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Joined 12 months ago

What discrepancy?

Are you implying that the presence of any homeless people in New England invalidates the idea that consistently favorable weather leads to a higher ratio of homeless people living in an area?

Probably also matters long term vs short term. When someone first becomes homeless, it usually happens where they were already living regardless of the weather. Over time, people may move to where it is more comfortable to sleep outside.

So, all cities have new homeless people plus some that just never leave. And then warm areas have new homeless people plus the long term homeless people who risked traveling to get to warmer temperatures.

After we stood on the button and rolled up the window

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I wish I understood this because it seems funny

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This has always bothered me. They write it so you want them to cheat.

They were bred as food for Aztec royalty and served like cornish game hens. Their ancestors are in their instincts telling them about us.

Sooo... Boebert had 9 videos on that site. I hope they come out for a number of reasons.

If it's the same person I'm thinking about he understood that it was blackmail but didn't care. He requested copies of the tape to keep for himself.

Anything KOSS or PYLE is straight dog shit. Been that way for at least 25 years. I bought many of their products as a broke teenager.

I assumed that was their actual phone number. They received a spoofed call from themselves.

Happened to my wife once. Her own number showed up on her caller ID.

There are already rules. One of the rules is that the title of the post has to match the title of the article. This post follows that rule.

thank mr skeltal

Please don't roast me here, but why is wanting to know what someone looks like without makeup such a bad thing? I've never even thought about it before, so please don't take this as advocating for it. It just doesn't immediately occur to me what the problem would be.

I get why it's gross to have an app to remove clothing, but makeup feels like a different category.

What about an app that changes or removes hair? Or one for sunglasses/jewelry?

Are they all gross in some way that I'm missing? Is it creepy to remove makeup from photos but not creepy to remove earrings?

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What do we call the Lemmy version of a subreddit?

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Thank you

You've got the spirit though

Our cops do it during armed stand offs. Sometimes they have a special vehicle that rips out the wall. Murica!

Not a good look when something as solid as the ten commandments doesn't line up between groups with similar beliefs.

Might make some folks want to look under the hood. That certainly won't increase church attendance.

No no. That's from the old testament. Those rules don't count anymore now that there is the new testament.

realizes ten commandments are from the old testament

This was done by the jews. I always knew they controlled everything.

Wait. Was it really weed that she was vaping? I assumed it was a tobacco product.

Already went under, so it's either rotting in a warehouse, being sold at clearance prices, or already in a landfill.


Don't you fucking move

A homeless guy slept in public too many times, and the police decided to arrest him.

They handcuffed and chained him then drove fast and slammed the brakes on purpose with him in the back of the van. That broke his neck - paralyzing him from the neck down. Both legs needed to be amputated as well.

For falling asleep in a grass lot...

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The Republican Senate broke the judicial system under Trump. They blocked Obama from appointing judges and then when Trump was in office they appointed TONS of their own shitty, unqualified judges.

Trump literally broke the NFL back around the 80s. Nobody would sell him a team because all the real billionaire owners hated him. He started a second league so he could have a team, poached players, and then broke both leagues on purpose. It's been a while so the details are fuzzy, but I believe they had to cut a season short or even skip a season. He fucks everything up, and at least half the time it's on purpose.

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Most people can't escape. It's very hard to become a citizen of another country. Plan B should not be where to live. But we definitely should have a plan B.

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Ok but what race is the mayor? Based on Baltimore that seems to be really important in situations like this.

Waiters today make $2.13 an hour in my state.

Besides. Ukraine gave up nukes because we promised to protect them. There's a tremendous cost to going back on our word for soooo many reasons.

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Would have had to nuke the filibuster to make it where they could pack the court. That required yes votes from all Democratic senators (only because not a single fucking Republican would vote for it), and Manchin and Sinema refused to do it.

Nothing Biden could have done. We needed more Democrats in Senate seats. That's the game though. Republicans do their best to make us feel like voting doesn't matter, then we don't turn up - making it easier for Republicans to say the government doesn't work.

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renews passport

Not enough geese were harmed in the making of this jacket

Put it like this. I was so mad about losing Sync that I downloaded the reddit app just to give it a 1 star review and then delete it.

When I downloaded the official reddit app, I found that I had already given it a 1 star review a year or two before this whole situation.

The official app is and has always been garbage.

If the ruling went the other way those judges would be receiving death threats. Conservatives are not playing by the same rules as the rest of us. Something needs to change.

Coming soon to an America near you

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Pelosi could whip votes like no other. Dems had razor thin margins and she'd make sure shit still got done.

I love AOC but it makes perfect sense that one of the most liberal members was less happy under Pelosi. She forced compromise from the most liberal and most conservative members of the democratic party because otherwise they'd never have the votes to do anything at all.

Look at the Republicans struggling with a few votes to spare. Pelosi had that shit on lock.

I don't report things I disagree with, but I type long responses and usually delete before sending so ha! That will show them.

The staff was shooting the prop gun. That's how live ammo ended up in that gun.

But like... How the fuck was that something that was allowed. I think that is the question.

I see Alec responsible as a producer, not as an actor. He should be no more or less responsible than any other producer involved UNLESS his role somehow was more related to guns/safety than other producers.

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Agreed and I still think there is value in doing it.

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It's somebody's cat pic they posted to Reddit a couple years ago. This cat is my spirit animal.

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Then why isn't London full of homemade guns? If it's not the availability of guns, then what is the reason the US has so many shootings?

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