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Joined 8 months ago

A brick is more aerodynamic than a Wrangler. Fun fact about bricks: they're rock types but some dedicated trainers have been known to make their bricks use the Fly move without ever using the HM.

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Wow the frenulum gets removed as well sometimes? What an outdated and ridiculous thing to be doing to children for absolutely no good reason. Yeah sure, some studies show it improves hygiene I've been told. To me that's about as proportionate as removing all your healthy teeth so you don't get cavities in the future...

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I'm not from the US but I always assumed "at-will employment" works both ways. You're telling me it doesn't?

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Same thing goes for the second part. It's a roundabout way to block federal representation of certain groups of people. This is why automatically being blocked to vote because of a conviction shouldn't be a thing. As you say that would (and does) lead to a clusterfuck.

What happened in those years and why were they omitted? It's odd that they just leave it out with (as far as I could tell from the linked source) no explanation for that.

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and less enjoyable to walk.

Which, incidentally, is great for car manufacturers!

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I'd feel bad for the many people that will be economically trapped there. I can imagine even in that scenario that people will stay put simply because they can't afford to up and move to a different state. The alternative would be to live in their car with their whole family in a neighbouring state, I assume.

Imagine the housing crisis when 50% of texans try to find a home in nearby states. And I'm being very conservative with that percentage, as I can't imagine half of the population of texas would even support secession and would want to stay in their doomed state.

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My biggest takeaway from the article is that he's 75. Holy shit, I would've guessed 86.

Reading the title I thought they took away the lunch breaks of people working with children and thought "that would de heartless". Then it dawned on me what the title actually says...

I work in microbiology and only recently learned it's actually a fungus.

Disclaimer: I'm sure I've learned about it in the parasitology classes I've had but that was 15 years ago and since then I've been in bacteriology and sequencing.

I was thinking the same, it's not aiming at any gender as far as I can tell. I took it as a wink at the "men always want sex, no exceptions" stereotype/gender norm. But, I'm a man and all that proves is that the slogan is vague enough that each reader will have their own personal interpretation of it's exact meaning based on their own experience.

In that sense it is indeed a terrible slogan if only for the fact that it seems to elicit a negative, but highly personalised, meaning for everyone. The exact opposite of what you hope to achieve with a slogan.

Also the bacterial genus known as listeria.

I believe beardyman to be skilled enough to indeed make it a surprisingly respectful event. Right up until the end when he suddenly launches into fartnoise DnB, of course.

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I'm fairly certain she didn't lose the ability to laugh. I don't think that's entirely possible. Either you weren't as funny as you think or she was awkward and nervous and that suppressed her real laughter. Or, hang on, there's a third option which is she's rotted her brain by being terminally online to the point where real experiences lose their meaning. Actually now that I think about it, that's probably what you're getting at here.

Fuck, wait a minute, am I losing my touch with reality and human connections?

It's international but every nation would obviously use their own flag. It's a practice that dates back to the times before the USA was even a nation.

how many will it save from vaccine death or, worse, autism?

The number of people that are missing the obvious satire here is making me sad.

Easy on the language there, Moss.

What's the point of drawing on the wallpaper with a crayon when mom is looking right at you? It gets attention.

I think you're conflating commerce with capitalism. I don't think you could have communism without commerce. Even if you did away with currency and the rubber farmer is paid with grain and other foodstuffs that would still be commerce.

Tiny nitpick: I think you meant 0.5 by 0.5 cm (or 5 by 5 mm).

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I thought the same thing. Though it looks like the mirror is at an angle in the corner so I could imagine approaching it from the left or right means you don't see your reflection until you connect with it.

Purely from description I'm sure that they meant Neil deGrasse Tyson. No self describing scientist should ever be as smug and full of themself as he is.

What? The point of star citizen is exactly that kind of emerging gameplay. I can almost guarantee the person whose spaceyacht was stolen had fun here too. Nothing was lost, the ships are insured and you can just call them back a short while after they're destroyed.

As someone that is interested in getting a pixel to use GrapheneOS I'm interested to hear what you hate about it. I'm still a little bit on the fence about it.

Haha yeah, I'm sure that got an entire slide in the PowerPoint at the board meeting. I'm sure plenty of people there morally object. I also think that a steady and sizeable stream of income would instantly cure those objections though. But as the person above said already there is only a trickle of pennies in it for them.

