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Joined 2 weeks ago

Supposedly theres a porn star from the '90/00's that had a club foot. Super hot, but always had the one foot out of the frame or covered.

Probably "folk lore" but what you said reminded me of that.

Thank you. Yeah I'm not trying to change any minds here haha. I know she's the baddie.

What exactly was turned around on me? Do you even understand what you're saying?

nt but as soon as it’s turned around on you it’s suddenly some stupid baby saying for babies.

You mean stupid baby sayings like Stay Mad, Liberal and Libs in a nutshell. Lmao

... that was created using your mother's soul!

Or some shit. Lol

I'm more afraid of a smarter asshole. Trump's the starting gun.

He was a kid, after all.

This is embarrassing

I've never looked at the Uncle movie with John Candy in this way before. Not sure what to think.

I like the discussion. Obviously I'm not dying on any hills here. I just think it's worth looking at the movie in a different pov. Thank you.

I've been on the other side, as a patient.

Edit. I think she did want the best for everyone. Even during the climatic scene. She just didn't know what else to do, and using his mother as a form of pressure, while definitely wrong in hindsight, was really all she had left at the time. Don't forget that scene is the morning after they all threw a party and everyone was basically drunk, including staff.

I also recommend reading the book. It's really good.

I think she was just extremely fed up with the bullshit by the time that happened. Obviously it was a bad decision, I'm not going to defend the belittling.

That's seriously your response, are you four years old?

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The movie takes place in a different time, just to be clear.

The patient in question was faking being crazy. Acted out and challenged her every single day. He even snuck all of the patients out of the hospital, stole a bus and a boat, and went off on everyone for shits and giggles at every opportunity.

Of course I don't agree with the lobotomy. But he was pushing real damn hard for it.

He was also a jail jumper. They put him in that ward to finally get rid him.

Ratchet was fine giving them their meds every day, and being the only nurse in charge of doing meetings and everything else, until he showed up and instigated everything.

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This is why you're being downvoted so much. Both of these men have been president for four years. There isn't any question of who would do what or who's capable of what. You've obviously not been paying any attention for the last eight years.

It's all documented. You can look all of it up on any number of websites both official and unofficial.

The summary of presidential powers is great. But you're incredibly naive with everything else.

Oh boy, you really "got me on that one".

Holy shit, you can speak English!

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Right right. I too like to ignore bills that have been passed and who passed them 🙄

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Well, I commend you on learning English as a second language. But your statement is shortsighted.

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That'll never happen. But I think you're right. The instant goodwill would be enormous.

Have they even bothered with the next "rising star" at all?

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You lost me on that one. What?

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No. Unfortunately there's two of them.

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True. I wouldn't be a politician if you begged me. I've worked for one before. It's a nightmare.

It's also a huge problem, since most people won't do it either.

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Nurse Ratchet. Lady was just trying to do her job.

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What does being disabled have to do it?

They love the drama, that's what's happening.

I'm usually wrong about important things, so I'm going to stick with it'll never happen lol

Do you mean because they don't want to change anything anymore?

Your wording is very strange, sorry.

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He did win the primary in states that had them. There's no if about it. Unfortunately.

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Probably when the software isn't malware.
But in this case it is.

The problem with Biden is they gave it to him because "he deserved it". Life long politician. Vice president. That's the only real reason the DNC handed the keys to him. It's a fucking job promotion.

The next election cycle is going to be interesting.

Were you literally born yesterday? He's already been president.

They're kids that like confrontation. They don't actually have any agenda other than "this hexbear user said to follow this!" And they jump on it. The next day could be a completely different stance on the subject.

Interesting. Well, I'll defer to your experience then since you seem to know more than me. Thank you.

All you gotta do it hang the shirts up, guys. That's it. Gravity is nature's iron.

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Very nice, thank you

I don't want Boeing to face charges. I want the people in charge of Boeing to.

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Steam just had a 90% off sale from an entire publisher. Right now, looking at the stores front page there is
86% off a call of the wild
70% off hell pie.
90% off dragon age.
85% off a worms game.
75% off blasphemous.
90% off another dragon age game.
80% off kingdom Come.
75% off riders Republic.
90% off team17 games.

You're yelling at clouds, old man.

Are they even going to cut mics? There's got to be high odds betting they won't.

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Hang your clothes in the closet.

It's the new toy everyone is playing with.
That's the only way I can rationalize it. It's not money, cuz everything being done with in a product blows.

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