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Joined 2 months ago

Drink verification can

20 gallons a year isn't much at all.

"Man reasonably consumes cheese" isn't as catchy I suppose.

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We've already established that. Now we're just haggling about the price.

I think they are for checkout convenience. That's why they're so thin, don't mess up the weight.

It was made by Hollywood for Hollywood.

Congrats on chasing down a decade-old bug!

Love the huge programming capabilities built into Excel itself but for everything else it's AutoHotKey FTW. I have a bunch of macros tied to the F keys along the top of the keyboard that can fill out any number of forms with a couple key presses.

stone/non-glazed ceramic works ok because it's porous and absorbs the condensation. These look like glazed ceramic which won't work well. In high humidity environments there's so much water the coaster will start to stick to the glass or it'll spill off onto the surface you are trying to protect, it's just not ideal.

Best coasters I've found are rubber with a felt/fabric insert. They never move or stick to the glass and the felt has enough surface area to evaporate the water.

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Proper keming would fix that.

It's environment dependent. I could use them in the winter when it's not very warm or humid.

But in the summer with the windows open a glass of ice water has a ton of condensation around it like the glass is leaking almost. Went through almost all types, plain plastic squares, then to cork, then to stone and finally the felt which actually work.

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Nah, that's a hotbox. Unless you're a woman and only smoking with other women. Then it would be a clambake hotbox.

Definitely, I'm assuming you drink that hot and hot drinks don't generate condensation. All you need is a heat barrier and ceramic is great for that no matter what kind of finish it has.

It may be dumb but it's been a proven concept repeatedly. Apple proves this every day. Designer clothes prove this.

And you'd be wrong. Triton subs have the only full-ocean-depth commercially rated submersible. It literally has no depth rating, it safe in any part of the ocean. And not just once. Repeatedly.

Check out the stupid mistakes that were made with OceanGate - https://www.engineering.com/story/potential-structural-reasons-for-the-titan-submersible-failure

"You’re remembered for the rules you break. And I’ve broken some rules to make this. The carbon fiber and titanium? There’s a rule you don’t do that. Well, I did.”

There were several people who quit working with OceanGate because their failure would paint all submersibles with a bad reputation. And thanks to morons like you and Stockton, they were right.

Hah, in the title photo with all the PCs, the far-right black case is what I'm still using at home. Ripped out a lot of the 2.5" drive bays to fit my GPU.

OMG. Did you know you have germs on you RIGHT NOW!?

Better drink bleach to take care of the germs internally too, just to be safe.

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Love an Invader Zim reference.

...isn't that reading?

Those contracts are predetermined anyway. It's all part of the scam of for-profit prisons.

It's supposed to be, dude is pulling a thorn or something out of it's paw.

One day toward evening, when he was seated with the brethren to hear the sacred lessons read, a lion suddenly limped into the monastery. The other monks fled at the sight of the beast, but Jerome greeted him as a guest. The lion showed him his wounded foot, and Jerome called the brothers and ordered them to wash the animal’s feet and to dress the wound carefully. When they set about doing this, they found that the paw had been scratched and torn by thorns. They did what was necessary, and the lion recovered, lost all his wildness, and lived among the monks like a house pet.

The 'water' is the 'contamination'.

You're worried about a water balloon while standing under a waterfall.

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That's how you build natural immunity.

You think you're not exposed to germs constantly? If the germs are on your hands they are also already on your face.

You'd think germ theory hasn't been discovered since fucking 1762.

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Touch grass.

That’s why you should only ask interviewees empirical questions that can identify whether or not they have the requisite knowledge to do the job.

Hol up. ThAt sOuNds LiKe RaCisM!

Schools used to have shooting ranges built into them. And school shootings weren't a problem. Kids are more than capable of being responsible around firearms.

The only reason you're gunphobic is because you've been brainwashed.

Can't have the plebs accessing alternative viewpoints. They must only consume the dogma preached by the troon brigade.

Because Sundar Pichai is woke. Nice try at gashlighting though.

"I share that feeling and especially regret that this happened during Pride month when we should be celebrating the incredible LGBTQ+ community you all have built at Google." https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/12/18663017/google-ceo-sundar-pichai-lgbtq-employees-letter-harassment

and attack anyone who goes through the door with whatever you can throw

Gee, it's almost like having a deadly weapon that can be wielded by almost anyone, and would do an excellent job at protecting those children, would be a good idea.

Naw, let the children fight off bullets with books and paperweights. Life's a bitch - no sense in coddling them.

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The anti-gun propaganda isn't even clever. It's completely transparent that it's not about safety at all.

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There are no leftists. Only liberals pretending they're something they're not. Humm, why does that sounds familiar?

Capitalists are people. People will always corrupt a system for personal gain. Which is why communism is such a silly idea. It's always immediately corrupted. Capitalism assumes people are corrupt and has provided the greatest standard of living in history. It saved China.


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Let not forget Biden specifically campaigned for more gun laws.

Whatever you call them, pretending that now, suddenly, they're 'bad laws' is yet another example of how The Left(tm) says one thing then does another. Without double-standards they'd have none at all.

Or not at all, because they’re bad laws

Fucking lol. ALL leftist claim they want more gun laws. But for Hunter "they're bad laws".

What a joke. Democracy is dead, Democrats killed it. (then blamed white men)

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I’m not American,

Then your opinion is irrelevant.

Lol, you think regulation and moderation aren't poison themselves.

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AOC is dumber than a sack of bricks. Where are the business collusion charges then?

The gun charges should have been brought years ago, this is such an obvious attention redirection it's pathetic. But then the people who listen to mold like AOC don't have any brain cells either.

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Problem is, gun are useful.
They protect our children.
They protect our food supply.
They protect our freedom.

And people have been killing each other for centuries before guns were invented. Thinking that guns are the reason for death is clearly propaganda. But you all know that. I'm just here to point out what actual reality looks like. Since none of you have ever touched grass.

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