1 Post – 356 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

That sounds... Disrespectful.

You don't have to say anything, just show them the sweet skills you've developed while studying the blade.

She is the hydra.

You were already pretty.

This is why sounding is important.

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I had a lettuce, guacamole, bacon, and tomato wrap today... That was pretty LGBT.

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Honestly, this might be the only way to get people to drive the speed limit.

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I sit on the toilet "backwards" so I have a little shelf to set my phone and snacks.

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You know how stereotypical preteen/teens will have outbursts where they're like, "I hate you! I wish I was never born!"? Well, guess what? I'm giving them all their potential wish.

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My mom smoked alcohol while she was pregnant with me and I turned out fine!

Please comment, it helps my mental algorithm more than you realize.

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Something's gonna spike 😏

Don't put this in your butt, it's just a corkscrew poop extractor. Worst drunk Amazon purchase ever.

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Feeling cute, might eviscerate later!

Alright, now do bifurcating diagonal tabs.

Weeeelllll, I'd prefer not to put labels on it.

Well, I think MY cheap watch is a status symbol.

This is your brain on sexual.

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That's Woody Allen and he either married or is in a romantic relationship with his daughter.

The remedy is worse than the disease.

Obviously his boyfriend put it there and he saved it for a snack at work.

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My phone number.

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Me too!

Like right now you're feeling insincere, conceited, and slightly jovial.

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"More than 38 years later, Super Mario Bros. is basically the same game it was at launch back in 1985. Will it make it to 40? Some aren't so sure, find out why!"

A minimalist?

I miss Blood Joe.

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Nooooo, because shame and insults are clearly the best ways to get people to switch over to your ideology. /s

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I guess I was just lucky in that I was born with a boneless tongue. /s 🙃

Location and Bluetooth are constantly off for me, my phone is lucky if it isn't in airplane mode.

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Or stress

both :3

planks across the toilet horizontally

I want old features and less. 😞

(I'm still switching to Linux.)

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Hopefully they all have teeth as well.

Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carrey all seemed like they had really good specials. I haven't watched them in a long time, but I don't recall them being edge lords. I'm sure there have to be others.

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