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Joined 12 months ago

I would easily say no to his face... but he has a guna nd is willing to use it.

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You know what is the worst thing about this for me.

According to his post, he did not produce the show and did not know that Wu was not compensated for her time until he saw her TikTok.

Not only did they cheat her out of being the model, and replacing her with a terrible AI photo. They also didnt pay her for doing the actual show, until this blew up and the designer saw the tiktok.

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I dont think removing the screen complete is the right way around this. Having something that can display maps and more information is good. But it should have never become the only thing.

You need buttons and easy access to functions that are always available in easy to remember places. So that you aren't spending attention away from the road when you want to change the fan control.

Fuck this bullshit touchscreen only nonsense, actual physical buttons are superior in a car.

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So I watched this last night. It is a pretty bad film, with the worst use of slow motion I think I have ever watched.

It feels very rushed in its plot, and the fizzles out instead of ending with a bang. Very few action scenes feel good, from bad camera angles and slow motion that highlights all the wrong things. I would also describe the film as a collection of nobody's, very little character growth and you spend almost the entire film playing Pokémon with them.

I don't recommend watching, and I would be surprised if a directors cut would make a difference.

They removed the dislike button. That improved the platform right?

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Pretty sure he means a deluxe edition upgrade as a mtx.

Where some games allow you to get the base game, try it out and upgrade if you want. Rather than diving in at the deep end and not knowing if you'll enjoy the game.

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They keep throwing around threats of leaving.

Do it... do it you absolute chickens.

Hi Fi Rush was a great contender for sound track, I would have liked either of those winning it. Last of Us winning is fucking wonky though.

This analogy is so bad, it is not even close to what is happening.

I will try and adapt to cars for you(I dont know why), but this is just really really bad.

Say you have designed a car, you can produce them on a very small scale, but you have come to valve(they make cars now) to mass produce. They do so, for a 30% cut(that reduces the more they sell) for everything they sell from their direct sales at the price you have set. There is no material costs or labour costs, just that cut of the price you have set.

Now valve have a sales page and are selling, and you decide that actually I would like more people to see the car, and so you consider selling it at other dealers. Valve says, sure, you can even have the cars for free from us(no 30% cut) and you can have basically an unlimited supply of free fully built cars to sell else where. We only ask that you sell the car at the same price you have set with us if you are selling a car we made.

You want to go sell it new cheaper? You are more than welcome too, but you cant sell the car we produced.

Such a bad analogy, but that is closer to what is actually happening.

I think it is a bit more difficult than that. I have really enjoywd watching downhill bike racing in the past, and both the men's and women's races are incredible.

If you don't know, It is a single rider time trial down incredibly technical courses on a mountain bike.

Unfortunately I don't think it would be good to mix men and women, because the men are faster. This year's world champs race had the men finishing 30s faster, the fastest woman would have been 66th. Results

I would love to see more mixed competitions in the elite level of sports where it makes sense.

It is the single biggest reason why I havent thought about getting an iphone. I have an ipad and it is alright, but I have gone back to using the significantly worse specced Fire tablet, so I don't have to use Safari.

Battle Breakers

This is a bad example to put down, can't find that on the epic store either.

Ublock is not available on Safari, and hasnt been for a long time.

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According to his post, he did not produce the show and did not know that Wu was not compensated for her time until he saw her TikTok. “After finding out through her videos that she wasn’t paid, I offered Shereen compensation for her time and talents,” Costello wrote.

It sounds like he at least offered to pay her, despite not being the one that was running the show and paying her.

I used to use it a lot. I still have some nice headphones that I like using, but they have become 2nd choice. I have bone conducting headphones that I use daily.

I prefer them, because I can still communicate, ride the bike, and never have to pause the music. But if I have to do anything loud, the wired buds are coming out to plug the ear holes.

Nah, tells a fantastic story.

Meets, and falls for someone. Then they fall madly in love, the the heart break happens and they are left by themselves.

I mostly agree, but I feel like Street Fighter 6(Going to throw Tekken 7/8 out as an option as well) has a good enough ranking system that you will be able to get people around your skill level years down the line. I didnt jump on Street Fighter 5 till Arcade Edition released, and never had an issue with learning and getting matches in Ranked, and I feel like that will be the same for SF6.

You will have to catch up with knowledge of characters, but I feel lower ranks are much easier in that regard.

However, the Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub is merciless and full of Master ranked players, and that is where turning up late is going to be painful and soul crushing(and I will be one of those people contributing to that).

Wasnt a difficult search.

And yes, more money(realistically probably a lot more) is needed to refine and improve the technology. No it isnt going to end climate change, but it is a small part of what is needed.

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So I absolutely love Street Fighter 6. Almost every thing is done incredibly well(not the cost of dlc costumes though, that is fucking robbery). Has one of my favourite single player story modes, the best arcade lobby with actual interesting side stuff in it, fantastic netcode and on and on.

I also was to throw out a few other stand outs

  • Granblue Vs Rising
  • Crab Champions
  • Baldurs Gate
  • Spider-Man and Miles Morales
  • Octopath Traveller 2

Have loved every single one of those.

