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Joined 11 months ago

Tell me you don't know anything about DEI without... oh ffs I don't even have energy for this this morning, and you could honestly learn a lot just using Google. We both know you have no interest in learning even the tiniest bit though.

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"Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb IraaAnn..."

cue awkward grin

-Chooses Sarah Palin

Yeah, he turned out great. Maybe he used up his last bit of honor refuting that lady.

Where are all of the good toddlers with guns when you need them??

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Sorry I ran my mouth off a bit too much What did I say?

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My mom is one of these hateful MAGAts, but loves the "nice Mexican lady" that cleans her apartment for such a reasonable price.

Don't worry, they have enough cognitive dissonance to not be bothered by this in the least.

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Cheer up Elon - it wasn't worth $44B when you bought it, so it's lost significantly less value than you think!

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Why governments would ever use a private service for critical use baffles me.

Create your own emergency notification system!

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"We hate you as a person, but your money is still good "

So the DA is just allowed to say, "I don't like any of my choices in this jury pool" and that's just okay?? That doesn't sound like a fair trial at all. It's like grabbing the stack of lottery tickets from behind the counter and starting to scratch them off. When somebody comes to make you stop you just say, "it's all good. I'm just trying to find one I like before I decide to play the lottery today."

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Remember folks, a protest vote against Biden just puts us one step closer to fuckery like this actually happening.

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Gotta admit, I expected it to be related to his past drug/alcohol abuse. Drowning is a bit of a shock.

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While this was technically an accident, I put it in the same league as driving drunk and killing someone. It was preventable by doing the bare minimum of what her job responsibilities were.

Going broke, or having all of their money embezzled by senior leadership?

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A little ditty about Mitch and Diane...

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Hey Europe


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There's a non-zero chance that they actually are sending their brightest.

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Every car I've ever bought had had glaringly terrible design choices that make it obvious nobody in development actually drove the car. This has got to be one of the worst examples of that though.

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I don't get the popularity of Chick-fil-A. Bland sandwiches and little variety.

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Give me a break," he said.

Oh, so the dude thinks he deserves a break does he? That's rich.

Remember this is Apple we're talking about. Gen 2 will introduce additional form factors and fanboys will call it "game changing", "amazing", and god knows what else.

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Yes but are these Impossible Hot Dogs made from the dregs of plants that were too disgusting to use for any other purpose? If they can't meet that high bar then I don't know if I even want them.

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Putting someone in jail is not the same as solving the case. Given our horrendous desire to run trials like a sporting event, I'm going to take their 90% number with a grain of salt.

This is the pro-life crowd, everyone.

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Hey, don't you go bringing the Bible into this discussion about religion!

The code name for this top secret program?


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It's not "just" for show. It's "specifically" for show. That's the point and it's not a bad thing. The Republican electorate is overwhelmingly filled with morons who don't scratch past the first couple of words. Democrats are often called out for not branding things right, or not painting issues in compelling/visceral ways. This address both if those things on an issue that most people care about (getting a paycheck).

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Citing the fact that she wears makeup and high heels would also be acceptable, I believe.

When you call the police on your loud neighbor do you say, "their music is too loud" or do you say, "a bunch of suspicious looking people have been going in and out carrying bags of fertilizer and electronic components."

There was a good segment on Last Week Tonight several weeks back. The choice was between a guy who was part of the original problem and promised no changes or this guy. People knew more of the same wasn't going to work so they took a gamble and hoped that the crazy guy would stumble onto something.

Have this guy's video thumbnails always been this bad?

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What possible reason could Glassdoor have invented to convince themselves this is a good idea?

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I kind of laughed when I read this - it would be really awkward if they weren't both teachers.

Abby: "Good morning class, today we're going around the room to talk about what we did over break."

Brittany: "Stupid little shits, I wanted to be a pilot! We could have taken turns sleeping and been a dynamic duo for international travel 😢 "

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That's still a win though, because nobody will be duped into paying a premium for artificial flavoring.

A related label that pisses me off is "zero sugar" when artificial sweeteners are used. I like sparkling water, in large part because it has absolutely no sweetener of any kind in it, but sometimes in a hurry I grab one of these pieces of shit and it really pisses me off.

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Alternate headline: "Transgender catholics show no understanding of their religion."

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'I don't have data to back it up, but I know it's better'

This is exactly the reason why every single one of Amazon's products are shittier today than they were yesterday.

That poor, poor man. My heart goes out to him.

I'll just go on the record right now and say I'm never using XitPay or whatever he decides to call it.

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I know the sentiment that you are conveying, and I understand each of the words in your comment individually, but I honestly have no idea what you're saying here.

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"Do you know who I am?"


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