He remains at large

Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 765 points –

guns don't kill people, toddlers do

Jesus Fucking Christ! Someone do something about that toddler!

That's what the toddler wants.

If we change our way of life, the toddler wins.

Precisely. If we fight the toddler head on, we will die. If we acknowledge the superiority of said toddler, we will lose. Then die.

"success in small businesses requires determination to stay the course"

This applies to the big leagues as well. We endure as one. Raise them in the spirit of self defense until they join our tenuous society.

Every sixty seconds, a woman in Britain gives birth. She. Must. Be. Exhausted.

Why would she be exhausted when she has the machine that goes PING! After all it's the doctors who do all the work since they're the experts.

Imagine what he's going to be like when he hits his rebellious years.

Toddlers are plenty rebellious already, it's just a different kind. Teenagers rebel against authority. Toddlers rebel against their own existence.

Just stop selling the kid ammo. Problem solved.

You say no to that cute little face!

I would easily say no to his face... but he has a guna nd is willing to use it.

He only uses it once a week though, so just catch him after his weekly kill

What if he got ill, or has an upcoming holiday and has to make up his quota? I am not sure I want to take that chance.

All I'm saying is that if bullets cost $5,000 I bet that toddler would have a hard time affording them

The solution for a toddler with a gun is an adult with a gun. Or something. Idk, I'm not american.

According to my quick search, it should be Not more than 5 years into the deaths by gun-wielding toddler surpass the deaths of 9/11.

Edit: I was wrong. Here are the fruits of my research:

Toddlers: about 21 deaths per year, would take until 2142 to surpass the 9/11 deaths

Kids 12 and below: 40 deaths per year, would take until 2075 to surpass those deaths

Children 17 and below, when counting accidents only, would take until 2029

Toddlers: about 21 deaths per year

Last I checked, there was more weeks than that in a year. Did those fuckers in HR go and change it?

Article was published in 2017, and gun deaths among US kids has increased 50% since 2019.

Original article: https://www.romper.com/p/a-toddler-has-shot-someone-every-week-for-the-last-2-years-straight-it-highlights-this-huge-problem-28266

2023 update from a different gun research group: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/

We live in hell.

Glad to see their aim got better

Somebody really needs to do something about this kid.

this joke is funny here but it gets really sad when twitter and everyone repeats the same “original” knee slapper when this stat continues to be true, month after month after month 😒

I used to be an kneeslapper like them. Then I got shot by a toddler.

Columbine opened up my eyes about violence on innocent people.

Sandy hook made me realized literally the 2nd Amendment is more important than the lives of children.

If I had a genie, I'd thanos snap every gun in America. But until then, I'm gonna stay strapped and lol at the infinite sadness of our dystopian nightmare.

Well that's the fucked part of it. There's more of them than people. I hate to be that asshole who says "you're only hurting the bad guys with gun control" because theres issues with that argument, but in a lot of ways it applies to the US just because theres so fucking many. You can't get rid of them.

Take away them away and these two groups will still have them:

  1. Criminals (both violent and, many newly created, non-violent criminals)
  2. Cops (violent state-sanctioned gang with badges)

Not sure that's really a good outcome either.

How do you expect cops and unfranchised criminals to circumvent a reality bender? I'd be more worried about the reasonable uses for guns, like flare guns, PAFS, harpoon guns, nail guns, and so on.

Not to mention that a lack of guns just means nightsticks and lead pipes become popular again.

Whoever said taking candy from a baby was easy must not have been American

Not a very good accuracy, shooting ranges need to offer child discounts, so they could practice more

Jesus Christ! And I thought the Uvalde police were bad!

The anti-gun propaganda isn't even clever. It's completely transparent that it's not about safety at all.

You gotta be fucking dense to think that this is a normal thing. This is not normal that toddler kill anyone with a gun. If stating a statistic like that make you react like you did, you have a mental problem.

How can it not be about safety when children kills other people by finding a gun laying around?

Keep doing the mental gymnastics, you are winning the gold medal and breaking every record.

Nobody said anything anti-gun. This is a legitimate statistic.

If it feels anti-gun to you, it's probably your conscience asking you if this is an acceptable side effect of unlimited gun rights. Maybe listen to that voice and think of an answer to that question.