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Joined 6 months ago

That's the idea.

The PE bullshit is why I want to be a physician in the public, county ER that actually employs its physicians directly. Also, the PE companies don't qualify for PSLF, and they don't pay enough to make up that difference against non-profit hospitals.

I want them to seize the Trump tower and turn it into low-income housing and a job training/community college with whatever liquid assets they do squeeze out of him. Use the disgorgement to help the people of New York have better lives.

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Yes! I fucking love buttons and dials! And maybe Android Auto can just heckin' let me use my phone keyboard when I'm stopped.

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Plotted, and executed. He just didn't succeed.

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As a medical student that gets nonsense like this as question stems on exams: "confused and horrified screaming"

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Even if they don't die now, there's complications that can kill them that happen 2 months later (for the more dangerous one), or 7-10 years later (for the sneaky one). Measles is a nasty virus and there's a long list of damn good reasons why everyone who possibly can should be vaccinated against it.

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I see your point, but that is a bigger can of worms than I think you are expecting. There are dozens of genetic or congenital disorders that can lead to intellectual disabilities and hundreds of acquired ones; all of which result in a range of severity. Also, "intellectual disabilities" and "behavioral problems" are very large buckets of different manifestations. In order to differentiate in the way that you are asking for, they would need to report exact diagnoses and give a detailed description of the individual to differentiate them, and even then, there would need to be a lot of context and clarification if they are to avoid misinterpretation or misunderstanding of any terms or descriptions used.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news...but it was a complete decapitation. The torso and limbs were delivered via delayed C-section and the head was delivered vaginally. This article has the medical examiner's release including the description of the head being detached.

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That needs to be a serious sit-down conversation. I'd advise against making it about her health because that's more likely to put her on the defensive and ignore everything else. You could print out a credit card statement to show her how much it's costing you and what that money could be going towards. Also, it would be worth pointing out how much of the door dash bill is going to tips and delivery fees. I think the issue a lot of people have with door dash is the lack of sticker shock. You don't notice the impact of a bunch of smaller purchases anywhere near as much as a single big purchase.

While working in the ER I've seen some impressive ingestions, both intentional and unintentional. I can guarantee that if he survives, it ain't gonna be a fun time. Off the top of my head, I think he'd be getting Narcan, Amiodarone, Flumazenil, cardiovascular and respiratory support, and probably hemodialysis. If he doesn't die from the cocktail, the hospital bill might get him.

The popular vote? Hillary. The egregiously outdated and unfair electoral college vote? The bloated, corrupt rapist that is also a flailing and failing oligarch.

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We watched him instigate a goddamn coup on live television. There were hundreds of millions of witnesses. Trump's innocence is not the question here...the extent of corruption of the system is what's really on trial.

The image won't load, but based on the replies, I think it's a weeping angel, and now I don't want the image to load.

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This is my plan. I have to finish medical school anyways, and once I've done that, I'll be in a better position to help other people.

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The lack of accountability means that there is nothing and no one to take responsibility when the robot/computer inevitably kills someone. A human can be faced with legal ramifications for their actions, the companies that make these computers have shown thus far that they are exempt from such consequences.

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The point is that there are people that cannot regularly afford fluoridated toothpaste or for some other legitimate reason cannot brush their teeth as often as is recommended. Fluoridated water is the best and only dental care many Americans get, and it doesn't carry any harms that are even meaningfully measurable.

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Bullets are a lot more expensive than bandages most of the time.

(Edit: that is not to say that this is a reasonable allocation of resources in this situation. The appropriate ratio would be zero bullets and a couple dozen new, fully equipped hospitals and several hundred well-stocked kitchens.)

Unfortunately, they are kind of right at least in terms of this coming election. The best thing we can do is to try to get the fascists out, then come January 20th, 2025 at 12:01pm, take them all to task and demand that they make good on their promises. Protests, rallies...hell, riots even...just make them understand that they serve at our behest and make them earn their keep. But we have to get through November first.

