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Joined 1 years ago

Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games

No wheezing the juice!

Iron Man 2.

I've got DVD-ROM drives in my desktop PC and my old laptop that I use for playing videos while I exercise and a USB Blu-Ray drive that I can use in anything else. You'll get my disc caddies when you pry them from my cold dead hands.

Make your choice, adventurous Stranger.
Click the pic and bide the danger
Or wonder, 'til it drives you mad
What would have followed if you had

He can't deal with that right now.

It takes a child to raze a village.

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The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human - sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot.

A TARDIS console.

When there's no robots nearby to protect you from the Terrible Secret of Space.

OutRun was 16-bit.

The thing is, they don't even have to lose all their developers. They just have to lose enough so that introductory gamedev classes start being taught in Godot, indie devs start seeing Godot as a viable option and employers start posting listings looking for Godot experience. Unity was the default engine for lower-budget games for years, and now that's gone.

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Nobody expects the Spanish recognition!

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"We're sorry that you aren't happy with the tent. The tent shown in the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make. We aren't planning on doing anything about it."

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It's got layers.

Your bio-engineered tooth and cybernetic tooth would have to battle to the death.

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The desks in Skyrim are just clouds embedded in the ground and recoloured.

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How is Biden disappointing? Before he became President he gave every indication of being yet another appeasement-oriented centrist, but he's actually gotten a surprising amount done. Biden has ended up being far better than I expected him to be.

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It's amazing the hoops people will jump through to deal with Windows' bullshit but the moment Linux presents the slightest obstacle they write it off as "too hard to use."

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I go out of my way to find components that don't have RGB lighting on them. When I use my computer, I want to be looking at the screens (the two-monitor part is true,) not the case.

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I remember when they found it in the Delta Quadrant.

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In the original series we often saw Thing's arm when it turned the pages on Lurch's music. It wasn't depicted as being cut off at the wrist until the movie.

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The thing is, Reddit doesn't allow subs to run unmoderated, so IIRC there were instances where they'd kick out the moderators for not re-opening and then have to close the sub again for being unmoderated.

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Shalom was never an option.

Hopefully this will make the "Show context" links work again.

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Most of the cloud runs Linux.

Reddit traffic dropped by about 3%

That was in June, before the third-party apps stopped working. Numbers for July aren't in yet.

From the SMB2 manual from 1988.

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It's not for them, it's for all the other people who read this thread.

Does Ukraine really want a bunch of guns of different makes and models that accept different types of ammunition? That seems like it'd be more of a hinderance than a help, logistically.

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Remember when forums would let you put unsanitized HTML in your signature and people exploited it to flood them with pop ups and redirects? Lemmy's bringing that back, too!

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David Letterman had jury duty once and wouldn't shut up about it for several episodes of his show (he actually liked it.)

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Just do npm install isEven and don't worry about it.

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Mine only renders on moebius strips.

Is the guy on the right a JoJo character?

And the Leafs can't even get one.

We just went three days without pooping. Let us have this.

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Lemmy Printer Ink