Anvil Lavigne

3 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i really wanted to like, type out a long comment about how this is giving me hope, but it's getting all scrambled in my head. i appreciate you & am happy for you, friend.

right. it's not all fake, but the size of the sub is wildly disproportionate to the statistics we have on detransitioners (some of whom will ultimately choose to transition again, which is not reflected by the stats).

don't care if it sounds silly, Dark Souls literally saved my life. was going through Some Shit™ & it was easy for me to take the game as a metaphor for depression; it's not over unless you give up.

i don't play it as often as i maybe should, but it's definitely the game that's stuck with me the most.

gotta love how they're never too young to be traumatised by the experience of growing up in a rapidly changing body that will never feel like their own (:

the userbase of r/detrans prolly consists of actual detransitioners to the same extent that the userbase of r/teenagers consists of actual teenagers.

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oh, look, it's one of these again.

Avril is a clone, actually, but they liked her version better than mine. "too experimental & loud & abrasive," they said.

please take your reactionary bs elsewhere

unfortunately my trans balls already occupy an eternal pit of existential despair u___u

it gets better the longer u look at it

Neil "Scary Trousers" Gaiman

i used to think it was okay for me to say as i'm disabled. what i noticed, though, is that my doing so 1) communicated to my abled peers that it's okay for them to say as well & 2) made me appear as a pick-me; i was perceived as "one of the good ones."

the r-slur has been causing a very visceral reaction in me for years & i will continue to report each & every instance of it.

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It communicates “you aren’t disabled, you have no excuse for acting like it, start choosing to use the fully functional brain you have”.

look, if this doesn't make you see how it's a shitty thing to say, i don't think anyone else can help you understand.

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there's the initial sting, yeah, but it'll subside once my brain remembers the context. when used in a bigoted way, the feeling sticks for a while.

fuck off, you don't get to hop on a high horse here. you don't get to turn it around when you're straight up refusing to reflect on your own behaviour. i'm sure you think you're being very clever, but i can guarantee what you're doing right now is such common bigot behaviour that the people in this thread see right through it.

you feel like you should be allowed to use a slur. extremely weird, but alright. the people around you will, however, react accordingly. you're not special.

kiitos, kun olet ❤

people were literally criticising the game so much on all the Diablo-related r/'s that i had to unsub from each one. like, yeah, it got good ratings, but if anything, that only served to further incense the ones displeased.

there was a lot of stupid, toxic bs, for sure, but there were also players dipping out before the first season even began -- myself included. like, this is just me, obviously, but D4 at launch was straight up the most let down i've ever been by a game.

for brevity's sake, i gotta say that season 4 made me wanna give D4 another shot. & you know, it's fun now, but there are still elements to it that make me want to scream & that's not gonna change, because it's all a part of their vision for the core experience of the game.

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yeah, thoughts & prayers to the cops for turning another peaceful protest violent.

maybe approach the subject again once you're done slobbering on pig pp.

i get where you're coming from, i believe, but i don't mean the, well, "treadmill," specifically. there were players testing D4 extensively & finding out that 1) some mechanics, while baffling, appeared to be working as intended (necro minion behaviour, for one) & 2) some mechanics were not working as intended (armor chief among them, IIRC). add to this the monetisation, lack of content, dungeon / map design & a whole bunch of other things people had legitimate problems with from the get-go... well. i mean. i know kind of a silly amount of people with a long history with Blizzard / Diablo, some of whom i wouldn't feel weird calling Blizzard fanboys. not a single one picked up the game at all. like, not that my peers are the alpha & omega; i just kinda hadn't thought about this much before, but it's bizarre how many friends & relatives i was sure would eat up anything by Blizzard just straight up ignored the game. again, it's not really about the treadmill as much as like, just old-fashioned word of mouth, i think. it didn't take long at all for Blizzard to post their "so, uh, things are gonna change" damage control video, which to me says they know they messed up (for what it's worth), when everyone & their dog were reporting on the game selling a buttillion copies only a little while before.

i believe i may have been coming on a bit strong. apologies. i don't at all mean to be saying that D4 was overwhelmingly criticised by everyone, just that the reception seemed to be mixed enough where two people could have an entirely different view of it, depending on the environment. you know? there were people who were primed to hate it no matter what, absolutely, but also a veritable mountain of legitimate critique that i don't want to be dismissed, because the game was not ready for launch. the "beta testing" showed as much, but of course, it was already too late to change anything. & you know, what boils my piss is, there were folks saying, "have fun with a year's worth of beta testing you paid for." because they were right. they shouldn't have been right about this. this shouldn't be happening.

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"it's always midnight somewhere."

just wanted to say that today's been crappy & seeing this reference made me feel a lil better.

we literally had a high-ranking cop running a criminal empire on the side.

yeah, okay. all i'm saying is, parts of the internet were practically incandescent with negativity towards the game, a not insignificant amount of which had to do with the base mechanics. like, there are content creators currently reporting on how season 4 is turning things around, which wouldn't be noteworthy if the game hadn't been hemorrhaging players almost immediately after launch.

D4 released to "wide acclaim" where the critics are concerned, yes, but a sizable portion of the audience clearly didn't agree. like, the game was practically a meme until recently.

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glad to be of service, friend!

Aquaman's on a horse.

You Can (Not) Advance

Finn here. this is & always has been straight up misinformation. all cops are, in fact, bastards, so our cops too are committing heinous acts, albeit on a smaller scale than in the US. the system isn't magically not rotten elsewhere.

also, lol.

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lmao this is such a slimebag thing to say. whether or not you find my opinion valid is irrelevant, because that's not what this is about. like, why respond at all if you're so unwilling to engage with what is actually being said?

the only thing you're combating is being perceived as a reasonable person.

explaining the joke ruins the joke

no, like, their comment was chock-full of good stuff & that's what you decide to focus on? apologies for the "no u," but like, come on.

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yeah you're cis alright

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