Orion browser on iOS

It allows use of chrome and Firefox extensions, and ublock origin works.

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Ohhh can I partake in this.

Fluoride contamination, consequences and removal techniques in water -

See look at the scary headline, and the first sentence - "Fluoride contamination has created a drinking water crisis globally."

Only downside to this paper... it kinda mentions how great it is for humans to consume low levels of flouride.

Still playing Street Fighter 6 pretty much every day. Still absolutely loving it.

Spider-Man Remastered, going through on Ng+ and ultimate difficulty to 100%, having just 100% Miles Morales. Those games have really clicked with me and makes me want to play the Arkham games again.

The Finals, have really enjoyed the betas and the full release being shadow dropped was a nice surprise. Definitely going to have more time when Spider-Man is done.

Next on the list to play is Sea of Stars, and Granblue Vs Rising.

So, like you I don't enjoy most competitive games. I like to dabble occasionally and enjoy an FPS here or there(I enjoyed the Finals for a bit, and occasionally a CoD, last one was Modern Warfare), but mostly play single player or co-op games because I find them far more enjoyable.

There is one genre that is an exception, fighting games. I fucking love them. I used to enjoy them as a kid, then had a long hiatus, dabbled when Street Fighter 4 launched, but didn't "git gud". Then Dragonball Fighter Z and the Arcade Edition for Street Fighter 5 launched and I think they were the gateway drug for me. Street Fighter 5 was tough, I couldn't find a character I liked, so kinda bounced off it, but DBFZ kept me in. It wasn't until Blanka in SF5 came out that it all clicked for me.

The genre starts of like a little puddle, you don't really need to know a lot going in, but you definitely need to want to improve. And the more you improve the more you realise how deep the puddle is, cause it is actually an ocean. When you play against another human, at the lower ranks it is quite random and spammy. But as you get past them, you get to where you can condition people, you can learn their habits and combo choices. Then you take that knowledge and adjust your gameplay and see if they can counter it, and it can be come a big back and forth of trying to get the other person to make a mistake and exploiting their habits.

It is also a genre where nothing else really transfers across. All that time in FPS or RTS games isn't going to help, so learning to do the technical inputs can be rewarding, or labbing out a combo and how to implement it in your gameplay.

I also really enjoy the ranking climb in most fighting games. SF6 has kinda perfected it, you play 10 games and it gives you a placement from Rookie upto Diamond 1, then you match against someone typically within +-1 rank(Gold 1 would be matched with Silver 5, Gold 1 or Gold 2)and rack up points. At the top of the ranking you hit Master, then it turns into Elo points and a proper distribution of skill, cause the difference between a professional and good player that just hit Master is massive. And for SF6 it is done on a per character basis, which allows you to sink time into every character and be playing with people your skill level.

I am 417 hours into SF6, 3 characters at master rank and a few in diamond/platinum. I still feel like I am bad, and I am definitely not using all the systems effectively in the game. But I sure as hell am excited to sink another several thousand hours into this game over the life of it.

Tekken 8 also just came out, which also seems incredible, but 3D fighters are basically an entire new genre to learn.

Fighting Games are fucking cool.

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This is why I am unfortunately back on windows. I use a couple programs everyday, and unfortunately they do not run on Linux. And there is not a usable alternative either.

I was rebooting to windows, doing what I had to, and then rebooting again. But it is just so disruptive and not user friendly.

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Yea great, you linked to something that hasnt been updated in a long time, and doesnt work with Safari 13 or newer(latest version is 17.1).

This link - - For ublock for safari is dead.

Like I said, ublock is not available and hasn't been for a long time now.

Trust me, you could absolutely follow the example of other drivers and use your phone while driving.

Still on the Street Fighter 6 grind, just picked up another character, Luke. What a dumb stong tool set, placed into Diamond for ranked which is my highest by far(usually into mid plat).

And then finishing up Cyberpunk, DLC was awesome, and patch 2.0 has refreshed the game. Cleaning up the map and doing every quest I can, hopefully get this wrapped up this week as well and can move onto another game.

Favourites, not really ordered

  • Street Fighter 6 - Really really good fighting game, definitely a recommend if you want to play one.

  • Baldurs Gate 3 - It is BG3, what more needs to be said?

  • Octopath Traveler 2 - It is more of the first, but more refined and better at tying the characters together.

  • Dead Space Remake - If you like the original, you should really play this, it is incredible.

  • Remnant 2 - Great game, a good refinement of the first remnant, and fantastic in co-op.

  • Last Epoch - I really like the leveling systems(Character and also Skills). Not perfect, but fun and chaotic.

  • Crab Champions - Crab goes BRRR. Not many games I go out of my way to 100% but this games feels incredible to play.

  • Spiderman & Miles Morales - Finally pick up on the cheap, if you enjoy the Batman Arkham formula, these two are fantastic. Miles Morales definitely feels like a large DLC though.

  • Driftwood - Longboarding Sloth, super chilled out and relaxing. Just enjoy carving down the hills on sticks of butter.

  • Lumines - The best game on the PSP, and still love it(picked up for cheap with Tetris, but prefer Lumines)

The not so good.

