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A Chevy dealership in Watsonville, California placed an Ai chat bot on their website. A few people began to play with its responses, including making a sales offer of a dollar on a new vehicle source: https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/23/12/21/0518215/car-buyer-hilariously-tricks-chevy-ai-bot-into-selling-a-tahoe-for-1

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Taylor has long had criticism for her jet use, the meme explosion is just about the media wanting to use her as hype prop while at the same time her team sued to shutdown the flight tracker kid. Posts that seem obsessed with possible damage to Taylor’s reputation sound like it is coming from a PR firm. Does Op genuinely believe that someone sees a Jet Meme and think differently of Taylor? Is Op against Taylor being the poster child for Aviation reform? I do not understand why an uninterested third party feels the need to prevent Taylor from suffering consequences of her actions merely because other heads should roll first.

ETA: I had to check if OP was a PR FIRM, check OP’s own response to Taylor Jet Memes: https://lemmy.cafe/comment/4651417

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Not your keys, not your girlfriend

I think the videomaker may be failing to account for swap space. The latest Fedora releases use zram (swap that lives in memory instead of hard disk) by default, while the rest do not. Windows in particular does not take 72G and tends to be aggressive in swap allocation. The fact that he presents this data as “free space available” adds confusions while seemingly burying the simplest answer.

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Let’s move them goalposts!

Shipping speed for me, Aliexpress is 11 days or less, Amazon Prime 2 days or less. I think its funny they’ve copied Fedex with their main routes being in-house and their last-mile being “independent” contractors (Fedex Ground / Amazon Flex), and now Fedex will copy them with their upcoming FDX platform, which I believe is supposed to be an upgrade to shoprunner that will continue to sell from other Vendors but more like how amazon and walmart do it, where its a footnote on the item details.

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I personally wouldn’t want to get involved because Reddit seems an IPO based on hype more than numbers. Usually IPOs buying slots are reserved, or have various restrictions. I haven’t looked at the offering so can’t tell you the finer details, but the chatter of reddit being a great place for market picks seams to be cooling (which imo was the basis for IPO hype) and often on a losing IPO the institutional guys are able to outmaneuver the small guys to avoid being held with the bag.

Not sure of Samsung’s offering but it sounds very similar to Amazon Alexa’s sidewalk “feature”

Just a heads up most legal versions lack almost all the pop music the show originally had. There is said to be some unofficial sources that still have all the music.

That a member of the Secret Service accidentally shot President Kennedy. Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK - Wiki article on 1992 book putting forward the idea

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So much this, in NYC (less available now since Covid), there are dump sites for all this stuff (Batteries, Paint, Heavy Metals) as long as its personal amounts (ie cant come with a dump truck) it is at no cost. If you are a business and can not handle disposal fees, well you are unsustainable and should not exist.

Personally Google gives me a negative impression due to its intrusiveness and current aim of hoovering up all data possible. While you seem certain Google would never hurt you, there are many people who would never take such a risk. Even if Google was purely good of heart (which I doubt), they have proven themselves subjects to Government whims. A recent example is here: https://www.theregister.com/2023/10/18/google_keyword_search_warrants/ where a court in the United States ordered Google to return personally identifying information on any and all users who searched for the address of a crime in the month prior. And their commitment to open source is debatable as shown by their graveyard of projects (https://killedbygoogle.com/) often killed with strong usage and with dubious explanations really has strong Embrace, Extend, Extinguish vibes.

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Sounds like the Internet Protocol I grew up with 😍

Are you familiar with ZRAM ? I do not understand your certainty that I am incorrect.

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The spot price for gold at the moment today 2024/3/4 is about $66 USD a gram. If anybody reading this is doing or has been doing drugs, remember if you are paying around 65 a gram (Average Cocaine and Heroin pricing) you are essentially throwing gold in the trash with every hit. I ask that those who think current drug policy is effective think of this fact, drugs are literally worth their weight in gold despite being illegal.

