3 Post – 265 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

FLuffee Talks. (Hey... What's up?)

No particular reason. FLuffee is a major old schooler that's been pumping out content since the earliest days of YouTube who specializes in pop news and shock-jock content. I used to devour his content when I was like 11-15, and I think I just got overexposed and lost taste for it.

I've gone back occasionally over the years and he's still at it. If his content style works and he can maintain it even some 16-18 years later, I say more power to him.

My brain actually computes it first as 7 + 5 = 12 + 1 = 13.

I add 5s together a lot at my work (14, 19, 24... 63, 68, 73....) hard to explain why, but my brain jumps to 5s very easily for addition because of it.

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12 is a great number isn't it. I remember one especially boring job I had for a while I would spend large amounts of time counting in base 12 on my fingers (using my thumb to tap the three segments of my four opposing fingers) into the thousands and start over.

We noticed you liked that tree. Would you like to see it again in 45 minutes?

thank mr skeltal

7,000 lbs, fucking hell. Who needs such a massive vehicle??

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Anyone who's seen Lore Lodge says that they probably should be called a terrorist organization

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A YouTube channel that discusses Missing 411 style content: people disappearing under mysterious circumstances.

A running theme in their show is that overwhelmingly the RCMP are criminally negligent in their duties, are very quick to write off missing persons as runaways, do absolute garbage tier investigation, and that's where my comment came from.

Not necessarily a topical episode but I like this one:

Lmao nice

Rocking those classic 990s


Yeah fuck blood, all my homies hate blood

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Oh look, another article pointing the finger at the meager consumption habits of citizens and completely ignoring the massive ocean of CO2 production by large companies.

Don't people get tired of seeing this same argument being made? The amount of carbon produced by barges carrying cargo over the Atlantic so far greatly exceeds the consumption of many millions of people every single day but I'm supposed to feel guilty for eating a piece of steak today instead of some semi-edible "impossible meat" bug protein?

ETA: Nice, my first blowup since leaving reddit. Very refreshing to see some people arguing passionately. I appreciate the vigor and the quality of argumentation, everybody. The quality of discourse here is so much better than on reddit.

I'm willing to admit the "semi edible impossible meat bug protein" gamut was a bit tongue in cheek, but I recognize how it can sound genuine. I do think Impossible Meat is disgusting, but that's neither here nor there.

I eat plenty of plant matter and I regularly forage in the local forests to learn about edible plants. But I'm not going to stop enjoying steak just because it might put a bit more CO2 (why do people keep writing it as C02 online?) into the atmosphere. If removing subsidies and putting more pressure on the meat industry to be less wasteful, less environmentally impactful and more ethical towards animals causes steak to rise to $40/lb as some here have stated I'll gladly pay.

FWIW, I get my steak from local farms that are free range and grass fed. Grass feeding is healthier for the cow than the typical grain, it produces less CO2 and the steak is better quality. Plus the cows are better taken care of. Again, thanks for the great messages (generally).

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Sure, I drink my own piss. It's sterile, and I like the taste.

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I hadn't even heard about this suit, barely knew Patriot Front existed, and didn't have a clue about any leaks prior to reading this article, and now due to the suit I know them by name. Nice publicity stunt?

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YouTube needs content filters

Yeah but maybe a bit of our problem is people don't get bored anymore. The feeling of boredom is an important one and we stuff it down with dopamine doping and doom scrolling. When I was a child, if I got bored I went outside, or I saw if my friend could play, or I got a toy out. Once smart phones came along suddenly being bored was just an invitation for Reddit— Lemmy— to fill in the void.

I'm glad that Lemmy is not as addictive as Reddit was. I want to be bored a bit sometimes. Boredom makes me do chores instead of ignore them. Or play with my kid more. Or go hiking.

I don't imagine 80s kids would have said they had boring childhoods, just because they weren't completely soaked up with phones demanding their attention 24/7.