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I will just straight eat peanut butter with a spoon. The peanut butter is what I really want and putting on or in something just adds that many more calories.

(I do run into problems sometimes because my cat tries to steal my peanut butter.)

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That was my thought too. A portal hypertensive crisis following exertion leading to rupture of varices. I can't think of much else that would present like that besides maybe Ebola Zaire or something, but that would have a noticeable prodrome and "coffee grounds" in the emesis.

They're referring to the title of the post. I was confused about that one too.

The SAVE plan and the rules around PSLF really do make medical school a lot more viable for people like me. Doctors get paid a pittance in residency, and the interest on medical school loans would add up really fast on the old income-driven repayment plans.

I was just looking for a game like this earlier today. This is perfect!

What about into the planet? Maybe if we start sacrificing billionaires to random volcano gods, things will finally change somewhat. (And yeeting bloated oligarchs into volcanoes is a lot cheaper and more environmentally friendly than launching their corpulent butts into space.)

The fraudulent valuations went both ways. He artificially inflated the values for lines of credit and loans, and artificially deflated the values for the purpose of tax evasion. Letitia James pulled an Elliot Ness on him with this case.

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If Android Auto is active, it blocks me from opening Google Maps on my phone and I have to mess with the touchscreen interface a bunch before it offers to let me use my phone's keyboard while stopped. It would be less annoying if the voice search option and the search interface on the car's touchscreen was less bad.

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Legal Eagle has been doing some good commentary videos on the slew of Trump legal stuff.

Why would Reuters cite itself and link to its own website? Did you even open the link?

The case was about all the fraud involved in the financial statements alongside disingenuous valuations and deed restrictions on his properties.

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It's also one of the most dangerous drugs to try to quit. Going cold turkey on alcohol can very well be lethal.

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Normally, I'm all for getting out the torches and pitchforks for pharma companies, but there are some other considerations when it comes to penicillins. Due to the prevalence and severity of penicillin allergies, penicillin drugs basically have to be made in facilities dedicated to just that to avoid cross-contamination. If they used any of the same equipment (even packaging equipment) there would be too high a risk of causing allergic reactions via contamination of other medications, and there would be no way to tell which ones are contaminated.

The fix to this problem is to spread out the licensing and allow more companies to produce penicillins in appropriate facilities as opposed to leaving it in the hands of a single conglomerate.

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^This. You can get titers checked for all of your childhood vaccinations. Hep B is a good one to check because it doesn't always "stick" even when you get 2 doses as a kid. Almost every childhood vaccination can be given to adults with roughly equivalent effectiveness.

I developed my own recipe for peanut butter cookies, and all of the ingredient measurements are predicated around using an entire jar of peanut butter because I refuse to measure out peanut butter. The downside is that this results in 120-200 cookies depending on how big I make them and it takes a while to get all of them through the oven.

His tax evasion is a significant piece of his fraud. Even if you insist on discounting it, the laws and regulations violated in this case are set up to allow enforcement of fair business practices in New York, and in large part were enacted in the 60's because of how easily businesses were evading the common law fraud regulations. It's less about whether or not there is a victim, but rather about whether or not outside businesses and interests can rely on fair practices and enforcement in New York as a whole.

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He cheated on his taxes by having the deed to Mar-a-lago restricted to commercial use only while using it and valuing it as if it were a single family residence. It's a massive difference in value when it comes to taxes and that isn't the only property he had deed restrictions or easements on.

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The bit that makes me not want to give the benefit of the doubt is the fact that they had lost fetal heart tones an hour before going to C-section. For a delivery like this with a couple known complications going into it, the threshold to go to the OR should be much lower. Also, as barbaric as it is, something like an episiotomy could have averted this death.

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4 years of medical school and a few years of residency (and maybe fellowship) in pathology. So you're talking 12 to 16 years of post-high school education because it's becoming more and more common to have to have a post-bacc or a master's to get into medical school in the first place.

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