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The Wallpaper Engine Logo + K(ill) = KDE Logo

Wallpaper Engine




Seems apt

One has tanks, drones, spy planes, literal roadblocks builtin into all the streets around the courthouse, and regularly boasts about their anti-aircraft abilities. The other protects people who aren’t even in their office buildings half the time. Not even close to the same.

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I personally love “after midnight”, its a late night game show where all the rules are made up lol

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You know Taylor tried to silence the Jet Tracker Kid last week, maybe she’s try to silence Lemmy Memes now? Feels like last few days there has been a big uptick in “oh no lets not point to Taylor because there are other people to point to who are worse people” posts in response to memes.

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Most of them do not work, this 8 year old NYT article claims that 120 out of 3250 signals in NY work a decrease from their census in 2004 and mentions how a different agency found 1 working button across various cities. The only ones that kind of work in my experience are in New Jersey, where if you do not press the button, the intersection will never clear you to walk. The signals and everything work the same, just you will never get walk at the intersection (even when you normally would have) without pressing the button.

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Luxor looks about to be 10% taller (98m vs 107m) Source

Got you fam

I think OP overestimates the vocabulary of 18 month old, as the RHCP does have some lyrics that can appear to be random babble.

I have been running Windows 10+11 on arm for years now, the next version of Windows Server 2025 already has an arm preview release. Windows ARM has for a long time had x86 emulation, and has supported x64 emulation since about the start of COVID.

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NYCLU article about some of NYPD’s capabilities. Keyword some of their tech, some of their kit is directly from military contractors and can not be discussed at all. IIRC the last major National Guard deployments in NYC have all been for food deployment, including hand delivering lunches during COVID in the suburbs.

I posted this in another thread originally:

Actual Paper, images on page 10 On the top of Page 10 are example shots, ground truth is original image, sota means the captured feed, EM Eye is the feed with their post-processing (aka “Enhance”). The lengths on top are how long the cable you are snooping on is (ie a cell phone’s cable is only gonna be a few cm, a laptop is probably at the 15cm mark), and how far away you are (Those last pics at 300cm(3m) would be under 10ft). It is definitely impressive but this is up there with stealing passwords from keyboard clicks, you usually have somewhat of an advanced threat in mind to think someone might use this against you.

Yeah people will hear stories like that and think go-getter, and its like even if it wasn’t a tee ball job, tell an 18 year old off the street to reproduce that outcome with no connections or cash, its not happening.

I believe OP is referring to the demands of the young people during the period between World War II and Vietnam War in the United States when 18-21 could be drafted but not vote, which resulted in passage of the 26th Amendment.

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I actually run W11 on my SteamDeck, and would not recommend it for most users and definitely not for anyone to use for console. The biggest “killer-feature” all of these handhelds are missing is the ability to sleep like SteamOS allows and every other portable console for last two decades. It honestly makes these devices like the Ally with all their greatly improved specs look like cheap knockoffs since they can’t sleep, which could be a huge problem when using on the go.

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It the old days when providers still branded the actual phone, we would use sugar cubes to take logos off without scratching underneath. Depending on the paint tho it may be a piece of pie or a mission from hell, but usually worked amazingly (in terms of leaving base unharmed).

There are some, myself included, who believe many of the “mainstream” projects are only open to avoid antitrust lawsuits in America. The reason why there is chromium vs chrome and AOSP Android vs Google Android, is to take advantage of the confusion to make it sound as if the actual Google product is open source, where as the Google product is based upon the open source project. This makes it sound like anybody could copy Google’s product and give them a run for their money, which is obviously not the case.

Now this has me wondering if all these vapes disguised as highlighters, water bottles, and hoodies are really some kind of tax dodge.

Municipal Broadband 2023: 16 States Still Restrict Community Broadband. Almost a third of states have restrictions in place currently.

Some instances remove profane words automatically from the posts, and it ends up getting propagated across the Lemmyverse.