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I wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me

Modest Mouse lyrics always relevant


Alpha hyenas, however, those are definitely real. But they're boss babes so the PUAs can't work with that

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I've been using Notepad++ for a good while now and it's proven to be a great alternative to MS WordPad.

Youth is wasted on the young, and wisdom is wasted on the old.

Kind of feels like giving my toddler a loaded gun, but saying that it's safe because the safety is on.

The article states clearly how she fell. She was sleeping on the top bunk in her cell, about 6' off the ground, and apparently she rolled off and hit the ground, causing a cervical fracture.

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I mean it's hard to deny that they knew how to design a nice looking uniform. It's striking, original, regal even. Also, just plain evil.

Lemmy has so much fewer comments than reddit, but goddamn do they hit here lmao. Second comment in ten minutes to almost make me choke on my dinner

Amish dudes at my work mock me for the eye protection, hearing protection and N95, but they won't be laughing in 20 years when they're suffering with COPD and lung cancer

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Don't forget to scream "I fucking love Amazon!" clearly into the microphone.

Man I saw the headline and I'm like, "Oh, this is old news. Why is it on here?" Then I read your comment and realized that this is actually a second breach. What a mess!

My in-laws can be like that in their own ways. Sometimes they're engaged with me and want to spend time, invite me to outings, and other times they're closed off, emotionally ambiguous and very off-putting. Unfortunately there's probably not much you can do about it without direct confrontation — but you may find that going that route can lead to large consequences, either good or bad. Might not be worth the gamble.

What can you do about it, that won't require a huge sacrifice or threat to your relationship? Just do everything you can to just be yourself, regardless of their mood. Don't coddle to their shifts in mood, but don't be hostile either. If they're being grouchy, don't play into it. It's challenging to not let the emotional sink of relatives mess your mood up but if you can learn to "float on top" of it instead of miring in it yourself, I feel like you'll see a lot of improvement in your everyday life.

Life is full of grouches and depressives. Sometimes a bit of distance, maybe even a bit of aloofness, can really help deaden the blows.

Fucking Republicans slashed funding for the Democrat imaging software and now they can't afford more than 0.5mb!

I think misandric is more apt of a description

As a recent convert, I completely love the idea of "One week of Linux" posts or reserving switch over stories to weekly posts or something. FOSS Fridays?

Don't forget cloud services!

I guess the problem is that, while technically accurate English, it's a pretty non-standard usage. One sees a page full of a variety of planes and it's expected that the following text will make a general statement on planes as an idea: There are so many kinds of planes!

To refer to a group as the book does, it's just kind of clunky and awkward, and on top of that so many kinds is, in my experience, just an unusual adjective form. Teaching children how to read isn't just about learning how to sound out words: it's also about how to suss out their meaning, and a child at this reading level may have a hard time understanding the more abstract grammatical form that this book decided to take.

Facebook’s Meta's copy of Twitter X

Yeah, a whole 45 seconds worth of reading is required to reach the relevant info:

While female Wookiees have six nipples, mutiple births of more than two children are quite rare.

Wool makes a massive difference and it isn't even close.

For one, it has an uncanny ability to wick away moisture from the surface of your skin, away from your body. As it reaches the outside, it more easily evaporates away and minimizes the amount of absorbed and thus odorous sweat.

Skin also maintains "comfort" at a larger range of temperatures with wool. I have thicker wool socks I wear in summer with tall leather work boots and after 12-16 hours straight of wear my socks typically have virtually no smell and they're dry to the touch. Synthetic socks like Dickies absorb the sweat and cause the fibers to break down terribly. You end up with crusty, worthless socks.

I work in RVs, most parts work here is done by minors. They pull them out of school once they pass 8th then throw them into a factory until they're 18, and they only get to keep a small portion of the money they even earn. It's gross and exploitative but it's treated like it's "good healthy character building" for the kids.

The Amish have a very seedy underbelly that they do a very good job of hiding from the public, but trust me when I say their shit doesn't smell any sweeter than the rest.

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