  • Ghost Runner 2 - I want to like this more, I loved the first game, but the wide open levels and bike traversal just don't feel good or fun.

  • Diablo 4 - Play Last Epoch instead, D4 feels boring and bland and uninspired after finishing the story.

  • Blasphemous - Didnt click with me, the combat felt good and the movement was good, but never stuck with it, will probably try again at some point.

  • Hyper Light Drifter - I have tried a few times, and I keep bouncing off it.

  • Ori and the Blind Forest - I also want to like this game, but bounced off it again.

While Street Fighter 6 is my Favourite game of the the year, Baldurs Gate 3 is definitely the GOTY. I would strongly recommend any game from the favourites list. I haven't played any really bad games this year, Diablo 4 is probably the worst I have played, do not recommend it. Unlike the other games which I would be tempted to suggest under certain circumstances.

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I wouldn't pick 8, but I am a dog person. Oh,and I just don't want to be insulted by cats all the time.

Phone tech is really boring. Almost everything looks the same, they are all x% faster than last year's model which still does everything perfectly fine. In terms of hardware, the phone has kinda reached the optimal place.

I'm not the target audience for bleeding edge phones though. I take photos, listen to music(using Bluetooth and wired headphones), browse the web and message people. I don't really play games or use it for work.

By far the most interesting thing to me is foldable phones. I really like the idea of a flip phone, but I don't think it would be too happy sitting in my sweaty pocket while I cycle.

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Just think about how this works.

Steam currently allows you to generate keys and sell them for free, only stipulating that they must be sold for the same price as on steam.

Let's say they are told that stipulation can't be enforced.

Valve, will probably go with 1 of 2 options.

1 - you can no longer generate keys. So all the great key sites(GMG, Fanatical and so on) no longer exist, because no steam keys.

2 - Valve charge an upfront fee for keys generated. Now smaller pmdevs and publishers can no longer supply keys to sites, because they can't afford the upfront costs.

What incentive does valve have to continue offering this free service? If it can be exploited for the detriment of steam, they will stop providing it.

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I am going to respectfully disagree, I think if you have a desire to learn and participate everyone can have fun online in fighting games. Don't get baited by thinking that you need to learn all these combos and moves and be 100% perfect at doing it all the time. Cause you dont.

The difference between someone just starting and a pro is vast, and will seem daunting and like you need to know a bunch of stuff. But honestly competitve starts out similar to you and a bunch of pals just having fun together.

You are playing the other person, getting reliable damage from a combo is more important to begin with than doing optimal damage. For street fighter(it is what I have the most experience with), you need to know how to anti air to stop people from jumping(this is usually a crouching Heavy Punch, but can be different for some characters). Then throw in a simple combo, can be an easy target combo(or using the modern inputs in SF6) or something as simple as HP > Fireball/Tatsu. And then making sure you know basics like blocking and throws, drive impact and drive parry for street fighter 6.

That seems like a lot, but it is less than the mechanics of most single player games that get thrown out in tutorials, and the rest of the knowledge will come with time and practice. Say you come across someone who just cleanly wipes the floor with you, you can look at the replay and see if there is a gap, or learn the timings, or if it is unsafe if you just kept blocking. But that won't be something you have to worry about for a while. You will spend a lot of time figuring out how to handle people randomly throwing out DP or Drive Impact or who just won't stop jumping.

I finished up Moss Book 2, love it. I wish there were more VR games like this. Absolutely recommend Moss and Moss Book 2 if you are looking for something a little different. But be warned they are only around 4 - 5 hours long.

I just picked up Immortals Fenyx Rising which was 90% off on Steam. I really enjoyed the base game and looking forward to replaying and also diving into the DLC.

Street Fighter 6 is still my daily game, playing Blanka and just rolled into Diamond 5. I am also really happy that the Spy X Family collab event is not a complete rip off and is just 1000 drive tickets(looking at you TMNT event).

Still playing Street Fighter 6 pretty much everyday. Looking at who to try and get Master rank with next.

Learning Tekken 8, but complete scrub at 3D fighters so taking it slow and trying out a bunch of people.

Granblue Fantasy: Relink is my current non fighting game time sink as well. Absolutely loving the game, the quality of the combat and character variety is fantastic. Although definitely would have enjoyed more variety in the end game.

I will give it a try, pretty sure it is in the steam library, but probably be a couple months til I get round to it now (Granblue is being an absolute blast).

I love Firefox, it is my desktop and android go to, but fuck apples bullshit.

Look into Orion browser, it allows you to use chrome and Firefox extensions on iOS, it does mean no easy bookmark or tab sharing, but small price to pay to be able to use the net again properly.

Paige NO!

So this might not be the most helpful answer, but I think there have already been some great suggestions (monster hunter world and dragons dogma are both awesome).

Granblue Fantasy Relink, it is possibly the game that ticks every box. Has a single player story and is full of dragons and demons to kill, you are recruiting your crew and gearing them up for massive fights, it has some fantastic combat(had platinum games help on it).

The biggest downside is it isn't out til February, but there is a demo on Playstation 4/5 if you have one to try it on, unfortunately PC not getting a demo.