3 Post – 363 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I didn't know baron harkonnen was a fan

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I think it would be more likely bots would flood instances with posts at a level that was unrealistic for the small scale admins we currently have to combat.

I think it is a bit of an unclear wording personally. "Made with", despite technically meaning what you're saying, is often colloquially used to mean "fully created by". I don't mind the AI tag, but I do see the photographers point about it implying wholesale generation instead of touchups.

I'm surprised how much pearl clutching there is in this thread. This seems like a good thing. It's all supposed to be clearly labeled, and if people want to watch streams with nudity, what's wrong with that?

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B̷̮̰͗̕ǒ̴̜i̶͔͒l̷̝̎ ̴̦͐ẽ̴̼m̷̪̍ ̷̝̅̈m̶̠̏̚ḁ̷̔š̶̺ͅh̴͖̹̾ ̵̪̓̅ȩ̶̦̉̇m̷̳̟̓͑ ̷̬̬͒͗p̷̣̅̄ȕ̴͎̭̈́t̷̖̅̚ ̷̨͔̊ȇ̶͚̱m̴̫̊̑ ̷̤͍̇̿i̸̩̓n̶̥̜̈́ ̸̜́͌ä̷̖́̄ ̷͍̚s̵̺̈́͌t̷̙̀̌͜ẻ̷̛̺̯w̶͎͇͒

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So are people from Lesbos all called Lesbians?

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Shitty corporate backed agency supports corpos. More news at 11.

I can give you a real answer, because I asked my wife this exact question (she's black and uses the skin tone closest to hers, I'm white and also just use yellow ones). She said it's so rare to get to choose a digital representation that matches her skin tone that she just thinks it's fun to get to do it for once.

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Corpos are incapable of learning the right lessons. I wouldn't be surprised if the take away from this at Sony was to eliminate internal voices that were against the decision so it's easier to pull off next time.

We can and should no longer accept "it's just good business" as justification for morally reprehensible actions.

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In my playthrough (which I'm still working through so no act 3 spoilers please), I couldn't figure out how to open the pod she was in at first. I ended up shooting something overhead which fell and put caustic brine everywhere. When I finally opened the pod she jumped out and immediately died to the brine. I've never actually heard her speak 😅

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Not saying you're wrong, but there's a lot of peace of mind in knowing everything on the platform is drm free, rather than having to do some research. So it is marketing, but it's also a promise of curation so to speak.

I dunno, but the quest said to, so.. 🤷‍♂️

This is unfortunately not that uncommon. Pedos often work in child focused jobs. Very disturbing, and that's why background checks are important in those fields.

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All I can say is those orcs are looking real human lately. Seems like the bloodline has been getting diluted for a while if you know what I mean. 🥵

Thanks to the power of AI you can have whatever answer you want these days.

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Boop of banishing

Somehow I think he'll be ok. Just a hunch.

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It's not gonna stop. They're literally just a holdings company that has publicly said they will always act to maximize shareholder value. That's it's. That's all they do. they're not a game company.

I don't mean to diminish the issue at hand, but I don't think this community was meant for this type of post. There's nothing satirical-sounding about this, it's just more depressing news and not what I joined this community to see. The entire All feed is doom scroll pretty much, we don't need it bleeding into the few communities not dedicated to it.

If others disagree, feel free to chime in. This community may just not be what I thought it was for.

I didn't even buy them at 60. This would change nothing for me except further cement my patient gaming lifestyle.

Does anyone know why it's so expensive there?

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What the heck is a plain dorito

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There are ads in your gmail?

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They forgot to say who they are or how to contact them. 🤔

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Have you tried not being so weird and off-putting?

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Yeah this happened during the Napster era and it was so incredibly unpopular and unsympathetic with the general public that it didn't continue after a while. Suing a single mom on food stamps for thousands of dollars because her teenage son downloaded a game one time is a truly abominable look for a company.

Co-opting their symbols and culture is unironically a powerful move that more leftists need to be using imo.

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It's all crypto games, isn't it?

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Hey I'm super gay! and also, totally unrelated, can you send me your bank # and social? 🌈

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Awesome thanks! You're the third vote I've seen for bleachbit so I'll definitely look into that one.

When ride share first happened I remember there was that brief window where it felt awkward NOT to sit in the front, because it felt like a random person was giving you a ride. Now it feels so weird to have to sit in the front since it's like a taxi service.

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Same. I somehow sidestepped that entire region of YouTube.

It would be nice if they could someday find a better way to enforce this. What if your kid has shared custody with their other parent, and they aren't in the same household all the time? What if they're studying abroad and aren't even in the same country?

I don't have the solution, but I do hope someone eventually finds a better way to do it.

Outer Wilds takes the cake for me.

Just wanted to back you up on this. I'm also very outside the techy core of people on here and have been hoping for more diversity to join as well. There's at least two of us!

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Yeah sounds like a win-win.

I don't know enough about electricity to confirm or deny this interpretation.

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Die already, you damn ghoul

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