0 Post – 492 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Glad to see their aim got better

codeweavers the true gigachad of Linux

they managed to make their anti-microsoft crusade a sustainable and profitable venture

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Why is it always republicans?

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I have no idea why so many of those commenters are anti consumer rights. Android proves that it's not a security issue. Why are they so brain broken that they are actively against opening up their walled garden, like it compromise their apple product purchases in some way.

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I agree with the meme, but "soy dev" makes me think this was written unironically by an incels 4channer.

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Sweet, but let me know when anything actually comes of it.

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Ask your mother how she did it

Apple really fucking hates user freedom and choice.

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It's amazing how much of the bare minimum they're doing.

Soooo.... anyone got a link?

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It was a waste of time beginning to end. If they were smart, they were doing this for a quick cash grab. If they were dumb, then they legitimately thought this would work long-term.

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This isn't reddit. There's a clear solution here: decentralization. Aka, like the entire point why we're on Lemmy in the first place. Join another instance lol.

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Thanks Obama

Once the hateful boomers die out, the republican party will be finished. They know this and is why they have been focusing on voter suppression so much.

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I'd prefer if you guys stayed in the fedi, but this is probably the 10th time you guys have asked this same question on if you should stay. If you have to keep asking, I think you know the answer. No need to ask an 11th time.

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I've never really cared about Flipboard and thought they were just another blog site, but I'm starting to realize they do actually enjoy the fedi and internet freedom

Abortion bans are so fucking evil. Taking away essential health care and bodily autonomy because of a fairy tale. All of this for votes for a political party.

Obviously go somewhere else to get an abortion. The law is for the poors.

So... link?

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From the "fuck your feelings" crowd lol

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Zero reason why any modern computer should be less then 16gb

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Android already has had this for many years and it is not an issue. We don't need to deal with hypotheticals here, Android has put these things into practice for a long time already, and it's a non issue.

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You know that Nintendo is watching this game like a hawk, looking for any possible way they can do legal action.

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Jesus christ do these law makers just have nothing going on? We should really be revoking their pay for what is a complete dumpster fire of a waste of our taxes. I don't want my money going to some white racist dumb fuck basing reality off of Fox news rage articles in his Facebook feed.

Fuck stupid ass libertarian ponzi schemes

This is universally regarded as the best distro for beginners and veterans.

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Name and shame the religious extremist who passed this and ban them from office

Ask them how they'd feel about requiring children to wear hijabs and all of the sudden they'll understand how everyone feels about their fascist laws lol

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Year of the Linux desktop babyyyy

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Hey step bro

If you've ever talked to a republican actually in person, you'd realize they have zero idea what's going on in the party or even what the party ideals are

Aw and I had forgotten this murderer existed

The entire conservative party

Gamers will literally install root kits on their PCs just because an update pop up tells them to. They really don't care lol.

I love when this topic comes up because people definitely don't have a weird fixation on foreskin and totally have balanced discussions that calmly hears both sides.

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Yeah I can see why people weren't using it lol. Google is entirely the person they're trying to hide from.

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It's also already built into Google Play Services. Remember this when they claim a monopoly is good for "security" reasons.

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common Firefox W

That's actually not a lot for being the president. Tons of CEOs are making like 100x that lol.

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How about let people actually own the fucking car they purchase

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Streaming services got so shitty so quickly