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Joined 11 months ago

There's a studio called SoundBooth Theater that does whole ass performances.

Currently listening to Dungeon Crawler Carl, by Matt Dinniman, narrated by Jeff Hayes. And it's awesome. He does the scoffs, laughs, sings in character voices, has crazy sound effects and music, etc.

See also: Friends in Low Places. They played it at a AAA baseball game here and the whole place was chanting it lol.

I'm kind of an early access freak, but I put in about 80 hours and enjoyed it. There were definitely problems early, and I don't plan on going back to it for at least a year, enough for them to release substantially more and it feels fresh.

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Excerpt from the History channel:

So much static electricity built up between the ground and airborne dust that blue flames leaped from barbed wire fences and well-wishers shaking hands could generate a spark so powerful it could knock them to the ground. Since static electricity could short out engines and car radios, motorists driving through dust storms dragged chains from behind their automobiles to ground their cars.

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Displaying images of 9/11 to new yorkers is pretty savage.

Hey, I work with contact centers!

It's such a niche tech space. To play a bit of devil's advocate, a properly designed IVR will have "DTMF clamping" which veils the dial tones (the same ones you hear your phone play when dialing a number, did you ever notice the tones are unique?). The IVR should also disable logging completely. When on a call, they should be disabling call recording.

This is part of a process called PCI compliance, and it's fucking huge, because the penalties for it are insane, tens of thousands of dollars per month, plus extra for each incident of non-compliance. Some companies do transactions in the millions, at a $50 fine a pop. British Airways was fined $229 million back in 2017 for exposing data.

So really, companies are always going to do their due diligence to make sure your financial data is safe. It's too expensive not to.

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I sell and build call centers for a living.

Yeah, it's fake lol. I mean maybe for some businesses it isn't fake, but usually clients would ask us to make it where "if there's more than X calls in queue, play the message". Turns out, there's always more than X calls in queue. It's not actually looking at the average.

It's kinda weird, some things are just always like that, some things clients want to add in because the average user expects it.

Someone wanted a repeat caller to get bumped to the front of the queue. Literally encouraging the "if I hang up and call back I'll get there sooner" people. Awful.

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It doesn't look like the exact same assets, but it clearly has the same color palette and design. Honestly it kinda feels like a slap in the face, but maybe the two of them came to some kind of agreement? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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A cost of living increase automatically happens unless there is language to block it. The House GOP's version removed that language.

Tulsa native here. I never learned about it in school, even in the early '00s. I was a grown ass adult before I really learned about it and everything that happened. Notably, it was always called the "Tulsa Race Riots" to downplay the atrocities. The street in Greenwood was renamed to Reconciliation Way.

In my memory, that district never had anything going for it until recently, nobody cared. It's been awesome to see it start to flourish. (I am not a lawyer) I really hope something can be done for the plaintiffs here, if it doesn't fit the public nuisance law, surely there is something for the people directly affected by the events?

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That's just incorrect.

If you think the government doesn't want more paperwork and documentation that something is declassified, then you have an inflated view of government efficiency. Not to mention the actual importance of a paper trail and approvals.

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One of today's lucky 10,000!

Something meaningful to your partner, not just a fancy place (those are nice too).

Close by our house is a little pho place that my wife loves. She hates the cold weather, and if it's an especially chilly day she's usually feeling "meh" but if I say "let's go get warm soup belly" her mood instantly changes and I think that's romantic :)

Might be worth noting, most of Enid's money comes from a Koch plant there, one of the largest in the country.

Enid's politics and people are definitely influenced by the Koch's.

A feel good story and anon feels the need to announce his beloved's D cups? It's a nice fantasy he's made about some girl that spilled water on him that one time.

Are we still doing "phrasing"?

If you work in an office, chances are you use Active Directory or Azure AD. Just another way to sign on to stuff, sorta like how you can "sign in with Google" or "sign in with Facebook" on some sites.

Okta is pretty popular tbh, and a breach this large is crazy.

Honestly what the fuck.

Curious to see what bombshell they plan on dropping on Monday, because this is wild.

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Honestly you can probably scroll the front page and find them if they're on, they'll have a ton of viewers.

deep inhale

Fuck yeah

Same, and they're all from international numbers too!

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A lovely lady behind the Wendy's

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Yeah, it's a feature dubbed "queued callback". Saves your place, it's a pretty common request. Customers like Delta, Intuit, Pacific Life, Citibank, Dyson, all use the platform I build (Amazon Connect) and do stuff like that.

Problem is, no one answers a call from an unknown number these days. Some phones are getting smart enough to recognize the number and show that it's a business, though that's more anecdotal evidence from my personal device (Pixel Fold with Google Fi carrier).

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When your weapons are dollars, we are woefully ill equipped

I'm sure the military is so excited about AI because of its ability to "respond".

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My cousin actually died from fentanyl OD, my aunt is currently pursuing charges against his dealer. I know the police seized his vehicles and found fentanyl at his house, but the charge for homicide is still ongoing.

You wouldn't dare

It just works!

"I never thought I'd die like this, but I always really hoped"

Any time one of my friends or I are simping over some actress or character.

Russians and killing their own citizens

Eric Clapton is super racist, John Lennon abandoned his kid.

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565 as of October 31st, 2023. We're nearly at 2 per day.

I had read that Altman was "ambivalent" to re-joining OpenAI and the board wanted him back after regretting their decision? (presumably after the backlash)

To my shame, I'm still deeply ingrained in the Google ecosystem. I settled on it like 8-10 years ago and I'm not sure how to dig myself out of this pit. More than Chrome, I heavily use Docs, Sheets, Drive, Wallet, YouTube, Gmail, I even have a Pixel (I hate how bloated Samsung is).

I've used Firefox a little for work because of the nice containers feature. Is Google Drive bad too? It's so easy to share things, I torrent a lot of books and I've shared with a bunch of friends, idk if there's an alternative that others could easily use.

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Anecdotally, I played on PC at launch, no mods or fixes and had a pretty good time. The most buggy things I encountered were people clipping into my car when driving and forcing me to hit them. Random stuff, but nothing too bad IMHO, not like game crashes, awful lag/latency, save corruption, etc.

Definitely not bug free, I ran into those often, but I felt like they were mostly trivial. As another concession, I did have an above average rig so I didn't really fall into any of the terrible optimization problems.

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I might be a moron, but how can a business be down in revenue but up in profit?

Edit: confirmed moron. Their expenses were just that much lower.

I did a Dishonored run with zero kills and never being spotted, took forever but felt so satisfying.

Missing the spike at the end for white when I blunder back rank check mate.

My brother in Christ, the AI revolution is more than chatgpt.