Wow. What an incredible let down. He really has abandoned science. Any biologist worth their salt understands that biology is never binary. He fucking knows better and chooses to present it as black and white while wilfully ignoring the massive spectrum in between.

I really expected more humanity from him.

Sounds familiar. Are you on an alienware AW3423DWF by any chance? Because if so there's a fix for having 165hz with hdr by manually setting up a custom resolution to enable it.

The judge would use this sign to make an example of you.

As they should. It seems like common sense that this sign should be enough and anybody that ignores it "is an idiot that has themselves to blame for the discomfort of food poisoning". But it's suddenly a whole different story when your grandma of 82 has died a painful death from severe salmonella infections just because she forgot her reading glasses that day.

The risk of death is tiny but nevertheless an unacceptable risk to assume just so some other people can keep buying their snack for a couple of days instead of shutting down the machine.

I've never understood this picture. Is the joke that there is no optical illusion? I have never seen anything else than all of the plates being right side up.

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Last I played (couple weeks ago) insurance didn't cost anything. At some point it'll cost in game credits but right now there's no insurance premium. You can spend some credits to expidite the return timer if you can spare it.

a human can be mapped in minutes, if not seconds.

Purely from a technical standpoint I'm wondering what you're referring to here. Most of my work is DNA sequencing using different techniques and while we can do it blisteringly fast if necessary it still takes at minimum a few hours to isolate dna, prep the dna for sequencing and then running for 24 hours followed by data analysis. That's for bacterial DNA, I don't have experience with sequencing human genomes but I imagine it is more complicated than bacteria. But, I haven't kept up with literature on this subject lately so now I'm wondering if I've missed some breakthrough technique that speeds up the process to minutes.

Ah shit. I'm out of the loop. What did Dawkins do?

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I checked out one proud bavarian and some beginner's guide videos to see what the gameplay is actually about and ended up buying it. Thanks for taking the time to respond, I might've slept on this title otherwise.

Yeah I've wondered this myself too. It kinda sucks to feel like there's nothing I can do short of dedicating myself to years in the gym to make myself look 'sexy'. My best move, apparently, is to wear the red boxers my partner finds the sexiest while she has all kinds of fancy frilly thongs.

And I don't know if you are a person with a penis yourself but it is just impossible to make that thing look good on camera. Again, my best move is to just wear the boxers and accentuate the bulge.

I'm genuinely proud of you for this joke. Bravo! No notes.

Dish rag sounds like it might be dirtier than an unwashed finger to be honest.

Same here but with an i7 6700K. If I happen to find a decent deal on something like a 12th gen i5 or i7 and chuck in an extra 16gb ram then I think I'd be all set for another couple of years. Although I still don't desperately need an upgrade, everything works well enough except for maybe that one nightclub map in Ready or Not with more npcs than my cpu can keep up with.

If the place is packed it still wouldn't change anything for the business. It's not like OP's spot at the table would be occupied by a random patron, it'd be an empty chair at the table that OP's friends are sitting at. But yeah I can't imagine being that frugal and still going to bars. I would either invite everybody to go some place free (the park when it's nice out, my place if it's close enough) or indeed just buy a drink every now and then.

Ah, that's good to hear! I myself haven't played Victoria 2, I've played EU4, CK2 and CK3 a lot and was really excited about focusing on economy and population rather than map painting in Vic3. I saw the lackluster reviews on release and beyond and assumed it just missed the mark like so many sequels do. I'll check it out some more. Thanks for your input!

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It's always been in my contracts, a month's notice is the norm here. I've never broken that but I've also been fortunate enough to work at places where work and life are balanced. I wouldn't have wanted to disrupt the work for my colleagues and my managers have always shown their respect for me to the point that I want to work with them instead of against them. I don't think I'll ever work for an employer that puts the company over the wellbeing of their employees. I've seen what being a real team means. People cooperate freely and go the extra mile for eachother if necessary and cut massive amounts of slack to anybody in the team that's having a tough time and needs to focus on their life outside of work for a bit.

That said I won't ever get any bonuses or make large amounts of money in my career either but that's not what I'm after if it would mean putting work before life.