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Joined 12 months ago

He doesn't change his pick. He just divides his decision into an infinite field of points, moving half of them to door #2, allowing him to fully choose both doors.

You either know how magnets work or you don't. There is no in-between.

Fuck that, instead of making them increase their imaginary "up to" numbers, make them advertise contractually guaranteed minimums. Id rather have a 25 mb minimum over a 100 mb maximum that usually sits around 8 mb.

I'm just waiting for the day some corporation sends out a press release that says "lol, you got me bro."

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Well those laws clearly don't work. So we should make new laws! Ones that DEFINITELY WILL work! And if they don't, well I guess we just need more laws until we find ones that do.

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Pro tip: every phone is a folding phone if you try hard enough.

Bro was living the sovcit dream but wanted more.

I don't think it ever "goes away," it just refines over time, like a fine wine.

I think you're a bit off track. scale accuracy has been a subject of careful scrutiny for millenia. You absolutely have to use the right tool for the job. A kitchen scale is not the right tool for the job. It would be like complaining that you can't take your car's lug nuts off with a pipe wrench.

You can eat gluten-free, vegan, etc without eating like a hipster. That was @pixxelkick's whole point. Actual hamburger patties are gluten-free.

Sky burial!

The most generic strategy is "do what you can do better than them and their natural predators." In virtually any situation, that's going to be tool use. You may be entering without a weapon, but sticks, stones, sand, doors, trash cans, the clothes on your back or anything you can get your hands on can put you at an advantage. You'd have to be in a pretty sterile arena to truly have nothing available.

If you're particularly fit, you may be able to best most animals in a test of endurance: do everything to delay the clash and keep them moving, and they'll grow hot and exhausted faster than you will.

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At first I was like "good luck finding that female semen..." Then I realized I'm just dumb.

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Millenial with a manual: you can pull off incredible feats while driving a stick with the right combination of knees and bad decisions.

I know this comments wasn't written by percussion gang because it isn't in crayon and it uses words.

The phrase "for some reason" is used here to mean "I think it's a dumb idea"

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What are you talking about? All it took to stop a crazed murderer was one good guy with a gun!

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The ATF is.

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No, but 100 years ago, you could buy actual machine guns out of the sears catalog. No background check, no ID. Just a money order and postage on delivery.

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The math doesn't really work out for gravity batteries. A fifteen ton block dropping 100 feet releases about a kwh of energy.

Or you could just have $150 worth of lithium batteries.

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Worked himself to death, the only manly way to go.

I see somebody used Gemini image generation...

Somebody mixed up the whitelist and blacklist.

Likely liability... Saying "X" puts you in the way of more lawsuits than "so-and-so says 'X'"

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People take offense to using adjectives describing a group of people as a noun. For example "the black community" or "people who are gay" describe a subset (describe a portion of the overall community,) whereas "the blacks" or "the gays" describe a distinct set (and imply that group as an "other")

B.3. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests).

Excel is a highly structured environment that follows strict rules and procedures to generate outcomes, often sorting and making sense of "messy" inputs. Prime candidate for an ASD hobby/obsession.

It's a practical line that has to be drawn. Otherwise your going to have to go for a background check for every pin screw and spring you want to buy.

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Don't forget to COMMIT WAR CRIMES AGAINST the bell and IRREPARABLY VIOLATE that like button!

Only shell knows that the Earth's atmosphere has a built-in CO2 counter, and by rolling it over climate change can be resolved!

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Lol, thinking that the naturopathic shit isnt sitting on the same shelves with almost identical packaging to real medicine.

"Victims furious after Weinstein rape conviction overturned. Bragg committed to retrying case"

No, I'm not criticizing the bill's content. If you don't enforce laws, new ones won't work either. The new ones are, at best, an opportunity for people to huff and puff and pat themselves on the back at the cost of actual victims. At worst, it's smoke and mirrors for what the new law actually does.

Buttery males!

This may not be the slam dunk you think it is. To the best of my understanding, the current coverage under title vii for gender and sexuality has only been extended so far as "would this behaviour be unacceptable for the opposite sex?"

Florida could argue (within the scope of existing supreme Court decisions) that the use of certain "new" titles are never acceptable, regardless of the person's sex.

As written, the rule is illegal, but it could possibly be upheld in the context of this specific case.

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The money will purchase more than 2,700 vehicles to shuttle 7 million students in 37 states

Big buses...

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Not allergies, botulism

Bread's numbers appear to be for veinous air embolism. A much smaller embolism can kill you in other areas... 2 cc in cerebral, 0.5 cc in the coronary artery.

I have been reading this for hours and I can't figure out if I'm too boomer, too zoomer, or just too stupid to understand.

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