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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, this was in Boston, Beacon Hill to be specific, not known for wide sidewalks... I was in good shape in those days, I could cruise all day at 15mph, for my half hour commute I could maintain 20mph easily, I would pass cars pretty much continuously in downtown areas, the street was where I belonged...

I did way back when I was 18/19... I was riding my bike home from work, and a cop directing traffic yelled at me to get out of the street. Without even thinking, I yelled back "go fuck yourself". He called to his partner across the intersection, "Mike, get him!". Mike was on a motorcycle. I was sure I was fucked, but I knew the neighborhood, so after salmoning up a one way street full of double parked cars, and taking a couple turns, one being into a narrow alley that's almost invisible unless you already know it's there, I got behind him - figured that was the best place to be... He never looked back, just slowed down, looking in doorways, between/under parked cars, until I got within a couple blocks of my house, then I hauled ass and locked myself (and bike) in the basement for the next half hour.

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I think gen x did that... You're welcome.

People wearing fabulous clothing


That's how I am with the bat out of hell album... Get off my lawn.

you are now out $500 for missing work and other legal fees

Legal fees can easily reach into the thousands...

Dyslexics untie!

Do you know what she's called?



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By their own criteria, trump is the antichrist.

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Remind me again why vigilante justice is discouraged in favor of unhinged cops?

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But you repeat yourself...

Mr. Hankey the Christmas poo?

That sounds like antisemitic hate speech...

Like tears in rain...

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I slack. Oh boy do I slack. I'd work so harder if I thought I would actually get something for it. In fact, when I started my latest job, I was doing just that, because it seemed this company was different, and it's something I'm naturally good at. Got commended by my boss about how much I was doing, how quickly I was learning, how in a year I had already surpassed the next most recent hire that had been there for 2 years... Then time came for my review, and it was a "meets expectations". Like wtf do I have to do to exceed expectations? Then not long after, they started denying me time off, saying I had taken too much. Supposedly we had unlimited PTO, of which I had taken 2 weeks so far that year (1 week in March, the rest just single days here and there), and my request was for a week in July... Anywho long story short, I've pretty much figured out exactly how much I have to fake being busy to not get negative attention, and I do that. I milk cases for all they're worth. And I'm still getting more done than half my colleagues. I hate it, but it pays decently, so I have a hard time throwing it away for something that might be more fulfilling, but doesn't pay as well...

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(I work for a software company.)

As an SUV owner, I agree. It tries to do too many things, so it's not good at any of them. When we had kids, I wanted a minivan. They're ugly, they don't get good gas mileage, their handling is like a pregnant yak- but if you need to haul around kids and their stuff, there's nothing better. My wife at least considered it, but we ended up with a hybrid SUV. I don't completely hate it, but I still would rather have gotten a minivan.

And before that, the darling of the GOP was former actor Ronald Reagan...

Fahrenheit is fine for temperatures that humans can experience in our environment (and expect to survive, at least for a little while...)

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Why insult apes like that?

It doesn't say what to do with them... If I see something like that with no context, I'm breeding ginormous people-eating dandelions...

Kind of like getting a speeding ticket on a bicycle...

Long ago, I adopted a cat from a deaf girl. Weirdest thing, going to her house to pick one out, she had several, and none of them meowed. It was months before the one I picked out started meowing.

Luxury. Best we could manage was a paper bag in a septic tank.

Dishes done.

computers can't do anything truly random.

Technically incorrect - computers can be supplied with sources of entropy, so while it's true that they will produce the same output given identical inputs, it is in practice quite possible to ensure that they do not receive identical inputs if you don't want them to.

Almost 50 here, and I'm pretty thoroughly socialist... and my dad is leaning farther left the older he gets too.

So chatgpt doesn't know what a fart is?

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It's absurd to think that never happens. It's not absurd to think that doesn't happen as often as cops killing someone.

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This. I forget the court ruling, but there was one, that found you are legally allowed to defend yourself against a police officer who is not acting lawfully, up to and including killing the cop... But good luck surviving that long.

Euphemism treadmill

"self-inflicted" wound

Did he shoot himself in the back of the head? Double tap for good measure?

This is why I have no qualms about piracy. The workers get shafted either way.

Well that explains why my job just expects me to know it without any warning... I'm almost 50, I have no problem learning new things if you tell me I need to, but when I was in school, computers were still luxuries...


There is something between doing absolutely nothing, and working your ass off to make someone else rich. Most of us want that middle ground.

Meanwhile, I grew up with fluoride added to the water and only had one maybe two minor cavities by the time I was 25, then moved to a place that has such shitty city water everyone heavily filters it, so even if fluoride is added, the filtering removes most of it, and I have had so many dental problems since, not a single one without at least one filling, and several crowns... So there, my anecdote cancels yours.

That's how you get your kids to spend all their time at their friends' houses...

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You'd have an argument if he had shot himself, or ODed on pills, or slashed his wrists, or any number of other painless, or at least very quick, ways of offing himself.

He set himself on fucking fire. One of the worst ways imaginable to die that doesn't require someone else's active participation, and in fact resists someone else actively trying to stop him. It gets attention.