Bush's final years. I'd just started driving in the Midwest. It's below $3 right now, so idk what this comment means. The price of standard goods like bread, milk, and housing are up, for sure, but gas is fuckin weird

Bro Kelce full on shoved him, like wtf. Big red don't be deservin that:(

Yes! I had noticed he was being a dick to his roommate at one point, who's our mutual friend. Really caught me off guard. Fucked up product of how men can be socialized in sexist societies. I just feel bad for everyone in that dynamic, even the guys putting others down, cuz they think it'll help them get their needs met but it just shoots them in the foot. And of course victims don't deserve that treatment to begin with. We should be lifting each other up, validating that we're all capable and logical

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It's a trauma reaction tbh. Huge red flag that they need to be in therapy.

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Like half of Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless. So what point exactly are you making? That you're morally superior for being better off? Or that we should wait until we have at least two paychecks saved? You have all the answers?

It's one position. I assume Biden will keep Harris as his VP, giving a younger option to take over if need be. But there's fucking hundreds of other positions just as valuable. Those are the ones we should be trying to overturn with primaries imo. Get the house back and widen margins for the Senate.

Just please, if you're in the US, vote. We had a local election where I'm at recently with <15% turnout. It's fucking maddening to me that people only show up for the president, and even that is lucky to get >60%.

Remember when Trump implements national bans on abortion that all people capable of pregnancy earned it /s

I know it's not "major" in the sense of traditional news outlets, but Philip DeFranco is covering it at least

Hey, did you know words can have more than one meaning? Such as an irrational fear or aversion to something?

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Annie Frank's diary is being banned from a lot of schools. That's how I learned in 8th grade how horrific it was.

Relationships are a two way street, and dynamics like this are pretty common. It's sometimes called over/under functioning or codependency in substance abuse. It could be the over functioner just tore the other person down, or the under functioner was susceptible already or drew it out of the over functioner. I agree it's really difficult to know based on limited data, and all we can say is this is strange and comes across as infantilizing but if it works for them then whatever tbh. Not my relationship to care about

I often think of the Olympic skier that was interviewed by NPR a few years ago. She described how the boys around her were encouraged to do riskier jumps, whereas when she'd bring it up coaches, parents etc would all express concern about "what if you get hurt?"

There are a lot of social factors I think we should consider before writing women off as inherently lesser in competitive sports. We don't know how many women are held back by these narratives if they aren't even given the chance. Even if it's the case now, I really wonder how much is purely biological

Yeah, the replies here have been really heartwarming. I'm glad to be here:) thank you

"I don't really care, do you?"

The first yes, but the second is a straw man of my argument. I'm curious if you can steel man it

This is the best take I've ever heard tbh

Do you know the context for that quote?

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Wait, can you explain this a bit more? I'm not the most tech savvy, but I'm reading this as things like automod and gandolf bot all being gone - the former being potentially worse? (No hate to LOTR fans, of course!)

Are you 100% devoted to the mentality that she's being used or is there evidence you'd accept to demonstrate she wants and deserves to be involved? I'm personally on the fence given limited information, but I lean toward trusting and respecting the parents, as I had political opinions that went against my parents at that age and had no one to help advocate for me.

Ok this turned into a novel, so buckle up I guess lol. Yeah, there was a lot said over the month that I pushed back on. There's nuance to it though, right? It's not like the manosphere content is built entirely on lies. Like, one of the first things that stuck out to me is him saying that when men lean into their masculinity then women can embrace their femininity. That can be true for some couples, but it's obviously not universal and is more often fluid.

He talked about his sister a few times, a psych major that I didn't know identifies as non-binary until he showed me their Facebook page by chance and I saw their pronouns listed. But he didn't care. He said they were "radicalized" after they went to college.

Another one: "choices have consequences" when discussing abortion, even though he did agree it should be available, it's just "morally gray" for him. His ex had one and he said he thought she secretly wanted him to push her to keep it. They broke up shortly after.

Anyway, most of the rest of it was just sprinkled in, and culminated in the conversation yesterday. It actually started the night before, I got upset and wanted to shut down the conversation cuz it was all really building up, but we repaired, went to hang out with our friend, and it wasn't until later it hit me he'd said that thing about men traditionally being the head of the household because they're more capable "if you look at the results." I dwelled on it forever after he fell asleep, journaled about it on my phone and had my responses ready the next morning.

Maybe you could keep in mind that this state also had trigger laws banning abortion as soon as roe was overturned. The stakes are much fucking higher for people that can get pregnant.

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As an AFAB Missourian I'm fucking terrified.